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A former Muslim tells how 2 Coptic Christians healed his mortally ill cousin - if God does not exist, how is it possible?

A person who tells his story before converting to Christianity beat up a Christian classmate with the intention of killing him along with other Muslims and left him to bleed out. When they returned, he was gone. Then he went to Egypt (after he had converted) and suddenly met the person he thought he had killed - alive. It turned out that this person was still praying for the ex-Muslim who hurt him. And the title of the video says, "I murdered him for Allah, but God raised him to forgive me."


My question: do these people make up their stories? And if so, how do you know that they are inventing and not telling the truth? How to find out?

I know that I have already touched on similar threads, but here it is also about something else: too much synchronicity for it to be an invented lie: for example, suddenly a person goes to Egypt and meets a Christian there, whom he previously killed. This Christian has been praying for this person all the time, and he also suddenly meets this person in Egypt.


If this were to be a fabricated lie then the entire channel (One for Israel) would have to be based on guesswork, deception and vivid imagination - then why are they winning their faithful? If these are a lie, then Christians cannot be trusted, nor can anyone else, because miraculous events also happen in the lives of unbelievers. Besides, why would someone make it up when this event changed his life?


I'm sorry, I'm annoying and I realize it, but I don't know how to react to such things, especially since my friend who is a Christian has contacted me recently and I'm already waiting for him to start telling me his wonderful stories, and I have no idea what to answer him ..... On the one hand I am skeptical and I think: maybe someone has heard something similar and discovered that something is wrong with it? On the other hand, I feel anxious that this might be true and that is how God is trying to speak to me ...


Recently I read about the myth of Jesus, but this video touched me a bit, because if someone experiences such "miraculous" events in life, and Jesus does not exist, these events indicate that someone like God must exist, then I read atheistic arguments and think: no Well, there are contradictions in the Bible, Yahveh may have come from an earlier deity El, something is wrong here - but someone has experienced this God! Someone has been resurrected and has had wonderful synchronicities in life. Well, maybe agnostics and atheists were wrong?


How did you come to the point that such videos do not move you and you may not worry about them, and even though I read various arguments or even started taking days off from all this, as soon as I see something like this video, I start to fear that the Christians can be right?


In addition, I found a page where there are many people's testimonies of how God helped them in their lives. I felt even more anxious because browsing this website and reading about what these people were doing (e.g. modeling something that interests me, and God pulled someone out of it, something like that), I feel condemned for my life. How is it that so many people think that Jesus helped them or that Jesus changed their lives when in fact there is no one or there is no good evidence for him? Who then helped them? What this is about?:




I feel condemned because I cannot return to this religion, I do not want and I cannot imagine my life as a Christian, guessing what God wants and what God does not want from me, constantly sacrificing himself and living not his own life, but turning into Jesus, and I do not feel free to the life I wanted to live and I am afraid that I will never be free again, because such stories haunt me and the fact that only in Jesus is fulfilled and he changed the life of so many people, and I cannot convince myself somehow. thinking about her Christianity, she had a trauma ...


Please help, whatever, and sorry if this topic is too similar to the previous ones.

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Aibao, I think I will start answering all your posts with this question.  Have you contacted  recoveringfromreligion.org?

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23 hours ago, Aibao said:

How did you come to the point that such videos do not move you and you may not worry about them, and even though I read various arguments or even started taking days off from all this, as soon as I see something like this video, I start to fear that the Christians can be right?


Simple.  I don't believe in the supernatural at all, and therefore I have assessed the probability at 0.00.  I have no fear of hell and believe with 100% certainty that the Christian testimonials are arrant nonsense and not to be taken seriously.

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There are YouTube videos claiming that the Earth is flat, Aibao.


Does this mean that the Earth really is flat?


If your answer to this question is No, then why do you believe what is being claimed in your video is true?


Is everything posted on YouTube true?

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On 5/31/2022 at 2:27 PM, Aibao said:





A former Muslim tells how 2 Coptic Christians healed his mortally ill cousin - if God does not exist, how is it possible?

A person who tells his story before converting to Christianity beat up a Christian classmate with the intention of killing him along with other Muslims and left him to bleed out. When they returned, he was gone. Then he went to Egypt (after he had converted) and suddenly met the person he thought he had killed - alive. It turned out that this person was still praying for the ex-Muslim who hurt him. And the title of the video says, "I murdered him for Allah, but God raised him to forgive me."


My question: do these people make up their stories? And if so, how do you know that they are inventing and not telling the truth? How to find out?

I know that I have already touched on similar threads, but here it is also about something else: too much synchronicity for it to be an invented lie: for example, suddenly a person goes to Egypt and meets a Christian there, whom he previously killed. This Christian has been praying for this person all the time, and he also suddenly meets this person in Egypt.


If this were to be a fabricated lie then the entire channel (One for Israel) would have to be based on guesswork, deception and vivid imagination - then why are they winning their faithful? If these are a lie, then Christians cannot be trusted, nor can anyone else, because miraculous events also happen in the lives of unbelievers. Besides, why would someone make it up when this event changed his life?


I'm sorry, I'm annoying and I realize it, but I don't know how to react to such things, especially since my friend who is a Christian has contacted me recently and I'm already waiting for him to start telling me his wonderful stories, and I have no idea what to answer him ..... On the one hand I am skeptical and I think: maybe someone has heard something similar and discovered that something is wrong with it? On the other hand, I feel anxious that this might be true and that is how God is trying to speak to me ...


Recently I read about the myth of Jesus, but this video touched me a bit, because if someone experiences such "miraculous" events in life, and Jesus does not exist, these events indicate that someone like God must exist, then I read atheistic arguments and think: no Well, there are contradictions in the Bible, Yahveh may have come from an earlier deity El, something is wrong here - but someone has experienced this God! Someone has been resurrected and has had wonderful synchronicities in life. Well, maybe agnostics and atheists were wrong?


How did you come to the point that such videos do not move you and you may not worry about them, and even though I read various arguments or even started taking days off from all this, as soon as I see something like this video, I start to fear that the Christians can be right?


In addition, I found a page where there are many people's testimonies of how God helped them in their lives. I felt even more anxious because browsing this website and reading about what these people were doing (e.g. modeling something that interests me, and God pulled someone out of it, something like that), I feel condemned for my life. How is it that so many people think that Jesus helped them or that Jesus changed their lives when in fact there is no one or there is no good evidence for him? Who then helped them? What this is about?:




I feel condemned because I cannot return to this religion, I do not want and I cannot imagine my life as a Christian, guessing what God wants and what God does not want from me, constantly sacrificing himself and living not his own life, but turning into Jesus, and I do not feel free to the life I wanted to live and I am afraid that I will never be free again, because such stories haunt me and the fact that only in Jesus is fulfilled and he changed the life of so many people, and I cannot convince myself somehow. thinking about her Christianity, she had a trauma ...


Please help, whatever, and sorry if this topic is too similar to the previous ones.


"A former Muslim tells how 2 Coptic Christians healed his mortally ill cousin - if God does not exist, how is it possible?"


As we both know, highly unlikely things can and do happen by chance all the time. If the odds against it are 100 to one, it's out of the ordinary. If the odds are a million to one against it, it's almost unbelievable, If the odds are a billion to one or greater against it happening then you won the lottery, but such things do happen every day, don't they?


Hi Albao, You know I don't believe in miracles, but I know highly unlikely things happen every day.


with best regards to you.

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Yes Albao, I agree, it's a wonderful story. I too hope that most, or all of it is true. As you probably know however, that almost everyone in this forum would like there to be an all loving God, as you would like, and that everyone worthy would go to heaven or some kind of beautiful afterlife. But many or most of us here know that religion is just a bedtime story for little children and those that want to believe and follow beautiful fairy tales rather than science and logic that can be proven.


cheers again :)

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On 1.06.2022 at 06:11, Weezer said:

Aibao, myślę, że zacznę odpowiadać na wszystkie twoje posty tym pytaniem. Czy skontaktowałeś się z recoveryfromreligion.org?

Unfortunately, no, because from what I can see on this page, the contact is by phone and there is an appointment. And my English is not that good at speaking. By saying I can't even explain the basis of my problem ...😕

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On 2.06.2022 at 01:20, walterpthefirst said:

Są filmy na YouTube, które twierdzą, że Ziemia jest płaska, Aibao.


Czy to oznacza, że Ziemia naprawdę jest płaska?


Jeśli Twoja odpowiedź na to pytanie brzmi „Nie”, to dlaczego uważasz, że to, co jest przedmiotem roszczenia w Twoim filmie, jest prawdą?


Czy wszystko, co publikujesz na YouTube, jest prawdą?

Actually, I think the Earth is a ball. But if you would give me evidence and pictures of a flat Earth, maybe I would believe in a flat Earth? Additionally, if you told me that if I didn't believe in a flat Earth some mysterious leader of the flat Earth sect would chase and torture me, I would have considered the evidence for a flat Earth even more. Stupid, I know, but if you were scared by torture, wouldn't you try to believe it to save yourself from suffering and fear?

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On 2.06.2022 at 02:09, pantheory said:



„Były muzułmanin opowiada, jak dwóch koptyjskich chrześcijan uzdrowiło swojego śmiertelnie chorego kuzyna – jeśli Bóg nie istnieje, jak to możliwe?”


Jak oboje wiemy, wysoce nieprawdopodobne rzeczy mogą i zdarzają się przypadkowo przez cały czas. Jeśli szanse na to wynoszą 100 do jednego, jest to niezwykłe. Jeśli szanse na to są milion do jednego, to prawie niewiarygodne. Jeśli szanse na to są miliard do jednego lub więcej, to wygrałeś na loterii, ale takie rzeczy zdarzają się codziennie, prawda?


Cześć Albao, Wiesz, że nie wierzę w cuda, ale wiem, że codziennie zdarzają się bardzo mało prawdopodobne rzeczy.


z pozdrowieniami dla ciebie.

I began to look for testimonies of conversions and spiritual experiences from other religions to see if Christianity is really so unusual that it causes miraculous events and people are converted. I was amazed - it turns out that a man in India had a wonderful meeting with Krishna and had an experience of hearing prayers in a Hindu temple. I started looking further and found an interesting site that collects testimonies from various religions (including Islam, Christianity - various factions, Taoism - although it is not religion, Hinduism, Urantia, and even the spiritual experiences of non-believers):





After reviewing these things, Christianity ceased to seem so unusual for a while. But then this thought came:

If every religion has spiritual experiences and testimonies of conversion, is it possible that Jesus is the right answer after all, but that others in other religions do not recognize him because they are not God's chosen one and God has committed them to a false deception? This could explain Calvinism. But wait a minute, if you are not a Calvinist, you can explain your conversion to other religions through the actions of Satan, because Satan can also act as an angel of light.


I'm stuck. I am stuck in apologetic thoughts and anxiety that the Bible works here and the apologists might be right and I might be wrong. Additionally, when I read Hindu testimonies it seems so strange, suspicious, improbable and lying to me - but when I read Christian testimonies it is not - can my gut be that Christianity is real then?


I am also reminded of the words of a certain (Polish) creationist from the debate, who said something like that unbelievers know well that there is a biblical God, but they suppress the truth because they do not want him in their lives. I just felt that I could explain the truth, so Christian articles will seem true to me, and Hindu articles will seem false, because I know the truth subconsciously, but I prefer to reject it.


Sorry for having to read such things. I'm ashamed of myself, because at the same time I realize how silly I must sound for you now, but unfortunately yes, I'm like in a maze, I'm trying to get out, but there's no way out. I also want to know the truth (not suppress it), but the more I look, the more I get lost and worried. I am like a situation with no way out.....

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2 hours ago, Aibao said:

I began to look for testimonies of conversions and spiritual experiences from other religions to see if Christianity is really so unusual that it causes miraculous events and people are converted. I was amazed - it turns out that a man in India had a wonderful meeting with Krishna and had an experience of hearing prayers in a Hindu temple. I started looking further and found an interesting site that collects testimonies from various religions (including Islam, Christianity - various factions, Taoism - although it is not religion, Hinduism, Urantia, and even the spiritual experiences of non-believers):





After reviewing these things, Christianity ceased to seem so unusual for a while. But then this thought came:

If every religion has spiritual experiences and testimonies of conversion, is it possible that Jesus is the right answer after all, but that others in other religions do not recognize him because they are not God's chosen one and God has committed them to a false deception? This could explain Calvinism. But wait a minute, if you are not a Calvinist, you can explain your conversion to other religions through the actions of Satan, because Satan can also act as an angel of light.


I'm stuck. I am stuck in apologetic thoughts and anxiety that the Bible works here and the apologists might be right and I might be wrong. Additionally, when I read Hindu testimonies it seems so strange, suspicious, improbable and lying to me - but when I read Christian testimonies it is not - can my gut be that Christianity is real then?


I am also reminded of the words of a certain (Polish) creationist from the debate, who said something like that unbelievers know well that there is a biblical God, but they suppress the truth because they do not want him in their lives. I just felt that I could explain the truth, so Christian articles will seem true to me, and Hindu articles will seem false, because I know the truth subconsciously, but I prefer to reject it.


Sorry for having to read such things. I'm ashamed of myself, because at the same time I realize how silly I must sound for you now, but unfortunately yes, I'm like in a maze, I'm trying to get out, but there's no way out. I also want to know the truth (not suppress it), but the more I look, the more I get lost and worried. I am like a situation with no way out.....



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On 6/4/2022 at 6:26 PM, pantheory said:




Like you were explaining to me Albao. no need for apologies for either of us. We're just having a discussion. I think the subject is simple and you think it's complicated. You think region is serious and I think it's a fable. You're a good girl and I'm a good boy :),  right?


btw.. I think your English is very good.


Cheers again Albao, with best regards. Forrest

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Aibao, this is questions forum and I want to ask you a question.   How do Polish people see Americans?  What words and phrases do they use to describe us?  

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9 hours ago, Aibao said:

Actually, I think the Earth is a ball. But if you would give me evidence and pictures of a flat Earth, maybe I would believe in a flat Earth? Additionally, if you told me that if I didn't believe in a flat Earth some mysterious leader of the flat Earth sect would chase and torture me, I would have considered the evidence for a flat Earth even more. Stupid, I know, but if you were scared by torture, wouldn't you try to believe it to save yourself from suffering and fear?


I see.


So, the main way you decide if something is true or not is by the threat it poses to you?


And because hell is the worst possible threat Christianity must be true?


But, seeing as the hell of Islam is just as fearful as the Christian one, doesn't that mean that Islam is true as well.


Which means that your way of finding out the truth (by degree of fear) has told you that two contradictory things must be equally true.



You see, Aibao?


Using fear to decide what is true doesn't bring you any closer to the truth.


It just confuses you and tortures you even more.



Do you really want to live like this?


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Who is the caretaker of Hell? Satan, right? Satan is also the enemy of God, right? I'm not sure why the enemy of God would be doing God's bidding...that would be like a supervisor/employee relationship. Not an adversarial relationship. God kicks Satan out of heaven but seriously expects labor from him? That's absolutely ridiculous. An idiot with terrible storytelling skills wrote the bible. That is for sure. 


Wouldnt Satan be more apt to give the occupants of Hell more of a resort/vacation treatment just to piss off Jesus? They could all take selfies with Satan while flipping Jesus the bird. :) What's God gonna do? Send em to Hell? They're already there. lol. 


Another question is why do Christians think that Jesus is going to appear when you die to pronounce judgment on you when he doesn't appear during your life at all? I think it's highly unlikely that Jesus exists because there is zero evidence of his appearances here in real life. Christianity is just people talking about Jesus...but Jesus never talking, ever. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5.06.2022 at 06:29, Weezer said:

Aibao, to jest forum pytań i chcę ci zadać pytanie. Jak Polacy widzą Amerykanów? Jakich słów i wyrażeń używają, aby nas opisać?  

In general, Poles consider Americans better than Poles and rich people. This is not the opinion of every Pole, so I will answer here from the perspective of a few Poles I know: Americans are relaxed, they know how to have fun, they value freedom and freedom, they are not as limited as Poles (e.g. in Polish parks you cannot sit on the grass and drink alcohol, or even sit on the grass on a blanket, only on a bench, unless there is a designated park for this, as far as I know, in America you can even sit on the grass in a park with alcohol and no one will do anything to you).
There is also a Polish joke, maybe it's from a Polish movie, I don't remember, but my mother once told me this:

"two Polish old women talk about sex:" What are you saying? Sex? Well, how can you say something like that at all! It wasn't there before!
- Yes exactly! It wasn't there before, this sex came to us from America! "

America is associated with all novelties and prosperity. Americans are considered laid back. In my opinion, Americans are open-minded people, knowledgeable on various topics. An example is this forum - I have not found a forum like this in Poland, and for burning the Bible in Poland there is a prison sentence or a fine (I do not know if anything has changed or not, maybe they changed the penalty to a milder one, but I do not know).

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On 5.06.2022 at 10:05, walterpthefirst said:




Więc głównym sposobem, w jaki decydujesz, czy coś jest prawdą, czy nie, jest zagrożenie, jakie dla ciebie stanowi?


A ponieważ piekło jest najgorszym możliwym zagrożeniem, chrześcijaństwo musi być prawdziwe?


Ale widząc, że piekło islamu jest tak samo straszne jak piekło chrześcijańskie, nie oznacza to, że islam również jest prawdziwy.


Co oznacza, że twój sposób na poznanie prawdy (poprzez stopień strachu) powiedział ci, że dwie sprzeczne rzeczy muszą być jednakowo prawdziwe.



Widzisz, Aibao?


Używanie strachu do decydowania, co jest prawdą, nie przybliża cię do prawdy.


Po prostu dezorientuje cię i jeszcze bardziej torturuje.



Czy naprawdę chcesz tak żyć?


Every human culture has an idea of gods and hell. Since this is common to all cultures, does it mean that God exists but people through sin do not see who is real? For example, the God of the Bible can be a true god, because after Noah's flood, people's memory of God survived in their minds, but they started to create different gods because they forgot which one is true? I met with such an argument.

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On 7.06.2022 at 02:48, midniterider said:

Kto jest opiekunem piekła? Szatan, prawda? Szatan jest także wrogiem Boga, prawda? Nie jestem pewien, dlaczego wróg Boga miałby wykonywać polecenia Boga… to byłoby jak relacja przełożony/pracownik. Nie wrogi związek. Bóg wyrzuca szatana z nieba, ale poważnie oczekuje od niego pracy? To absolutnie śmieszne. Biblię napisał idiota ze straszliwymi umiejętnościami opowiadania historii. To na pewno. 


Czy szatan nie byłby bardziej skłonny dać mieszkańcom piekła bardziej kurację/wakacje tylko po to, by wkurzyć Jezusa? Wszyscy mogli zrobić sobie selfie z Szatanem, jednocześnie odwracając ptaka Jezusa. :) Co Bóg zrobi? Wysłać ich do piekła? Oni już tam są. kupa śmiechu. 


Innym pytaniem jest, dlaczego chrześcijanie myślą, że Jezus pojawi się, gdy umrzesz, aby wydać wyrok na ciebie, skoro w ogóle nie pojawia się w twoim życiu? Myślę, że jest bardzo mało prawdopodobne, że Jezus istnieje, ponieważ nie ma żadnych dowodów na to, że pojawił się tutaj w prawdziwym życiu. Chrześcijaństwo to tylko ludzie mówiący o Jezusie... ale Jezus nigdy nie mówi, nigdy. 

According to the Bible, Satan himself will be tortured and God will rule Hell. As for Jesus does not appear in our lives now, why would He appear after death, maybe He does appear, but in our sins we do not see Him? And after death he will prove us and no argument will be too strong not to condemn us to torture and that's what I'm afraid of ... at the same time not being able to return to a religion that contains such a horror for supposedly great love ...

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1 hour ago, Aibao said:

Every human culture has an idea of gods and hell. Since this is common to all cultures, does it mean that God exists but people through sin do not see who is real? For example, the God of the Bible can be a true god, because after Noah's flood, people's memory of God survived in their minds, but they started to create different gods because they forgot which one is true? I met with such an argument.


That argument would only be true if the following things were true.


1.  That everyone originated from Adam and Eve. 

(There is no evidence for this and it is also genetically impossible.  One man and one woman is too small a gene pool from which to populate a world.  


2.  That everyone in the world but eight people were killed by the flood. 

(There is no evidence for a global flood.  Also eight, highly interrelated people is far, far too small a gene pool to repopulate the world. 


3.  That every human culture has an idea of gods and hell.

(In the earliest form of pure Buddhism there are no gods and there is no hell.  Souls reincarnate in various forms until they achieve Nirvana, which is non-existence and not heaven.  Later forms of Buddhism were mixed with other beliefs and these introduced gods, demons, hells and heavens into certain types of Buddhist belief.)


 I have to ask you, Aibao.


How many hoops are you prepared to jump through to keep the possibility of Christianity alive in your mind?  In this case you are jumping through five hoops.  The lack of evidence and the impossibility of Adam and Eve (1 & 2), the lack of evidence of a global flood (3) the impossibility of Noah's family repopulating the entire world (4) and the false claim that all human cultures have and idea of gods and hell (5).


What next?  Are you going to ask me a question that requires you to jump through 10 hoops to believe that it's true?  And next week and the week after that?


Where does this end, Aibao?



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7 hours ago, Aibao said:

 maybe He does appear, but in our sins we do not see Him?


If my sins are so powerful that they can blot out Jesus Christ's appearance then I'll just blot him out on judgment day. 



7 hours ago, Aibao said:



at the same time not being able to return to a religion that contains such a horror for supposedly great love ...


So you have made the choice to not return to that awful religion. Good for you. Welcome to non-belief. 





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On 6/7/2022 at 12:48 PM, midniterider said:

Who is the caretaker of Hell? Satan, right?

I've heard Christians argue about this. Some say Satan isn't free, hell is his prison and that is where he stays. Others have this idea that Satan travels the world, using super-powers (being everywhere, controlling minds, creating disasters etc) to do untold damage to the world, and for some reason God allows it. 

Some say he must be free because he harassed Jesus, which he couldn't do from hell. But then we are back to God failing to take care of his greatest enemy, an enemy that He created knowing full well what he would do and become. 

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22 hours ago, Aibao said:


Every human culture has an idea of gods and hell. Since this is common to all cultures, does it mean that God exists 


I have began reading the book SAPIENS (which is advertised on this site) and it has an interesting take on the evolution of "fantasy" by early humans.  How fantasy is necessary for the cohesion of people when their groups expand beyond small communities where everyone knows everyone.  Fantasy is an idea, and even a belief about something that is not tangible, and that is what religion is.  And people can have all kinds of fantasies, some more popular than others.  Build some fear for not being obedient into a fantasy, and perhaps some heavenly reward for being obedient, and then do your best to kill off other popular fantasies, and you have christianity, along with a god borrowed from the Jewish faith, which was borrowed from previous faiths.  All the way back to primitive fantasies.  


So which is more logical?  That one god started everything?  Or many gods trickling down to one?


I highly recommend this book.  The author, Yuval Noah Harari, has a knack for writing.

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22 hours ago, Aibao said:


America is associated with all novelties and prosperity. Americans are considered laid back. In my opinion, Americans are open-minded people, knowledgeable on various topics. 


Thank you very much for your reply.  That sounds like the view I had of our country when growing up in the 1950s.  In the last few years our family has had contact with several People from Canada and the United Kingdom.  A lot of them see us as arrogant, spoiled, "know it all" rebels, which I tend to agree with.   But I guess this rebel should get back on topic.



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20 hours ago, walterpthefirst said:


That argument would only be true if the following things were true.


1.  That everyone originated from Adam and Eve. 

(There is no evidence for this and it is also genetically impossible.  One man and one woman is too small a gene pool from which to populate a world.  


2.  That everyone in the world but eight people were killed by the flood. 

(There is no evidence for a global flood.  Also eight, highly interrelated people is far, far too small a gene pool to repopulate the world. 


3.  That every human culture has an idea of gods and hell.

(In the earliest form of pure Buddhism there are no gods and there is no hell.  Souls reincarnate in various forms until they achieve Nirvana, which is non-existence and not heaven.  Later forms of Buddhism were mixed with other beliefs and these introduced gods, demons, hells and heavens into certain types of Buddhist belief.)


 I have to ask you, Aibao.


How many hoops are you prepared to jump through to keep the possibility of Christianity alive in your mind?  In this case you are jumping through five hoops.  The lack of evidence and the impossibility of Adam and Eve (1 & 2), the lack of evidence of a global flood (3) the impossibility of Noah's family repopulating the entire world (4) and the false claim that all human cultures have and idea of gods and hell (5).


What next?  Are you going to ask me a question that requires you to jump through 10 hoops to believe that it's true?  And next week and the week after that?


Where does this end, Aibao?



Walter, I'm sorry, I really am. I know my questions are tiresome and unbearable, and I admire you for still answering me. But look, my point is that I am counting on the worst possible - in this case, the existence of a Christian God, and therefore endless torture. Yes, it bothers me, but what if, despite the fact that it bothers me, it is true? Isn't it worthwhile to address such an issue?


Are there any Bible claims that can be disproved? What if something starts to work? For example, the Bible mentions that the days will come when false teachers and accusers of truth will arise and begin to believe in pleasing lies. Does this also apply to atheistic arguments that these are lies according to the Bible? That's why I'm afraid to explore them sometimes ...

Like the fact that I live under stress and fear that God may exist, and this seems to be a confirmation of the words of the Bible that unbelievers are faced with only a terrible expectation of judgment.


It turns out that even our eye is deceiving and the image we see in the brain is interpreted to match our views on reality. So how do you see the truth? What is even true then? Can Christianity be true, but we cannot see it because we are ignorant, unenlightened? Therefore, we do not reach Christian arguments because we do not have the Spirit in us as the Bible says?


I don't know what is true anymore: when I read the Christian arguments I think it is convincing and there is good evidence of Christianity. But when I turn to the contrary arguments, I find them convincing too. Therefore, it is difficult for me to say what is true.

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12 hours ago, Wertbag said:

I've heard Christians argue about this. Some say Satan isn't free, hell is his prison and that is where he stays. Others have this idea that Satan travels the world, using super-powers (being everywhere, controlling minds, creating disasters etc) to do untold damage to the world, and for some reason God allows it. 

Some say he must be free because he harassed Jesus, which he couldn't do from hell. But then we are back to God failing to take care of his greatest enemy, an enemy that He created knowing full well what he would do and become. 

Wow. This is something new for me, I didn't know that. As a rule, I don't even want to discuss and check anything that is a question of Christian disputes. As for the disputes, is it true that some Christian denominations believe that after death you can get a chance to convert and go to heaven? I read something like this somewhere, but I'm not sure if it was in some kind of Christianity or if it was heresy.

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27 minutes ago, Weezer said:

Thank you very much for your reply.  That sounds like the view I had of our country when growing up in the 1950s.  In the last few years our family has had contact with several People from Canada and the United Kingdom.  A lot of them see us as arrogant, spoiled, "know it all" rebels, which I tend to agree with.   But I guess this rebel should get back on topic.



I didn't know that in Canada and England they thought so. Actually, the Poles I know do not think of Americans as rebels, but rather as people who can fight for their rights and for their freedom - this is what Poles most of all value in Americans - freedom. Besides, as far as I know, English has a British and American variety - both are popular in Polish schools and are often chosen by Polish students as the main foreign language. I myself dreamed of learning two languages: English and Japanese, but I remember how the pastor urged me to go to study Hebrew. That day I literally burst into tears, and now I am thinking, maybe I had to study Hebrew? Because my studies failed. And again, I'm looking for God's destiny, but maybe this is some stage of coming out of religion, and religious thinking just hasn't left me yet.

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