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Goodbye Jesus

The Four Horsemen: Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris,


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On the 30th of September 2007, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and ... all » Christopher Hitchens sat down for a first-of-its-kind, unmoderated 2-hour discussion, convened by RDFRS and filmed by Josh Timonen.


All four authors have recently received a large amount of media attention for their writings against religion - some positive, and some negative. In this conversation the group trades stories of the public’s reaction to their recent books, their unexpected successes, criticisms and common misrepresentations. They discuss the tough questions about religion that face to world today, and propose new strategies for going forward.





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Goodbye Jesus

I have a very slow internet connection and it will take all day just to load one. Is there a way I can access these, such as are they available on CD or something I can buy to see it that way? I'm not sure how or where to look it up. Does anyone know?

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Okay I found my own answer. DVDs can be pre-ordered here for $20. They will be shipped Jan. 2, 2008.

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Hi Ruby,


I just watched both hours. They're not bad but not terribly interesting IMO. They have some good things to say from time to time, but my attention tended to drift during parts of these videos. I'd recommend spending $20 on any of their books instead of this video.



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Thanks Jack. Maybe I'll see if I can find a public computer that's not busy. In the mean time, what strategy do they propose for "going forward" regarding religion?

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I really enjoyed listening to their discussion. Thanks for posting it.

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In the mean time, what strategy do they propose for "going forward" regarding religion?



Sorry, that must have been one of the parts in which my attention drifted. (I was enjoying a few adult beverages at the time which probably helped distract me!)


If you can find a public terminal with audio, I'd recommend a look. But save the $20.


Speaking of adult beverages, I think it was refreshing to see a serious discussion of several very intelligent and well spoken people while they sipped their beverage of choice. You always see these people taking on their own or debating a fundy. This made them all look much more normal and approachable.

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I used a computer at school today to watch quite a bit of the first hour. I think it's something I want. I was not consuming beverages stronger than Adam's Wine aka water, so my brain was clear. I found it all quite fascinating and instructive. Maybe that is because I'm such a new deconvert. Also, the DVD is supposed to be better quality. I had problems hearing one of them. Thanks for your evaluation all the same.

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Thanks for the links. I've downloaded the videos and will watch them later when I've got some more time. :)

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There are large stretches in the 2nd hour where I found myself on the verge of yelling at the screen to tell Christopher Hitchens to SHUT THE FUCK UP and let the others TALK the rude bastard...

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