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Goodbye Jesus

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Road Less Traveled



Decided to scrap my prior blog, and start anew. I don't want to ramble on about Christianity anymore. It is easy to get lost in all that negativity from the past, but in truth, it wasn't all bad.


That said, I was thinking today about what life might have been like, had I had atheist parents. No church. No talk of evil and sin. No Jesus camp. No guilt over forgetting to abstain from meat during Lent, etc...


And all that sex I missed out on! :D


I suppose the road less traveled, is often the one that we end up on through tough times. And that road leads right where we are.


The road was winding and long and I never though I'd declare myself an atheist. But here I am.


I wish more people knew the truth about atheism. It isn't destructive. It isn't devisive. Now, there are devisive destructive atheists out there, but atheism is not designed to hurt anyone. It's enriching. The beauty of logic is astounding. Only when under the spell of religion, would we think otherwise. Religion is threatened by logic and critical thinking, so ...go on staying the ostrich with its head buried deep in the sand or rise up and discover how rich life can be.


Atheism set me free from worrying about what others think and set me on a path to being true to me. And the best I can be for others. I didn't realize the quasi-coma I'd been in all these years.


I'm happy to have taken the road less traveled for if I hadn't, I don't know where I'd be right now.


The road less traveled, led me to you. <3


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