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The Snowflakes Made Me Smile


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I was busy this morning doing my normal e-mail, blog, and forum checks, when I got to this forum. And I saw the winter theme background. And it just made me feel better and more relaxed. Something about the untrodden snow in the banner that is so soothing and relaxing.


This has been your moment of Zen.


Ahhhhh. :thanks:

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When I saw your title I thought you meant the snow outside. It makes the world so much brighter. We've had so many all-day rains and they make such a drab--almost black--landscape. Snow just brightens up the place like the lights came on. It lifts my spirits.:)

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I thought it was just me. When I came on yesterday and saw the new "snow skin" I smiled too! I love snow (that I don't have to shovel or drive in). And we don't get much here on the southwest coast of Canada.



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I thought it was just me. When I came on yesterday and saw the new "snow skin" I smiled too! I love snow (that I don't have to shovel or drive in). And we don't get much here on the southwest coast of Canada.





Yes very nice! I live in florida so we don't get any snow, but years ago I lived in PA, and it kinda reminds me of that. Thanks!


What, no "manger" scene? lol just kidding :)

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-13°C (8.6°F) here in Red Deer today. Probably around -20 with the wind-chill. Continuous blowing snow since yesterday morning. Man...I hate winter...

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-13°C (8.6°F) here in Red Deer today. Probably around -20 with the wind-chill. Continuous blowing snow since yesterday morning. Man...I hate winter...


Party pooper. :P

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Party pooper. :P


Pffft! You made me spit water on my screen! LOL

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-13°C (8.6°F) here in Red Deer today. Probably around -20 with the wind-chill. Continuous blowing snow since yesterday morning. Man...I hate winter...


Psh. Suck it up, graphicsguy. ;) -19 C here in Winnipeg, -26 with the wind chill.


I'm not going outside today (until I leave for the Opera this evening).

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So I guess we're in for some cold and snow, SarahGrace and graphicsguy. We always get whatever's left over from your weather out West. Here's the local forecast and it looks a lot like what we're having at the moment--about two degrees C above 0 with wind and snow.

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Psh. Suck it up, graphicsguy. ;) -19 C here in Winnipeg, -26 with the wind chill.


Bah, that's just the weather we had yesterday moved over your way! :P

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The theme didn't automagically change for me, but it is very nice. Glory!

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-13°C (8.6°F) here in Red Deer today. Probably around -20 with the wind-chill. Continuous blowing snow since yesterday morning. Man...I hate winter...

That is cold! We endured temps well below 0F here in Anchorage last winter, but things have been mostly rather mild so far this year. The temp is about 29F right now, but just days ago it hit almost 50F. A lot of the nice snow we had on the ground melted, which sucked because I like snow. The only thing I really hate about winter living up north (I'm originally from Texas) is the icy, dangerous roads. Driving in winter when the roads are bad still scares the shit out of me.

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I have it set to standard skin so it doesn't change. I found what works best for my vision, etc. I really like that there are options.


Lots of people use superscript for TM, as in True Believer, TM. How does one do that? I can't find it on my toolbar.

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-13°C (8.6°F) here in Red Deer today. Probably around -20 with the wind-chill. Continuous blowing snow since yesterday morning. Man...I hate winter...


I feel sad for you on so many levels, not the least of which is that you live in Alberta. :HappyCry:

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Lots of people use superscript for TM, as in True Believer, TM. How does one do that? I can't find it on my toolbar.
Just type the letters 'tm' surrounded by parenthesis directly after the word (no space) you want it to apply to. It's that simple.


™ <--- Hit the reply button to this post, and you'll see exactly how I typed this out by viewing it in the quoted text.

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I feel sad for you on so many levels, not the least of which is that you live in Alberta. :HappyCry:


I know, I love BC. Mostly North BC where I spent most of my childhood (Prince George, Burns Lake, that whole lake/woods region). My parents live in Salmon Arm now...I'm flying down for Xmas.


As for the weather...well, we get drops down to -40° every year for about week. I'm REALLY NOT looking forward to it.


At least it's dry. Vancouver is so moist you freeze your ass off at -5°C.

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Lots of people use superscript for TM, as in True Believer, TM. How does one do that? I can't find it on my toolbar.
Just type the letters 'tm' surrounded by parenthesis directly after the word (no space) you want it to apply to. It's that simple.


â„¢ <--- Hit the reply button to this post, and you'll see exactly how I typed this out by viewing it in the quoted text.



I hit the reply button and it doesn't show how you typed it out but I will try typing out according to instructions and see what happens. I am a True ExChristian . Now I will hit submit...

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Yay! it worked. Gotta do this a few more times to get it into my brain and fingers. True trademark . True Winter . True North .


Yep, anything that's true and beyond question but believable only to me and mine is . Got it!


Thanks Fwee!:)

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We are supposed to get a few inches before this weekend here in the Twin Cities. Don't know if it'll make me smile then, depends on how cold it gets.

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