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    •  Many apologists will say that the arguments for God’s existence should be seen as a cumulative case rather than any single argument being a reason for belief on its own. This is understandable as the majority of arguments for God are second hand inference, God of the gaps or incredulity based, so as evidence goes none of it should not be convincing on its own.

      The cumulative case works in both directions, as there are many reasons to disbelieve in a God’s existence, but any single argument may not be convincing on its own. With that in mind, here are a few of the more common reasons for disbelief and the rabbit hole of questions that these reasons lead to:  
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    • The evidence is clear that evil and suffering exist.
      The evidence that god exists?  No one really has any.
      Moreover, we know that even if a god does exist, evil and suffering obviously do not offend him.  If it did, he'd have put a stop to it by now.  After all, if he is omniscient, then he knows how much evil and suffering there is; and how broken and miserable it makes human existence.  If he really is omnibenevolent, then he wants to prevent his children from brokenness and misery.  If he really is omnipotent, then he has the ability to prevent the evil and suffering that causes brokenness and misery.  And if he really is omnipresent, then he is present every where that evil and suffering exist.
      If god is all of these things, and evil and suffering offend him, then why do evil and suffering continue to exist?  Why has he not moved to alleviate his own offense and save us all in the process? The simple fact that evil and suffering continue in this world is, in itself, evidence that god is not offended by it... or maybe god isn't the omni-max he's made out to be... or maybe god simply does not exist. 
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    • Animal suffering is a subject which I have thought of as simply a variation on the problem of suffering.  If God loved every one of His creations, then why would He set up a system where predators need to kill live prey to survive.  It's a system designed around killing, which is hard to reconcile with a loving, good God.
      However, I came across some other implications of animal suffering that expand the subject in several interesting ways.  The first was that if you are an old Earth creationist, so accept evolution, then the creation of every species that we see was guided by the principles of survival of the fittest, with evolutionary pressure being horrendous suffering (predation, disease, starvation, conflict etc).  The tool that God decided to use was untold misery for hundreds of millions of years, before we get to our current world of diverse life.
      The fact that thousands of T-Rex stalked the lands killing to survive, can't be seen as necessary, when they are all extinct long before His chosen people come along.  Hundreds of millions of years of creatures being torn limb from limb, before any of it mattered for our existence.  Why have that time period of suffering without benefit?
      I was talking to a vegan, who said God loves all of His creations, and believing that Christians should be vegan because killing His creations was against His will.  This just led to pointing to the horrors of the OT, where God requests burnt sacrifices on a regular basis, saying that the smell was pleasing to Him.  Or to the Israelites attacks on various cities, where they are told to kill all of the inhabitants, including the innocent animals.  King Saul even angered God for not murdering all of the animals, as some were taken as plunder.
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    • Hello,
      I guess our reasons for joining this site are slightly different for each person and yet perhaps desperation might be a common theme. So, with that said, a brief introduction. I have been involved with Christianity for many years. Out of sheer despair, I suppose I ended up finding this site. 
      Here is my experience with Christianity:
      The unhappiest times of my life were when I got myself involved in Christianity. I marvel at those who appear to be at ease with it all. I conclude, there's something wrong with me. 
      Never, have I felt more powerless, worthless, unfree. 
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    • Failed prayer, the idea that there is an invisible being , listening to everyones thoughts is beyond laughable. 
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    • moxieflux66
    • TheRedneckProfessor
      Yeah, I generally refrain from explaining/arguing evolution and biological science with religious folk.  Too often it just devolves into "lalala I can't hear you!"  
    • Weezer
      After your statement above, and all of your other statements I have read, I believe I now have an understanding of where you are "coming from".   Our minds are functioning so differently, I believe there is no way we will ever come to a mutual understanding.     If you and aik can get together, then by all means do so, and post whatever you come up with.       Not a problem, Walter.  The floor is open as far as I am concerned.
    • Wertbag
    • moxieflux66
    • walterpthefirst
      Apologies to Weezer for answering something intended for him.  But it looks as if Sol (a.k.a. Jeff Kelley) simply cannot understand that we cannot take his word over anyone else... just because he says so.     The point I am trying to make here Weezer is that if I were to simply make statements or furnish answers to your questions while utterly failing to demonstrate them as what is actually taught in the SCRIPTURES as opposed to what is taught by Jeff Kelley, would you not have every right to recognize everything I say as utterly meaningless?     Jeff, you are not demonstrating anything to us by just quoting the bible.  Others can do that.   Nor can we know, as you privately know, that you have the truth.  Other people can claim what you are claiming.   We have no way of differentiating you from any other person claiming to know the truth of scripture.   Please confirm that you understand these three points.     Thank you,   Walter.    
    • walterpthefirst
      Ok, this post was intended for Weezer, but I just can't let this opportunity pass.  An opportunity for Sol to stop telling us how he has the truth and for him to look at things from our p.o.v. instead of his.     The problem now is that even if someone finally began telling us the truth, how would we even know? After all, hopefully we have at least grown to the point in which we realize we have been lied to our entire lives by basically everyone. And even if many of them were so deceived themselves, they did so unknowingly. But once again, who is it really that is responsible for all this confusion? Are we not the ones who rejected God's authority and chose instead to follow the demons?     Yes, exactly Sol.   How can we tell that you are telling us to the truth?  If we were true Christians then we would have the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Counsellor who will guide the faithful into all truth, to tell us if you, Jeff Kelley, are actually telling us the truth.  But that avenue of ascertaining the truth of your claims is closed to us.  We are not Christians.  We are sceptics.   The other avenue we could have used to ascertain if you are telling us the truth is to compare what you write here with what is written down in scripture.  But you have made that impossible for us by declaring (without objective evidence) that scripture is written in a spiritual language that we cannot understand.   So, in the absence of either way of testing the truth of your claims are we just supposed to believe you?   Please answer this question!     Also, what does 2 Peter 2 : 1 say?   But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.   Apart from your say so, how can we know if you are one of these false teachers or not?  This is not an accusation that you are a false teacher, Sol.  No, I'm simply trying to get you to see things from our p.o.v.   Your declarations of having secret knowledge and of being a bible teacher simply don't cut it.  Not for us and certainly not as far as scripture goes when it warns about false teachers.   What about Acts 20 : 29 - 31?   29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.  30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.  31 So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.   You could be one of these savage wolves who distorts the truth.  How can we possibly know if you are or not?   Your self-recommendations, which we cannot test for ourselves, are exactly the kind of tactic that one of these wolves might use.  Once again Sol, I do not accuse you of dealing falsely with us.  But we cannot know the truth simply by listening to you and just taking your word for it.   I hope this post does not offend you, but you seem to be struggling to understand that we just cannot accept what you say with question.  You MUST provide us with objective evidence from outside of the bible and from outside of yourself before we can even think of putting our trust in you.     Thank you,     Walter.
    • walterpthefirst
      That's it?   I specifically asked you, "Can you not see the circularity of your own claim here, Sol?"   And you've ignored my question completely.   So, you and I will make no headway here until you give me a straight answer to my simple question.   You are logged in now and posting so it should be easy for you to answer me.   Yes or No, Sol?   Can you not see the circularity of the claims you are making here?   Please answer asap.
    • Sol
      Walter wrote:     As far as any "circularity" that might be going on here Walter, in my case I would insist it is because you continue to imply or even pretend that I have not already addressed the issues you speak of here. So just in case you actually managed to skip over some of my reply by reading it a bit too hastily, I will cite it again:   If I am endeavoring to make any "headway" at all here Walter, this would be it. I have not come to even so much as ASK anyone to have faith, or for that matter belief in anything at all. So why would I even DREAM of actually "imposing" it on them?   
    • Sol
      Weezer wrote:     Somehow I'm getting the impression you would not be interested in reading the 560 page book I recently posted on the topic of the anointed ones after spending a little over a year writing and editing it. But among the things I can absolutely assure you of here Weezer are the following:   First of all the only reason I now have the knowledge and understanding of the holy writings at the level I now do, is because this was very suddenly and miraculously given to me. O how I could WISH this was due to some great intellectual prowess on my part. The people I was raised around are essentially asking me who I am and what I have done with Jeff Kelley; because they are well aware that for most of my life I understood scriptural things in the very same way that they did. But another thing I can assure you of Weezer is that among the primary reasons for this was my dogged and unrelenting determination to attain to this knowledge and understanding in the first place. This is exactly what is being addressed in accounts like Proverbs 2:4 and Luke 11:5-13.     So if we happen to be one of these people who cannot seem to make it through even a few pages of Psalms or Proverbs for example before our eyes glaze over and we suddenly find ourselves more interested in watching television or playing video games, then I would respectfully pose the following question:  What message are we really sending to our creator about our personal level of interest in the matters that HE recognizes as important for us? Perhaps the first thing we should always be praying for is the kind of heart condition that is more concerned about SPIRITUAL things.     Look Weezer. Like really everything in life, in the end all the things that truly matter are very simple. Even despite the fact that he was continually conveying "sacred secrets" (Mt 13:10-12) in illustrations or parables that were ALWAYS much deeper than they appeared on the surface, nonetheless even Jesus himself made this very point at Matthew 22:36-40. Now when it comes to the holy nation and its people, or even what the scriptures themselves reveal would most often merely be POSTURED as such, what was even FORETOLD all along to ALWAYS begin complicating things even all the way up until the Millennial Reign is this::     Namely the fact that as long as EVEN the divinely appointed shepherds among the holy nation would continue as sinful and imperfect humans, they would also continue to violate the legal terms of the holy covenants that would always constitute them as such in the first place. (Ex 19:5)  (Da 11:30-32) (2 Th 2:1-10)  Just as scriptures like this reveal, our loving heavenly father has no intention or desire to FORCE his will or rightful authority on anyone. And just as was demonstrated for us even as far back as our rebellion against him in the Garden of Eden, if or when we might for example choose to demonstrate more appreciation for what an unfaithful angel has to say than what our creator does, he in turn chooses to simply allow us to adopt that one as our new father or point of authority. This is precisely what is being addressed in scriptures like Luke 4:6.7, 1 Joh 5:19 and Revelation 13:1, 2.     Nevertheless as any self respecting parent well knows, their child is never going to learn the value of obedience to them if after disobeying, they now begin protecting them from all the disastrous consequences of their ungrateful behavior and bad decisions. It is precisely these horrible consequences that now complicate things. So let's take a moment to demonstrate exactly how this occurs in the case of the holy nation and by extension what is involved in OVERCOMING the complications that WE create as opposed to God.     Since the demons never had our best interests at heart in the first place, and they are keenly aware that Jehovah is the kind of father that is even eager to accept us back as his own if or when we begin demonstrating genuine remorse or repentance for our bad behavior, they are interested in even much more than simply continuing to corrupt us. (Lu 6:35, 36) Among their primary objectives is to make it as difficult as possible for us to turn back towards our creator even if we might feel inclined to do so at some point. You yourself actually brought up one of the ways they do this in an earlier post of yours Weezer, and whether you realized it or not, at the same time you related just how effective this demonic tactic really was in your case.     As you may recall, you brought up the issue of the many different denominations of so called "Christianity" you at some point discovered as existing, or for that matter any religion at all. You also brought up the issue of how this unpleasant revelation was among the things that soon made you feel rather lost and confused, eventually resulting in your decision to basically give up on the idea of pursuing spiritual interests or a relationship with God altogether. Rest assured this was precisely the objective of the demons when they created all these divisions in the first place and assigned each of them with their own special flavor of false teachings. Each of these variations was of course designed to appeal to all the different personalities and levels of intelligence that the human family is endowed with. This very thing is exactly what is being addressed in scriptures like 2 Timothy 4:3 or even parables such as found at Luke 16:1-8.     What we are basically dealing with here Weezer is the old divide and conquer ploy, which the demons and their human lackeys are endeavoring to utilize even until now. And this is not simply because it keeps us humans so distracted with fighting and arguing among ourselves that we fail to give any real thought to the true source of our problems. The fact that disunity keeps us much weaker and thus also much easier to control and manipulate is of course recognized as yet ANOTHER benefit to them. But you see the demons are also well aware that at least at some point, basically all of us are going to eventually find ourselves in the situation where we suddenly realize we no longer know what or who to believe even AT ALL! And if anything this might prove particularly problematic for any who might decide at some point that they would like to develop a genuine relationship with their creator.     The problem now is that even if someone finally began telling us the truth, how would we even know? After all, hopefully we have at least grown to the point in which we realize we have been lied to our entire lives by basically everyone. And even if many of them were so deceived themselves, they did so unknowingly. But once again, who is it really that is responsible for all this confusion? Are we not the ones who rejected God's authority and chose instead to follow the demons?     The point I am trying to make here Weezer is that if I were to simply make statements or furnish answers to your questions while utterly failing to demonstrate them as what is actually taught in the SCRIPTURES as opposed to what is taught by Jeff Kelley, would you not have every right to recognize everything I say as utterly meaningless? You see the problem that literally ALL of us should have at this time with the seemingly countless institutions or denominations that always seem so determined to IDENTIFY themselves as Christianity, is this:     To do so is to claim that your teachings and conduct are based on what is taught in the BIBLE! To identify yourself as a Christian is to claim you recognize the BIBLE as your point of authority, and by extension the God who inspired its writing. However as I am more than happy to continue thoroughly and irrefutably demonstrating to ANYONE who dares to claim that ANY of the institutions or religions currently on the earth truly or genuinely represent Christianity is the following: If we were to ever actually begin investing our time and energy into a prayerful investigation of the Bible ITSELF while at the same time learning to completely shed or discard all the many things we are always TOLD it teaches, we would eventually discover that even ALL the religions or institutions that currently identify themselves as Christian are only in reality the …"many ANTI- Christs" the scriptures speak of.  (1 Joh 2:18) If there is any question here at all, it would be, - what are we to DO about it?     Well fortunately for us, these very same scriptures that we are actually well CONDITIONED to misunderstand have ALWAYS informed us of EXACTLY what to do at ANY "time" (Da 4:32)  in which we finally begin to "SEE" (Mt 24:15, 16) or recognize the fact that what we for perhaps even most of our lives MISTOOK for the holy nation or even "Holy Sanctuary," (Da 11:31) can now be much better described as something like an …"Abomination of DESOLATION" that is only POSTURING itself as Christianity. However if we personally have managed to become so deceived and confused by this "Whore of Babylon" (Isa 1:21) or "Man of Lawlessness" (2 Th 2:3) entity that we no longer even know what Christianity even actually IS, we are going to have a very difficult time even UNDERSTANDING scriptural commands such as found at Matthew 24:15, 16, 2 Corinthians 6:17 or Revelation 18:4. And if we do not even so much as understand them, how are we ever to actually OBEY them?!  So the question I have already posed to everyone in my first reply to the Professor, please allow me to ask again:     Is there ANYONE here who can furnish us with the SCRIPTURAL definition of Christianity, or what the writers of the New Testament most often referred to actually as ISRAEL?!  (Ro 11:25) (Ga 6:16)  Because among other things Weezer; if we can merely manage to learn what Christianity even actually is, things will ALREADY begin appearing even MUCH more simple to us.    
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