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Why We Believe In Gods


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  • 2 weeks later...

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I have seen the 54 minutes now and one can even download them on computer to save them so that will be of help.


Does any know if they have listed what he had on the Power Point slides?

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  • 8 months later...

I finally made the time to watch this. This is by far the best explanation I've seen. It's refreshing to see real scientific study being applied to a phenomena that is so predominant in the human experience. Hopefully he is right that this will soon be taught in HS science classes, not just because it will go a long way toward eradicating magical thinking in society but because it's a vitally important aspect of all our lives and an area where unclear understanding leads so often to pain, struggle and frustration. Having a road map that defines how your brain processes information is as important as having an owner's manual for your car kept safely in the glove box.

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Dawkins is a hero of mine. I've read two of his books now.


I think religion is a coping mechanism for death which has the side benefit of allowing people to control others.

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I haven't sat through it yet, but I fully intend to...this is one of the areas that I personally am finding fascinating and want to learn more about, so I will be watching it!

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That was interesting. I think more could have been made of the question and answer section. Some really good points were missed by the speaker/respondent.


In particular, he equivocated when asked if perhaps religion led to the development of the brain. That is ass-backwards. The whole concept of language development and the development of the pathways was to process general information. Religion would come after language and ability to process information. Also, religion, as far as we can tell, post-dated the final configuration of the brain by about 50,000 years or so.


He didn't mention the research that shows the loci active in the brain during the interpretation of God's will as the same loci for thinking about Self, but that is clear evidence that religion piggy-backed on preexisting pathways. He did mention that there are no pathways that are specific to religion, and the loci and pathways all have other essential functions.


Overall, I'm glad I watched the video.

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