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The Non-Prophets 19.08 2020-05-2 with Denis Loubet, Jim Barrows, Johnny

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Hosts: Denis Loubet, Jim Barrow, & Johnny P Angel

Email: radio@atheist-community.org
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/ACAProductions
Patreon: patreon.com/TheNonProphets


News: Are Church Shutdowns Legal Or Gross Infringements On Religious Freedom?
By William Duncan, in The Federalist - April 23, 2020
Link: https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/23/are-church-shutdowns-legal-or-gross-infringements-on-religious-freedom/

"...authorities are shutting down churches, and pastors are being arrested. What does the law say about all of this? ...religious freedom is being tossed around... Some defiant pastors have held large gatherings, while some government officials have threatened to permanently close churches that won’t comply with stay-at-home orders."


News: Anti-vaxxers will fight the eventual coronavirus vaccine. Here’s how to stop them.
By Jennifer Reich and Alan Levinovitz, in Washington Post - April 29, 2020
Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/04/29/anti-vaxxers-will-fight-eventual-coronavirus-vaccine-heres-how-stop-them/

"Central to our hope of returning to life as normal is the possibility of a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that is causing covid-19...It seems as if everyone would be on board...Yet the race for a vaccine and the techniques being used to manufacture it are bound to activate some familiar fears."



"David" with The Last Reformation, "casting out demons", protecting people from coronavirus


Email: From T.Radecki of Atheistisch Verbond ("Atheist Covenant"), The Netherlands

"The subject (of metaphysics) mainly keeps popping up in conversations with my catholic uncle...Asking him if he considers paranormal or supernatural things as part of metaphysics...It looks like he claims victory over 'materialism' because he can point to things like feelings and platonic concepts and the sorts."

"Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics"
by Immanuel Kant, published 1783
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolegomena_to_Any_Future_Metaphysics


Email: From Chuck, AZ

"When theists are asked, 'who made God?', an often used response is 'God is a necessary being.' Why does no one ever ask, 'who designed necessity?' If God is the designer of all things, he must have designed the need for himself. This seems like circular reasoning. Or is he just lucky that necessity works as it does?"


======== Topics cut for time ========

News: From "flat Earth" to climate change denial, kids are deluged with fake science. Now teachers are fighting back.
By Ines Novacic / CBS News - March 5, 2020
Link: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/flat-earth-climate-change-conspiracies-students-teachers-war-on-science-cbsn-originals/

"To combat misinformation online and help teachers who don't have easy access to professional development for teaching climate change and evolution, the National Center for Science Education launched a program designed to promote effective science communication skills."


News: The Untold Truth: Control or Destroy?, part 1 of 3
By Joy Kuo, www.cultscults.com ( Education on Cults and Undue Influence Sponsored by Thinking Agenda, LLC)
Link: https://cultscults.com/2019/03/12/the-untold-truth-control-or-destroy%ef%bb%bf/

"Several years ago I...joined Kosmic Fusion...and (I went) from being a caring and innocent individual...to be this beat-down girl that is scared of everything...share my story here."


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