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Goodbye Jesus

God/religion Is Meaningless

Guest Furball

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Guest Furball

What happens if you choose to live your life without god and religion?




You have one life to live, yes?



At only a small percentage in their beliefs, atheists seem to make it through life just like everyone else, some would argue even enjoy a better quality of life.



Earlier in the lion’s den, a trolling Christian made a statement I have heard many times before: “without god, your life will have no hope or joy at all.”



As usual, this person like all other religiously deluded fanatics make what is called ‘absolute statements.’ They make this statement as if it were a proven fact. Yet having never stood in the shoes of someone who lives outside the realm of make believe, of a make believe god and religion, they have no idea what life is like for the atheist.


Since having been deconverted, I find that my life has actually taken on real meaning. I find a new interest in day to day life. I have found a joy and a peace that Christianity promised, yet never delivered. In other words, since leaving Christianity, for the first time, I have found real hope. Hope in day to day life, hope in learning new and exciting things about science and the awe inspiring universe, hope in my fellow man to continue advancing our species through medical science, and a continuing push towards unification and loving acceptance of all humans.



Christianity hides behind scripture like, ‘god is love’, or ‘you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.’ But, since leaving Christianity, I have found not only those statements, but all of the bibles statements to be a bold faced lie. Having the “Christian” god in my life and the religion of Christianity in my day to day walk, proved, well….more burdensome and handicapping than anything I could imagine. I never had any peace or joy or any confirmation of that I was saved.



Since leaving Christianity and religion and all that god talk behind, and seeing how my life has significantly improved, it begs the question, why do I or anyone else for that matter live their one life with this Christian god and its religion, or any god or any religion? What difference does it make whether I live believing in god or not? What does it matter if I am atheist or a Christian/religious? When a person leaves their religion of choice, they will notice a few things. Their supposed god’s wrath doesn’t come pouring down on them. Bad luck doesn’t all of a sudden befall the new deconvert. In fact, after all that fear of leaving god and religion behind, one finds that nothing happens at all. Some people get better like myself, but for others, life doesn’t get better or worse. It just goes on as usual. With or without god/religion, nothing changes.



Are Christians and atheists really different?



So lives the atheist, so lives the Christian. If I need protection, I call the police, not god. So does the Christian. If I need medical help, I call the doctor, not god. So does the Christian. If I need to be entertained, I watch television or go to the movies or listen to music or to a sporting event etc. So does the Christian.  



What is the difference? One believes in god/religion of choice, the other doesn’t believe in god/religion of any kind. Yet with or without god/religion, life goes on as usual for both the believer and the unbeliever. Both are either rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, has friends and family or no friends or family and is alone. Both either dies peacefully or tragically.


I have found that life with god/religion made life worse. Life without god/religion made my life immeasurably better.


Sorry Christians/religious people, but living my life without god and religion has shown me that striving to be religious and constantly struggling to please an imaginary deity doesn’t make life any more joyous or hopeful, and it certainly never brought any peace into the equation.



God is fake and so is religion.


Whatever god you believe in, whatever religion you subscribe to, it doesn't mean anything at all. Set your god and your religion aside for a day, a week, whatever, and you will see that nothing happens. Your life is the same with or without god. God and religion are meaningless, and serve no point at all in the life of a human. It is pointless to believe in god because nothing changes when you do. 


When a person kicks god and religion out of their life, the big fear of what will happen for doing so....never materializes. 



Life goes on, and now so do I….

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Goodbye Jesus
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I'm glad that things are better for you post-Christianity.  We are all just hairless apes trying to survive, if not thrive.  :)

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This was quite well written Catt, summed up a lot of points.


the only negative aspects of leaving christianity for me were the christian manufactured ones, for example loss of some relationships because people don't wan't to associate with a unrepentant sinner plus not sharing in the weekly social club visits.

another is fear of hell, which I wouldn't be psychologically scared of if I wasn't raised as a chrisitan.


Life is pretty much normal now, I haven't spiraled into arson and heroin because god isn't in my life, I haven't become cold and numb, not able to find meaning in my life, who guessed it but I can actually get up out of bed each morning!


I was told life would get better or worse if you leave the flock.

if you leave (better) satan would make your life easy because satan isn't trying to get you to break anymore, plus he greases the slippery slope and blesses evil people, gives them riches and worldly pleasures.

if you leave (worse) God's blessings and protections around your life will be gone (damn, they were so useful, said no-one ever)


Life isn't amazingly wonderful all the time, but a massive amount of the bad is the damage that christianity did to me before I even knew what was happening. I finally found that sense of peace that was promised but never delivered. most of the things that god/religion promised I have achieved on my own now.

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Excellent OP, and a very enjoyable read 

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Life and its purpose is whatever you make it.


Life can be a wonderful adventure.

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