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Why is Ann so Evil?

Yaoi Huntress Earth

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I found this link from Bartcop (http://positiveblasphemy.blogspot.com/2005/08/christ-died-for-ann-coulters-sins.html) and for me, it makes me want to both roll my eyes and be sick to my stomach. Apparently, Ann Coulter admits this: 'Well, it's the same way I don't care about anything else: Christ died for my sins and nothing else matters.' Why did James Dean die young and not her?

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Now that's some Christianity I can get into. If Jesus died for Ann Coulter's sins, us mere heathens should get into heaven no problem.

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Ann Coulter is a sick individual. She's just a ranter. She doesn't have any real passion (IMO), just hate. She isn't hot either. She's boring.


I'll take Savage over Coulter any day of the week.

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She also defended McCarthy-ism.


That's how sick of an individual she is.

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Nothing else matters? Hmm.. well if that's the case, I'll expect her to retire from right wing commentary and await death.

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Ann Coulter and Michael Savage are both just entertainers.


Good point JP. I also believe that Coulter gets off on trying to be Rush with tits. She hit pretty big with book 1, and ran with it. The trouble is that her follow ups failed miserably to everyone but her. They like to put her out front because she is a white, blond, rightwing cunt who'll say anything to be asked back for her 'opinion'. In reality she doesn't believe half the shit she throws and when the tide turns she'll scramble like a oil soaked rat in a fireplace to try and keep her place. Expect to hear even more vile bile from her in 2007.



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Nothing else matters? Hmm.. well if that's the case, I'll expect her to retire from right wing commentary and await death.


She says she'll quit her job as soon as she meets a rich husband. It's probably true that they are entertainers, but so were characters like Archie Bunker and Al Bundy. The thing that separates these two groups is that you knew that there was an essence of humanity and honesty to Archie and Al. You may not agree with them, but you understand them and maybe get a laugh or two.


The problem with Coulter, Rush, and Savage is that their nastiness overides everything. Archie's love for his daughter was stronger than his bigotry (otherwise he would've disowned Gloria a long time ago), but with those three there is no compassion or understanding. That's what's scary about people like Coulter is their blantant hatrid, ignorance, and slander as well as the message that it's perfectly okay, if not preferable, to embrace these flaws. (Not to mention that I find Coulter, Hannity, and Rush to be quite racist as well.)


Then it comes down to the idiots who follow these people. They're the ones who fully embrace these people's messages and act on it. And I for one do not want to live in a world full of nasty, racist, ignorant people.

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She says she'll quit her job as soon as she meets a rich husband.  It's probably true that they are entertainers, but so were characters like Archie Bunker and Al Bundy.  The thing that separates these two groups is that you knew that there was an essence of humanity and honesty to Archie and Al.  You may not agree with them, but you understand them and maybe get a laugh or two. 


  The problem with Coulter, Rush, and Savage is that their nastiness overides everything.  Archie's love for his daughter was stronger than his bigotry (otherwise he would've disowned Gloria a long time ago), but with those three there is no compassion or understanding.  That's what's scary about people like Coulter is their blantant hatrid, ignorance, and slander as well as the message that it's perfectly okay, if not preferable, to embrace these flaws.  (Not to mention that I find Coulter, Hannity, and Rush to be quite racist as well.)


  Then it comes down to the idiots who follow these people.  They're the ones who fully embrace these people's messages and act on it.  And I for one do not want to live in a world full of nasty, racist, ignorant people.

Ironically, the actor who played Archie, Carroll O'Connor was big time liberal activist during his heyday.


But I hear you about "nasty people" Yaoi. I just made a big push to have a similar right wing person banned from another board that I post on for being there only to abuse people, like our resident troll and wet rat Goldy.

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Ironically, the actor who played Archie, Carroll O'Connor was big time liberal activist during his heyday.


But I hear you about "nasty people" Yaoi. I just made a big push to have a similar right wing person banned from another board that I post on for being there only to abuse people, like our resident troll and wet rat Goldy.


I knew about O'Connor's liberal activism which makes for some great irony. Geez, when is that pissant Goldy ever going to leave weirdcrap.com? I hardly go there due to all the arguements and distractions he causes.

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