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Goodbye Jesus

Billy Graham Sucks


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There will be Christians that say, "You hate him because he is annointed!" Or there will be those who think I shouldn't disrespect a dying old man...However, I still think that he sucks. Here is why...


Billy boy made rabid religious fundamentalism(something that the foundingalludes to is more Deist than Theist) socially acceptable. So much so that we have politicians who believe that they can do no wrong because they are ordained by God...And the reason behind that is because Billy Graham has chosen to ally himself with various presidents to give them some sort of political clout and legitimacy to the ignorant masses of fundies out there. I do not think that should be allowed(unless we force churches to start paying taxes too)...


I think people like Billy Graham make it mandatory to enforce the whole "seperatation of Church and State" thing with a vengence. They talk about god bringing everyone together, and in my short time on this earth I have never seen it more divided. Unless you become a Christian clone then there is no room for you in this nearly totalitarian society...


We are not a theocracy, but people like Billy Graham are trying to transform it into one.


That is why I think he sucks. He makes me sick. Unfortunately, he will never think that the monster he helped create is wrong.



end rant.


This rant is thanks to a fairly recent issue of Newsweek magazine where he made the front page.


Also, instead of all these dumbass pastors canoodling with presidents why not have scientists consult the white house...You know, people who can make a change in the physical world..i.e...REALITY?

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Amen, brother!


Actually, Billy himself has come under attack from some of the ultra-fundies, for being too liberal. Whoever said that chickens come home to roost was correct.

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No argument from me! Billy Graham is SO wishy-washy that he has managed to offend and perplex people on BOTH sides of the aisle. The Fundies feel betrayed by him for being too liberal and the non-Christians feel threatened by his theocracy scheming. He's a strange duck, at best.


I hate religion.

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According to the Bible, old Billy the goat Graham is on his way to eternal damnation, for betraying the faith by cosying up to Roman Catholics, liberals and apostates. If you listen to him these days you notice he hasn't really got anything to say. His religion is pure arminianism - the idea that people can "make a decision for God" certainly doesn't exist in scripture.


Dear 'ole Billy. You'll be gone soon!!

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I went to one of his crusades once and thought it was like a Nurmeburg rally.

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Was that fairly recently? I've noticed that in contrast to the early crusades, the more recent ones have included rock music and hand clapping. It's turned into entertainment.

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It was always entertainment. Highly-paid entertainment.


Even when Graham met with Richard Nixon (it's on tape) and they both were trying to figure out "what do these negroes want."

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Was that fairly recently? I've noticed that in contrast to the early crusades, the more recent ones have included rock music and hand clapping. It's turned into entertainment.


It was about 15 years ago, and there wasn't any rock music. Ian McCaskgell the British TV weatherman was there - he's a Born Again you actually can't help but like.

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Ugh. My uncle used to be a counselor at the Billy Graham "Crusades."


Have y'all seen his son Franklin? He runs "Samaritan's Purse" and they got alot of Katrina relief press from TBN (Trinity Broadcasting) and from Fox News. I saw Franklin Graham on "Hannity and Colmes" and he was actually preaching and talking about how great it was that SP was "bringing so many souls to Christ" through their aid. Of course, Franklin was "building his testimony" during the eighties so he's well on his way to filling his daddy's shoes.

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  • 11 months later...

Ain't it amazing that someone can talk for 80 years and not say anything useful?


Billy has!


Well, God is about to bring him home.


I just hope I don't have to spend eternity listening to his clap trap!

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:ugh: I never did like him and now he is going to his eternal reward; the cold dark grave where he will never wake up. I would say that is hell.
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Billy Graham of course always had a key to the back door of the White House. As he has been suffering from the Joes (Joe Blakes: Parkinson's in Aussie Slang) He has probably given that key to his son, or Pat Robinson might have it now.

Biily ain't going nowhere. And he won't even know. There is no heaven, no hell, no god. Billy will cark it and after that know nothing.

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I was a counselor for the 2000 Nashville crusade. I had to go through the 5 or 6 weeks training thing and get even less sleep than I was getting at that time just so I can help some morons fill out a form when they decide to accept christ cock at the end of the crusade. Biggest and most boring waste of time ever. I still get Billy Graham junk mail asking for donations. That douchebag has enough money already.

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I never knew the guy was still alive. He was preaching before I was born in the 1940s and 50s--I assumed he's been dead for decades. Seems he started young and hung in there for the long haul. I don't get it how a person can live so many years in a one-track mind only. I would find it awfully boring.

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he's better than ravi zacharias,a lot better,and one of the least harm

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My Dad used to listen to Graham and all the other TV and radio preachers, so they kind of all run together in my head. He always loved a "good fire and brimstone preacher", i.e. someone who ranted on and on about how we were all doomed to hell. I've never understood what he found comforting in them. Perhaps a sense that they were talking about everyone but him?


Anyhow, I credit these guys en masse with giving me nightmares throughout my childhood. I was so scared shitless of going to hell that I cried myself to sleep many nights. To this day, that same feeling is still my automatic anxiety response. (And knowing that doesn't make it go away...)


Anyhow, I don't see where any of them accomplished anything positive.

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graham has been said of'unchristian' because of his statement that non christian can find their path to God

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My Dad used to listen to Graham and all the other TV and radio preachers, so they kind of all run together in my head. He always loved a "good fire and brimstone preacher", i.e. someone who ranted on and on about how we were all doomed to hell. I've never understood what he found comforting in them. Perhaps a sense that they were talking about everyone but him?


Anyhow, I credit these guys en masse with giving me nightmares throughout my childhood. I was so scared shitless of going to hell that I cried myself to sleep many nights. To this day, that same feeling is still my automatic anxiety response. (And knowing that doesn't make it go away...)


Anyhow, I don't see where any of them accomplished anything positive.


Yea "20-20" ought to do a story on "To catch a predator" where they have someone posing as a "confused little kid," on these Christian websites, and charge anyone with child molestation, who tells them that shit!

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