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Goodbye Jesus

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You Belong Here



Recently, my two year old daughter downloaded a song to my Kindle Fire off of Amazon's recommeded artists list. $2 down the drain, I thought. Oh, well. I decided to password protect my Kindle so that I could make sure this sort of thing wouldn't happend again. I had to at least listen to the song, I mean, I own it, right? To my suprise, I really liked it. In fact the more I played it the more I realized it sort of resonates my feelings of discovering the skeptical community. I now listen to it fairly regularly. The song is called, "You Belong Here" by Leagues. Some of you might feel the same. Here's the lyrics.



Open up

All the windows

Don't be afraid to let the sunlight in

Give it up

Don't disobey it

Let it grow and

Let it all begin

You'd be a fool to fight it


You belong here

We've been waiting so long

We've been waiting so long

You belong here

We've been waiting so long

We've been waiting so long


You try to run

But it will find you

It's right behind you

We've been chased by love

Lift up your eyes

Turn down the noise

Be where you are and

Let it all begin

You'd be a fool to fight it


You belong here

We've been waiting so long

We've been waiting so long

You belong here

We've been waiting so long

We've been waiting so long


If you ever wanted to know that you're wanted

If you ever wanted to know that

If you ever wanted well know that you're wanted

It's something that I need to you know


Yeah if you ever wanted to know that you're wanted

If you ever wanted to know that

If you ever wanted well know that you're wanted

It's something that I need to you know


You belong here

We've been waiting so long

We've been waiting so long

You belong here

We've been waiting so long

We've been waiting so long


You belong here

I've been waiting so long

I've been waiting so long

You belong here

We've been waiting so long

We've been waiting so long


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