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Goodbye Jesus

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Both I think share things in common, but perhaps he most telling is the promise of Jam tomorrow.......


Vote for me and things will get better.....in the future


Believe in me and things will be better......... after you die


There's was a bit over here in the media, a fat cat boss has taken a dislike to the phrase "fat cats".... he has said that the bosses will share out the money...but "later" as they have to earn it first.......


David Cameron will give the UK a vote on the EU....but, guess when.....yes....its later


The wars overseas  will be won, the country will come out of recession.......later


God will wipe away all the tears....later


Jam tomorrow but empty jars today.............



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However, they are particularly poisonous when combined.

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I can only agree.  Those promising the jam already have jam, and get more from contributions.

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Another obvious common thread is how they both invent a problem then offer to sell you the solution only they can provide.

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The posts are so cynical and sadly so true. I think many people get into politics for the right reasons, at least in the beginning but power, prestige, and money corrupt. The temptations are apparently too much even for people who want to do the right thing.


A few may escape but sadly it is very few who manage to keep their heads screwed on straight and hang on to their values, Unfortunately, the just ones are easily overwhelmed by the thundering herd of stampeding crooked politicians that are hell bent on becoming rich and powerful political celebrities.


Ain’t democracy great?! 

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