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Goodbye Jesus

End3 Four-square Idolator

R. S. Martin

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This is Post 36 from A Poll About Christianity in the Lion's Den.



Square idolater! :lmao:


Hey, hey! This guy's asking to be mocked and ridiculed and laughed at. Maybe it's a she--who knows; avatar's a spikey horny winged mythical creature to go with a religion of myth with a mythological four-square gospel about a "city four-square."


He believes in doing to others as he would be done by. He is mocking me after I was so good to him. That means he wants to be mocked. (For the history, see pretty much every other post in that thread from 16-36.)


C'mon guys! See the love of Jesus shining through this guy! As a Christian, he thinks he's being a light to the world and salt of the earth. And he believes in using mockery in spreading the good news, in letting his light shine, in showing his love. Jesus called such people hypocrites, vipers, white-washed sepulchers.


Anyone who bothers reading up on this thingie's history will see this critter deemed it wise to cry for pity because the lions attacked it INSIDE THE LION'S DEN. Yet it entered the lion's den in spite of "enter at own risk" signs plastered all over the place. Why, Michael made special notice in his OP that it might get heated. I thought that was over-stating the obvious. And still this critter cries for mercy. I decided to take it OUTSIDE the Lion's Den where rants are legitimate.


I'm probably over-doing it but phew! the stink that rises from the smug self-righteousness of such creatures is intolerable!

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I guess this post probably doesn't make all that much sense by itself. I wasn't sure if maybe I'm taking things too far so I pmed a mod. He looked at it and said it's okay and to shake some sense into this person if we can.


Chances are small that anyone can shake sense into this kind of person but we can always try. This person walks into the Lion's Den, posts a one-word post: Verily. It's the thread about which church we felt best represented god.


Michael asks so which did you choose?


end3 says: Always been a Holy Spirit guided kind of soul. Church is church.


Okay, so what does that mean? I guess we're not supposed to know. I feel like having a bit of fun. It's in the Lion's Den after all! I notice a few things about the person's avatar and stuff so I say:

Just curious here, end3. You say you are electrified by Josh, that Jesus is your God, and that you are guided by the Holy Spirit. If you also believe in God the Father, does that make you a Quadritarian? Not exactly a Trinitarian, seeing that this is four rather than three. So why isn't your name end4?


Just trying to pick a fight, that's all. I've never met a quadritarian who claimed to be a Christian. Sounds rather polytheistic to me....three's quite a crowd, but 4????


I go my merry way and forget about this post. I come back today and find this from end3: Did ya'll not have enough Christians to pick on today?


Since I wasn't around and others were, others responded. Mod mCAT said: If you can't take it, why come here? You want us to feel sorry for you?


Thanks mCAT. My hat's tipped to ya. Couldn't have said it better myself.


Dumbie, aka end3, asks: Please, what are you referring to?


mCAT: You were the one whining about being picked on. If you don't know, don't expect me to explain it to you.


end3: Not really whining, just trying to understand problems in the church.


mCAT: How does stating

"Did ya'll not have enough Christians to pick on today?"

in an ex-christian forum, help you understand problems in the church? You're not making much sense. BTW, I gave up trying to understand the church a long time ago. Don't dwell on it too long, your head will explode, if it hasn't already. The church is flawed because its foundation is flawed. Not hard to understand, really.


end3: Mcat,

Please read the posts prior to mine. RubySera and Mike were just looking to "fight" for fun. It was bantering on my part. Next time I will post a smiley. [end3 does not mention that "Mike" started the thread and possibly has a right to say what he wishes on it.]


RubySera: Smilie or no smilie, playing cat-and-mouse is fun. You didn't think that if Miss Mousie ventured into Ms Kit's Kitchen that she would get away without a scratch, now did you???


Wow! you are really dense. For such a seriously dense mousie--Oops! better not insult our good Fweethawt. Gotta find a better name for this here end thingie. Hmmm. Oh well, end3 works. Not that I expect you to get this joke end3, but that's okay. It's just an inhouse thing. I can see that you couldn't figure out what a quatridarian is even if it were shoved under your nose. And it was.


I'll spell it out for you.


Trinity=three-in-One (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost)


You have a Josh, a Jesus, a Holy Spirit, and probably also a God the Father. That makes four. So I guess you are a quatridarian.


Quad=4 as in a four-cornered quadrangle.


Get it now?


There's more to it.


The Bible says to have no other Gods but only One God. A monotheist.


You have four Gods altogether. That makes you a polytheist, an idolator. If the Bible is true, and if God and hell are real, you will go to hell.


Can your brain handle so much information? If not, just trust the Bible. The Bible says so. You will go to hell. That's all you really need to know.


Now you can get out of this mess if you do it right. You need to get rid of Josh, and the Holy Spirit, and Jesus. All you can have is God the Father.


But there's still a problem. Allah is a very jealous God. Allah sends all Christians to hell. You can't believe in both God and Allah because one is Christian and the other is Muslim. Then there is also Vishnu.


I am not quite sure what Vishnu does to you if you don't believe in her, but I think maybe you will spend thirty thousand years in a pit of poisonous snakes. They will eat you all that time but you will never be eaten up. When thirty thousand years have passed, you will be reincarnated as a dragon fly that a boy in India will use to catch a fish to save his family from starvation. However, because you are so badly cursed the fish he almost catches will get away and his whole village will die. All because you did not believe in Vishnu.


You see, end3, it is really important that you believe the RIGHT god. But which IS the right god? :shrug::unsure::notworthy: :ohmy:


Honestly, it's best not to believe any of these stories and just live a real human life. Get rid of Josh, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and God the Father. Then you will be free indeed.


Take it from one who knows. This time I speak the truth and my other posts verify it.


end3: RS

Square idolater! :lmao:



That's what this is about. Dense three-ended thingie of some sort ventured into the Lion's Den, got sniped for being a Christian, played dumb, and got snarky for not being revered as one of God's Special Darlings.


I tell all who will listen that there is nothing worthy of worship. Such a person this thingie calls an idolator. Incredible! Idolators worship something--if not god they worship something else. That I am an idolator is impossible.


Hmmm. I guess a person whose skull is as thick as this one's obviously is cannot be expected to see that some people don't actually worship anything. Yeah, they will insist and twist things and even make outright lies about us, just so they can accuse us of worshiping something other than their Sky Daddy. It's not possible for them to be wrong in their own minds. Ever.


Doesn't mean they're right, though.

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This may sound like a stupid question, but who is "Josh"? This another name for jesus?


Just curious, don't think I have ever heard a Josh mentioned by the xtians in my world.

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End3, you're totally mistaken! It's YOU who is the idolator. There is nothing in the universe that is worthy of my worship. Idolators worship something. I do NOT worship ANYTHING. You need to read my posts--all three thousand of them or however many there are. Then you will know that I don't worship anything. I'm not making stuff up. It is totally impossible that I am an idolator and by accusing me of being one you are only making a total fool of yourself. Your jesus must surely be ashamed of you. It'll be a great wonder if he hasn't already spewed you out of his mouth--you self-righteous, lukewarm, proud Pharisaic dumb-ass.


I see this is Post # 2,870, so it's under 3,000. Read them all.

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This may sound like a stupid question, but who is "Josh"? This another name for jesus?


Just curious, don't think I have ever heard a Josh mentioned by the xtians in my world.


I was taught that Joshua and Jesus were the same name and that both mean "he saves his people." Since Josh is short for Joshua I assume that is what end3 means.

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This may sound like a stupid question, but who is "Josh"? This another name for jesus?


Just curious, don't think I have ever heard a Josh mentioned by the xtians in my world.


I was taught that Joshua and Jesus were the same name and that both mean "he saves his people." Since Josh is short for Joshua I assume that is what end3 means.



Oh ok, I thought he was refering to two different people

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I read on another thread by Marty about punk Christians. I think that's basically young people who want to be Christian but also "like the world." So they do things like body piercings and tatoos. I would guess using the name Josh for Jesus could be part of the movement but I have no idea. They might think it sounds kind of daring to use a common nick like Josh for their lord and savior. And their elders couldn't fault them because it is the same as Jesus--it says so right there in the Bible, or close to it. Or maybe some bright SS teacher or youth pastor came up with the idea. I don't know how these things get started. I just figure it fits the pattern. I've never heard it before but I wouldn't know what else "electrified for Josh" means in this context.

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Electrified for "Josh" = "on fire for Jesus", i.e., very enthusiastically deluded. :wacko:

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Thanks L.B. I trust your authority on this one. :)

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