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Goodbye Jesus

God loves dirty woman


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Ah the smell of BO in the morning....




Makes me think of "fast times at ridgemont high" when "Lassie" got off on the smell of jock straps in the locker room.

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A little long winded for me, and I honestly think we atheists need to pick on other parts of the bible as much as we hammer on Leviticus. Leviticus is fun... let's face it.


But the one thought I had is... do literalist churchs have period pews? I mean really. Any given Sunday there has to be dozens of unclean women sitting there... that's a lot of bathing that needs doing after services. :Doh:



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Watching that and listening reminded me of the movie Dr. Strangelove....


General Jack Ripper: "In defense of our precious... bodily.... fluids...."....




But the one thought I had is... do literalist churchs have period pews? I mean really. Any given Sunday there has to be dozens of unclean women sitting there... that's a lot of bathing that needs doing after services.


That would be so funny.... a bunch of women with monthly hormone fluctuations sitting on the same pews, every month, at the same time...

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I have a confession to make…


He was just so damned cute I couldn’t pay attention to what he was saying. :wicked:

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that... :):wub:

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I'm going to put my neck out here, LOL. But I have a few questions. Admitting that I'm not an expert on this whole issue, I can only go by what I've heard so far.


1. Did women have the same sanitary aids (pads, tampons, etc.) back in biblical days? There may have been something, but I doubt it was as good as what we have today. Even what we have today doesn't work well for all women (especially those with a heavy flow). So wouldn't a woman be unclean if there is vaginal blood all over her bottom? This is especially true since menstrual periods last from about 3-7 days.


2. Is vaginal blood clean? Not asking anyone about their personal habits, but do guys generally mind having sex with a woman while she is on her period? Just a thought.


Before I dismiss this as one more biblical absurdity, I'd need to find out what kind of sanitary care was available to women back then. If it wasn't as good as what we have today, I don't blame someone for not wanting to sit on the same chair as a woman on her period. Hopefully, chairs in churches, restaurants, etc are wiped down well. If not, I'll just wash my clothes, LOL. The passage didn't state that women are unclean everyday of the year. To be fair, it is addressing that time of the month when women have to take that extra step toward cleanliness. My point is, the hygienic issue jumps out at me rather than women being branded as disgusting.


But, I do understand the objection to a woman being labeled unclean after a female birth but not as much as she would be with a male birth.

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Seems like with pretty much every law, prohibition, and sanction in the OT, they took something they found objectionable by consensus, and then blew it up to the level of first class offense to god himself, making a menstruating woman symbolically unfit to be considered human for the duration, because those men found them literally unfit to be in their presence.

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