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Why are people suing gun industry?


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I have read in my local news a family is suing a gun maker after their son was shot and almost died because of an assh*le gang member shot their son who wasnt in a gang. It pisses me off because as usual, the family cant sue the one who shot their son so they sue everyone else with money. I do believe there are two people who should be held responsible, the shooter and the man who sold the shooter the gun illegally. And both are in jail now but the family just cant be happy until they get some money. I feel bad for the kid, he was going to play basketball in college but now is all messed up and cant play or is refusing to play that part isnt clear. But the odds of him ever becoming a millionaire from playing in the NBA were slim. I dont even think Buffalo has any guys in the NBA right now. Normally I do not agree with the NRA on issues but this suing of the gun makers because of the actions of others should be stopped. Now if the gun was bought legally, and malfunctioned while these people son was doing target practice, oh yeah they should be sued.


Im so tired of people trying to blame everyone else except those who should be held accountable. No one tells these jerks to go buy guns, they choice to buy guns and use them. I hate how people sue for everything and anything making life harder to deal for the rest of us. While they are at it why dont they sue knife and baseball bat makers since people use those to kill and injure others all the time.


Heres a comment from the kids lawyer


"These guns are flooding our neighborhoods and killing our children," Connors said. "Dan Williams almost died in his father's arms."




This statement made me furious.


The gun cant control itself, someone else has to make it work so no the gun isnt killing, its the person attached to the finger pulling the trigger who is doing the killing.



OK now im done but i still dont feel any better :(

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We should ban cars becuase they kill more people in the US than guns. The only reason to be sueing a gun manufactor becuase of a gun is if the damn gun was defective. Cars don't go out and kill people on thier own, computers don't go out on thier own and hack bank accounts, niether do guns just magically fire at people on thier own. It all requires people. As usuall though, liberal society wants to blame anything they can besides the actuall criminals.

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People are suing because they are greedy, and because they don't put the blame on the person who actually committed the crime.


Objects are not evil in and of themselves. This is a very Christian way of thinking. "Such-and-such book is evil because it contains ideas that go against our religion!" Gasp! Shock! Oh, the horror that not everyone agrees with them.


Anyway, I wish people would quit blaming other people and blame the ones who actually committed the crime, if there was one. Jeez.



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Suing gun manufacturers is an inevitable outgrowth of the successful lawsuit against tobacco companies. If there's a deep pocket to pick, then you can expect someone's hands will be there filching.


I have been sickened by this entire sorry spectacle of lawsuits for profit. I often fantasize that some judge will grow some balls, (or be PMSing!), and just fuck some plaintiff and their greedy lawyers for even DARING to use his/her courtroom as a Judiciary Money Machine!


Throw the plaintiff and his/her shyster in prison for contempt of court and make THEM pay damages and court costs for bringing bullshit charges.





I need to go to law school and become a judge! :grin:

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I agree. Even though I have never really liked guns, i think blaming guns for killings is like blaming pencils for misspelling words.


I hate hearing about all these stupid lawsuits. Its like you can sue anyone or anything for any reason.

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[sarcasm] Don't you guys go picking on these poor people! If the gun was never made their son would still be alive![/ sarcasm]


These people either have no commen sence or are greedy. I think it's both and I hope the judge laughs them out of the courtroom.



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We should ban cars becuase they kill more people in the US than guns. 


Don't forget to sue knife makers while you're at it. After all, how many people have been knifed to death in known history?

(Especially if we include swords et cetera as large variants of knifes)

Of course, success will mean that we'll have to cut bread, cheese and everything else with our forks or spoons... but we don't want to be hypocrites, do we? :Hmm:

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[devil's advocate]

Your honor I must object to this accusation. Truly, the gun was only the mean to then end which was to end mr. X's life. But the aforementioned gang could have used any other weapon to engage in the act. A gunshot wound can be treated and in time heal but a chainsaw or even acid could have done a worse job even and mr. X might not be here to speak against what i agree was a terrible 'misunderstanding' had it not been for the favor this gun manufacturer did by selling this gun (conviction piece A). You could almost say, your honor, that the defendant eased mr. X's pain by giving access to a mean to hurt much less cruel and definitive than other means. Therefore I ask, your honor, that the accuser pay full costs of this process, plus a 200 000$ charge for the mental anguish the president of my defendant's company (currently recovering on a Bahama's beach), for the favor my client made to mr. X.

[/devil's advocate]


Yeah, I know it's far fetched... it would be funny as hell if it actually happened one day! Anyways, only in america huh? ;)

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Where does te trial lawyer trail of tears end?


How many groups of victims are there, how many suposedly *deep pockets8 are there for the liars to go tap?


Next time you go to buy anything notice that one, it aint'a made in america anymore, and two, it is gonna made so cheap that it wont last.


Where did all the *good things* manufactured go?


Overseas and offshore? Why you ask? Because for Whizzbang Blender-O-Matic to continue to make their wares, they had to go where they could afford to do so.


The regulations both civil and criminal we've saddled ourselves with have killed incentive and jobs.


Here in ameriKa it is more important to have a good lawyer than is is to stand up for something, be creative, or have initiave..


Who is next on docket to sue???



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Who is next on docket to sue???




I say we bring a class action suit againts The Christian Church.


These fuckers took our money, PROMISED us that "Jesus" would "deliver", and we ain't got shit to show for it, except a depleted bank account. It's a fucking scam, and everybody knows it.


I think $15-20 TRILLION in punitive damages ought to be enough compensation.


Any shysters out there willing to make history? The time is right.

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People are sueing the gun industry for the same reason that people are sueing the video game industry.


They're fuckin' irresponsible. They're too goddamned lazy to take care of and watch out for themselves, so they expect the government and the corporations to do it for them. And, when government and/or the Corps don't "deliver" on the protection, these same lazy-assed motherfuckers get pissed off and throw a temper tantrum. Take the irresonsibility, tack on a bloated, cancerous mass of greed, and you have... the current state of humanity in the United States.


It's that simple.


And, hey! While we're at it, let's sue the car manufacturers! People die in car accidents, right? Fast cash, baby! And the companies that produce spray paint - they obviously don't do enough to protect the sweet little children who die from intentionally inhaling the fumes!! Let's just sue EVERYBODY who doesn't go out of their way to cushion the fat asses of every single lazy American who can't be bothered to stand on their own two feet anymore!


*wanders off, hissing and fuming* Things like this piss me off so much...

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Where did all the *good things* manufactured go?


*Ventures a guess*




*ducks and covers*

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And, hey! While we're at it, let's sue the car manufacturers! People die in car accidents, right? Fast cash, baby!


WOOHOO! I'm going to sue each and every fast food chain in America for magically making people fat and sick! Everyone should be prepared to start chowing down on bean sprouts! YUMMY.


Next time you go to buy anything notice that one, it aint'a made in america anymore, and two, it is gonna made so cheap that it wont last.


My stepdad's father has these made-in-America denim shirts he has worn regularly for years. He complains that they're getting harder to find and that the Made in Kumonawannalaya shirts look like they'd fall apart in the washing machine. Somehow I don't have the courage to tell a 75-year-old man that he'd better be prepared to start wearing a barrel.

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Are barrel's made in the USA any more?

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WOOHOO! I'm going to sue each and every fast food chain in America for magically making people fat and sick! Everyone should be prepared to start chowing down on bean sprouts! YUMMY.


Too late. They saw that coming. That's why the Low-Fat menus have shown up. Salads and what-not are being pushed in a health-consciousness raising ploy to ward off lawsuits for making people fat.

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Next time you go to buy anything notice that one, it aint'a made in america anymore, and two, it is gonna made so cheap that it wont last.


Im SOOOO tired of wasting my money on worthless junk. I wish we could go back to the days when quality was important instead of profit. Im sure all of this broken junk we end up tossing out isnt good for the environment.


I just read a few days ago health care is now being outsourced to a lot of Asian countries because its way cheaper and basically the same doctors. People go on vacation, get the treatment they need, and save like 80%. So eventually, we will get left with the throw back doctors that no one else wants since all those with money will be getting treatment elsewhere by the better doctors. In a way it works out better for the doctors also, they dont have to pay those insanely high priced malpractice insurance fees. Means more money for their pockets. Thanks to all the many lawsuits in the health care industry.

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