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I'm Still Not Cultured Enough.


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A while back, I made a post about missing out on what the world has to offer because of my religious upbringing. There are still things that I don't care to know about, but I feel forced to just tune into them because... everyone else knows?




other rpg steam games

games in general

Star Wars

Harry Potter

the Urban dictionary

New top songs on the radio


The Oscars

new movies



I'm just not into any of this. And I don't know why. I'm not really interested in much because I still have this lingering feeling that since everything is temporary, everything is uninteresting. It's a weird idea. Plus there is the christian teaching that takes the verse "Do not love the world or anything of the world" to the point where you can't be involved in anything or learn anything new.


I could use some feedback about this.



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Pop culture is pretty boring and inherently meaningless to anyone with a brain, and not because they are 'temporary' diversions and not about some god. You're not missing anything other than references people may use at water cooler conversations. People say, "Can you believe who won Best Supporting Actor?" and I'm kind of glad I don't know or care.


Watch a few hundred hours of dumb TV shows and commercials and you'll be caught up!

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I don't think there's any code that says you have to love any of that stuff. Frankly, nothing on that list is all that interesting to me either. Most of my interests outside of work revolve around being in the gym or the out of doors. I'm not sure, but sometimes I feel as though there is some unwritten "geek" or "nerd" credential that certain groups of folks have to hold. Again, I do not find much interest any much of the stuff you listed. Are you engaged in activities you enjoy and are you finding passions and interests and engaging in said concepts? If so, you should be just fine. Not everyone will enjoy the same interests. If the shoe doesn't fit, no need to wear it.

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Thanks for the replies.


When I was growing up, my peers (not friends) in church quizzed me on things they were interested in, like song artists. I didn't know what they were talking about, so I failed their litmus tests for friendship. I mean, they would literally approach me and ask, "Do you know who Kanye West is?" I didn't know then, but I know now. And they'd give me a side look and walk away. I lost friendships over this shit.


I'm 33, and still to this day, I meet people who are wrapped up in one segment of one subculture, and act like I am totally missing out when I can't relate.


I think this is what I don't understand.


I am interested in conspiracy newscasters, paranormal explorations, and channeled messages. I take the channeled messages with a grain of salt because for all I know, the people could be acting. I still like to watch though.

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Pop culture is pretty boring and inherently meaningless to anyone with a brain, and not because they are 'temporary' diversions and not about some god. You're not missing anything other than references people may use at water cooler conversations. People say, "Can you believe who won Best Supporting Actor?" and I'm kind of glad I don't know or care.


Watch a few hundred hours of dumb TV shows and commercials and you'll be caught up!


Yeah, what he said. When I read the heading, I thought you meant you were worried you didn't know which salad fork to use or whether or not to hold out your pinkie when holding a can of Bud. 


I guess by your definition I'm not very cultured either. 


Sounds to me like you're just an introvert. Don't let the extroverts get you down. :)

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Most popular culture is crap so you're not really missing out. Find something that does interest you and screw the rest. Celebrities have become our new gods, and shopping malls our temples. Praise Mammon.

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A while back, I made a post about missing out on what the world has to offer because of my religious upbringing. There are still things that I don't care to know about, but I feel forced to just tune into them because... everyone else knows?




other rpg steam games

games in general

Star Wars

Harry Potter

the Urban dictionary

New top songs on the radio


The Oscars

new movies



I'm just not into any of this. And I don't know why. I'm not really interested in much because I still have this lingering feeling that since everything is temporary, everything is uninteresting. It's a weird idea. Plus there is the christian teaching that takes the verse "Do not love the world or anything of the world" to the point where you can't be involved in anything or learn anything new.


I could use some feedback about this.



Hello Fellow Comrade, My Name Is Scholar Redrick Stahl. You don't need to worry yourself about what other people find interesting, the number one thing you need to think about is what you find interesting, what makes you happy. I used to be a Christian but now, I am a Helghanist. I will describe what it is if you are interested.


So once you find yourself, your true self then you will be truly happy and truly at peace.

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Don't feel obligated to know about pop culture. If you're talking with someone and miss a reference just ask what it's from. I do that. If you hear something referenced enough it might pique your curiosity enough to check it out.

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I can help you with Star Wars.

Watch episode 4 (first movie)

Watch episode 5 (second movie)

Skip all others until episode 7 (most recent movie)


All the good and none of the pain


really just enjoy what you want but there is so much to enjoy out there. Go find it when you feel like it.

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Meh, you're fine! I don't even have a TV, by choice. I couldn't care less about the Oscars and most popular TV makes me cringe, especially the current obsession with "reality" shows. Star Wars...I'd rather go to the dentist. No really. Clean teeth are preferable. A lot of new music is just meh. I will occasionally come across a pop culture magazine and upon flipping through it, will realize I have no idea who most of the celebrities are. Urban dictionary makes me really uncomfortable. And video games? Just no. So I pretty much just checked off your entire list. :) I did enjoy the Harry Potter movies, but definitely not to the extent of most people.


So that said, no reason at all to feel like you're missing out. I hope your feelings about things being temporary and thus uninteresting are just a stage of deconversion and will pass soon.


If you are into conspiracies and paranormal, I do recommend checking out the original X-Files. Fun stuff, but it can be kind of graphic. And I'm sure as you go on and allow yourself to enjoy things again, you will find your niche. Pop culture is sometimes like the McDonald's of hobbies...There are much more fulfilling, satisfying and healthy ways to spend your time.


Are you looking for suggestions? Have you checked out Pinterest at all? It may actually be overwhelming at first, but I have gotten so many good ideas there in regards to hobbies, crafts, gardening, cooking, etc. Those are some things I'm into...whatever you're into, you will find it there. And as far as music, I really love Pandora. I have discovered lots of great new music based on their music suggestions based on what I already like. :) One cool song leads me to look up the band and I end up finding a whole collection of albums and new music. I also sometimes get sucked into the black hole of science documentaries on YouTube as well. And books....having a kindle app is a double edged sword because there is access to basically every book ever written, but it's TOO easy to buy them. :) For every book description you check out, there are suggestions for so many more you will probably be into.


Don't worry about the things that don't resonate with you and keep an eye out for the things that do.


ETA: For the record, if someone told me they don't know who Kanye West is, it would make me like that person more. There ARE people who would cherish a friendship with you, exactly as you are in this moment. Don't settle for less and embrace the fact that you aren't into pop culture. When people tease me about not having a TV or knowing who a celebrity is, it actually makes me feel good to have confirmation that I'm not just following the crowd. Embrace it.

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I agree with a lot of people here, you don't really need to know any of that stuff to be "cultured" or fit in with the world.


Except Harry Potter.


Go to your nearest bookstore or rob one of your neighbor's bookshelves. That series is my Bible.

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How about sex (seriously)? A lot of cradle Xians are clueless when it come to sex. No one ever told them it isn't just for making babies, it's actually suppose to be fun. And missionary is but one of many interesting positions. And I'm absolutely certain that sexual experimentation will not doom anyone to hell. I know that is shocking news to some folks, but I am absolutely certain about that.


And the lights can be on and you don't have to do it under the covers. No, I'm serious You don't have to do it that way every time. And I'm also certain Jesus isn't watching or taking notes....or video taping you either. That would be weird.

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Thanks for the replies.


When I was growing up, my peers (not friends) in church quizzed me on things they were interested in, like song artists. I didn't know what they were talking about, so I failed their litmus tests for friendship. I mean, they would literally approach me and ask, "Do you know who Kanye West is?" I didn't know then, but I know now. And they'd give me a side look and walk away. I lost friendships over this shit.


I'm 33, and still to this day, I meet people who are wrapped up in one segment of one subculture, and act like I am totally missing out when I can't relate.


I think this is what I don't understand.


I am interested in conspiracy newscasters, paranormal explorations, and channeled messages. I take the channeled messages with a grain of salt because for all I know, the people could be acting. I still like to watch though.


Coast to Coast is a radio or XM radio broadcast you might enjoy, since it deals with conspiracies, extra-terrestrials, and so on. My wife eats that stuff up. But she couldn't care less about sci-fi or fantasy like Harry Potter.


Part of being You is finding those that you resonate with, and it sounds like you are finding several that don't vibe with you at all. My niece is that way, tends to stay to herself mostly, and has her own private interests. She finds most "friends" online. Some of that is dictated by where you live, and with whom you live. Portland Oregon is near me, and thrives on lots of diversity, so it is pretty easy to find others that like ___. Maybe in Kansas it would be a lot more difficult.


If you don't like some geek stuff that others adore, that's just part of being you. But if you want common ground with people, at least try for a bit of understanding from them why they like certain things. I love the Harry Potter series, not so much the movies, but the books because they are very entertaining and it feels like going into another world. Most others my age (early 50s) have only seen the movies, if that.


I don't follow sports at all, but most of the guys I work with are fanatics. They start manically talking about it and I do something else. We find common ground in other things, but sports won't ever be an interest to me, and they know that. I sing and dance, and they can't relate to that at all other than to be part of an audience. I ignore most of pop culture, don't watch TV, don't like the "music" of this generation, don't follow celebrity gossip, I'm too busy doing songs from yesteryear or listening to friends do shows. Or I could be off at a dance class or a retreat in the woods. As many as follow pop culture, there are LOTS of us that do not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I go to bars regularly (on off-days so it's not busy), go to football and soccer games or watch them on TV, and when events come to town I'll usually go just for the entertainment. I really don't have the time for much popular culture, even if I wished it to be so.

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Personally I'd say just go with what you enjoy, and don't be too bothered about the stuff you are not. It might be worth trying to ask people about the other stuff so you can find out more about it, get just interested in other people's hobbies but don't feel the need to have to be immersed in them in order to have meaningful friendships. You could try and find out how to talk about your own too. Everyone has different tastes. If people canot accomodate that maybe try getting involved in things where your interests are shared.

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