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Goodbye Jesus

If Religion Is So Great, Why do sites like this exist?


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Why do sites like this one exist if religion is so great?  I think most of the major religions have specific sites like this one to support those who want to leave that specific religion. I left the Church of Christ in 2005 & accidentally found a site called Ex-Church of Christ. The c of c is an extreme form of Christian fundamentalism. They take bible literalism to absurd extremes. I'm still active on that site, but I'm not very popular, because I'm not a believer anymore. Folks over there want to find a new version of God, but they aren't into atheism. Jesus is still their best buddy,   They just want a more loving version of Jesus.


There are similar sites for Mormons, Pentecostals, Catholics,  & even Muslims. I assume every major denomination has a support sight for people who want out. This site is kind of a one size fits all which I find really helpful because at the center of this issue is the question, "Does God even exist?" This site deals with that question, while other sites restrict their support by addressing specific issues relative to a specific denomination or  version of Christianity , Mormomism, etc. 


Thanks to the creators of this site. You are providing a valuable service for a lot of traumatized folks who often feel like they are all alone.


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Here's the former Adventist website. It's exactly like what you're talking about. These are stepping stone oriented websites dealing in partial truths. Of course people like us have skipped over that stage entirely. But apparently there's an appeal for a lot of fundies to wade carefully out of fundamentalism. 


I've read a lot of articles and I ultimately stand behind what they're doing. I've spoken to SDA's who have made it that far and then taken them much further, though. The same critical analysis that reveals what's wrong with the denomination, of course, will reveal what's wrong with christianity in general if you don't stop short of critically analyzing. But even in the event that these people don't make it all the way to ex-christianity or non-belief, it serves the purpose of further breaking religious fundamentalism in the world which accounts for something in the way of progress. 

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