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I guess our reasons for joining this site are slightly different for each person and yet perhaps desperation might be a common theme. So, with that said, a brief introduction. I have been involved with Christianity for many years. Out of sheer despair, I suppose I ended up finding this site. 

Here is my experience with Christianity:

The unhappiest times of my life were when I got myself involved in Christianity. I marvel at those who appear to be at ease with it all. I conclude, there's something wrong with me. 

Never, have I felt more powerless, worthless, unfree. 

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5 hours ago, Anodos said:

I marvel at those who appear to be at ease with it all. I conclude, there's something wrong with me. 

Never, have I felt more powerless, worthless, unfree.

No, sir.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.  You are neither powerless nor worthless; but you are finally setting yourself free.  You did christianity correctly; and you got the same result the rest of us got.  I was born and raised in the religion; and I never truly felt at ease with it all (though I appeared to be so, and that is key). 


The truth is, deep down inside, I never knew what genuine happiness was.  Or peace.  Or contentment.  I only knew how to adequately play a particular role.  But that role left me depressed, unfulfilled, miserable, broken, and emotionally scarred.  


It wasn't until I saw christianity for the lie it is, and set myself free from it, that I finally, slowly,  began to find healing and happiness.  You are among friends here.  We will gladly help you through this. 

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20 hours ago, Anodos said:


I guess our reasons for joining this site are slightly different for each person and yet perhaps desperation might be a common theme. So, with that said, a brief introduction. I have been involved with Christianity for many years. Out of sheer despair, I suppose I ended up finding this site. 

Here is my experience with Christianity:

The unhappiest times of my life were when I got myself involved in Christianity. I marvel at those who appear to be at ease with it all. I conclude, there's something wrong with me. 

Never, have I felt more powerless, worthless, unfree. 

Welcome to ExC @Anodos,


Its always good to see new people questioning the faith!! 😆 Not the type of thing your used to hearing huh? Your not alone in your feelings. Christianity is a religion that sets such lofty goals that your perpetually beating yourself up for not being strong enough to resist (X) temptation. The two ideologies I worshipped under were these. 




Everyone sins and falls short of the glory of God. No one can live a sinless life. We aren't worthy of our salvation but he gave it to us anyway. We will never be able to be good enough for God, thats why we need Jesus.


There are scriptures to support every bit of that. But being on the outside looking in now that is such a horrible thing to make people believe. Everything I just said above basically says we are worthless sinners and deserve to go to hell but hey.... Jesus loves you and thats why you get to go to heaven. 



You can live a sinless life and it is the Holy ghost in you that will teach you how to do it. You can be sinless like Jesus. Let the old man pass away and become a new man. 


And there are scriptures that support all of that. 


This placed such a burden on me to suppress any desires I might have. When I felt that I had faltered I would beat myself up and feel like I was a disappointment or not strong enough to resist sin. It could be something small. And I would still think I was worthless. 


Both ideologies are very toxic and harmful to the followers. You are good just the way you are. Your not worthless. It is the religion that is the problem. I'm glad you made it here and I hope we can help you on your journey. 


Best regards,

Dark Bishop

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I remember, many years ago, in a Christian discussion, listening to a mature church member. He described the Christian life as likened to a 'cat walking on a thin narrow ledge, where it must tread each step very carefully to remain balanced on top of the ledge'. I remember thinking, Gee, what a way to live!  How long can I keep that up for!? Is that how we are to live? 

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I liken this, and I hope this resonates with others, to a glass of water. Years and years the glass slowly fills up with water (questions, doubts). The water level rises higher and higher. Seeking answers to questions from elders and long time Christians, but the questions go unanswered/unresolved. Still the water level rises. 

After many years, having nowhere else to go, it spills over. Overflow. The glass simply could not contain the amount of water pouring in. Hence, this gathering.

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9 hours ago, Anodos said:

I remember, many years ago, in a Christian discussion, listening to a mature church member. He described the Christian life as likened to a 'cat walking on a thin narrow ledge, where it must tread each step very carefully to remain balanced on top of the ledge'. I remember thinking, Gee, what a way to live!  How long can I keep that up for!? Is that how we are to live? 


I liken this aspect to walking on egg shells. There are so many trivial things in the bible that are "sin". Especially in the old testament. 


8 hours ago, Anodos said:

I liken this, and I hope this resonates with others, to a glass of water. Years and years the glass slowly fills up with water (questions, doubts). The water level rises higher and higher. Seeking answers to questions from elders and long time Christians, but the questions go unanswered/unresolved. Still the water level rises. 

After many years, having nowhere else to go, it spills over. Overflow. The glass simply could not contain the amount of water pouring in. Hence, this gathering.


That definitely resonates. A thinking person can only see so many fallacies before they have to call bullshit on the whole thing. 



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Welcome Anodos. Yes, it is a basic con. First you have to convince the mark that he has a problem. Then you sell the mark the solution to the problem. In marketing, your hair is either too straight, too curly, too dry, too oily, or the wrong color. And these issues make you unattractive and possibly even smelly. But we have just the solution, which will make you handsome and happy, and you'll smell good too. Order now, operators are standing by!


And so it is with Christianity. As another poster here recently wrote that Christianity is based on guilt, shame and fear. It first must convince the victim that he is guilty of something, should be ashamed of himself, and should fear what might happen after death. And, of course, the solution is: God. (And your donations are the only thing that makes this message possible. Credit cards accepted.)


As someone else wrote, God sent himself to earth and then killed himself in order to avenge himself for a curse that he put on us because one of our distant ancestors and a rib woman ate fruit off a magical tree after being told to do it by a talking snake. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?


A quote I have on my desk from the Roman philosopher Seneca reads, "We suffer more often in imagination than in reality." And the imagination is what Christianity forcefully occupies, insisting that the only way to be safe and secure is to grovel to a diety that simultaneously loves you but will send you to an eternity of suffering if you don't follow his rules, while the reality is that your hair is just fine, your not guilty of any horrible sin, you have nothing to be ashamed of and, as Mark Twain wrote, "I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born and it hadn't caused me the slightest inconvenience." So put the fear, guilt and shame in a bottle and toss it in the trash. Everything will work out OK.

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I wrestled for a long time with the notion and teaching of why we are on this earth, according to the modern Church. Summarised perfectly in the response I got when I asked a mature sincere Christian of many decades the question: "why did God place us on this earth?" His reply was "we are placed here to give us an opportunity to receive or reject God. Of course He knew in advance those who would reject or accept Him based on our free will to choose". I'm paraphrasing however that was basically the response. I replied "most people can't be trusted to make a sensible decision about what to eat, never mind make a decision about the destiny of the eternal soul!"


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57 minutes ago, Anodos said:


I wrestled for a long time with the notion and teaching of why we are on this earth, 


After deconversion I decided we will probably all die before we know the answer to that.  (except that Dad got Mom pregnant)😁   But we are here and since we aren't sure of an afterlife, we better make it the best life we can.

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20 hours ago, Anodos said:


Of course He knew in advance those who would reject or accept Him based on our free will to choose".




And we know that the notion of free will is bogus. How can you have free will if the choice is to either go with the program or suffer for ever? Imagine a street thug who comes up to you and points a gun at your head. He says, "Give me your wallet or I'll blow your brains out. Now you have free will. You can choose to keep your wallet if you want." 


It's only free will if there are reasonable choices.


And, of course, since everything happens according to the god's plan, it isn't free will regardless, since the choice was already made by the god.


The whole program ignores facts, denies reality and defies logic. It's full of physical impossibilities, contradictions and philosophical oxymorons. It's really just an escape mechanism for people who have been taught to be afraid of life.

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