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Goodbye Jesus

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Missed Heaven By A Cubit




I was in the fourth grade. I remember that it was a cold morning, just before the onset of winter. At the beginning of class, we all stood in front of our desks and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. After that, we recited the Pledge to the Christian Flag. And then, we had to recite the Pledge to the Bible ..."I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God."

Normally, we would start our mornings with a small devotion. This morning, Mrs. Stump did something different. When she looked around the room at all of us, she seemed sad. "This last weekend, a close friend of mine passed away." She began. "A few years ago, he left the church. When I talked to him about God, he told me that he couldn't see how belief in God was logical. There are people who say that the distance between the head and the heart is about one cubic. When people can’t see past logic to find God, they say he 'missed Heaven by a cubic'. I want you all the think about that today." When she was finished we had a short prayer and began our day. Missed Heaven by a cubic. I did think about that, not just for that day, but for many years since then.

Throughout the time that I was a Christian, I have been told that God created man with reason, and since He is the author of reason, logic and reason should lead you to God. There is a passage in the New Testament that says to always have an answer for the joy that is within you. And, in the Old Testament, there's a Proverb that comes up, from time to time, that that implies that God hides treasures for us to find. The modern take on that proverb is that we are to explore God’s creation to know him better. Many Christians think that science and reason can be compatible with religion. So how is it, that someone can "miss Heaven by a cubic"?


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