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Goodbye Jesus

Joe Rogan talking with Evolutionary biologist about religions/cults


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The biologist seems to make the case for religion being an important evolutionary help to people, or the religion would fade to nothing. 


I made the following comment. Times at the beginning of statements are when someone just made a point in the video.


My feedback based on 30 years of fundamentalist belief that ended 12 years ago:


2:40 But the message of oneness from DMT bears no resemblance at all to the religious rules that Moses is said to have delivered. There are two versions of the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:2-17, Exodus 34:12-26) and neither has any resemblance to what is experienced via DMT. And the modern church seems more directed by wild conspiracy theories that they regard as fact than by the words of Jesus about selling all you have and giving to the poor, and being kind even to your enemies. There are exceptions, of course.


8:24 But religion didn't last because it brought benefit to the adherents, but was enforced by those in power as a means of control. Religions are typically a system of control. It does this quite effectively for many cultures, particularly when those in charge of the army demand that the religion be obeyed (often because they say that their god will punish the nation if they tolerate you being disobedient). Add on the requirement to give money to the church, and it steadily became richer. And after a while, the church became an expected part of the culture, and its god became the default god for those people. Add in plural sex like in early Mormonism, and people will happily flock to it.


19:24 Power structures like religion and other businesses protect those in charge, so the allegedly self-correcting mechanisms only work if those in charge are embarrassed or inconvenienced by the code violations. Accuse them of corruption and they will vilify you, historically they would torture you, and you end up being seen as an agent of the devil instead of exposing corruption. The flock tend to see the priests as holy, and excuse rape by blaming the victims (and there are millions of victims).


21:49 Looking at the success of religion as "it cannot be an evolutionary error" but some kind of help to the people in general again ignores the cozy connection between religion and political power. The fact that our nation has a religious motto, and pastors of a single religion are allowed to give the required invocation of a god before Congress, should serve as clues that religion and power go hand in hand. It isn't successful because of an evolutionary benefit to the populace, but because it is inexorably tied to political power, regardless of the nation. People cling to it out of superstitious fears, and sadly vote based on those same superstitious fears.




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^^^ What Fuego said.

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