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Is It Just Me

Yaoi Huntress Earth

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While I don't like abortion, but I just get sick of all these anti-abortion commercials that go into this massive guilt crap for example how women who have them will average about four abortions in their life. (For such talk about a "liberal media" you almost never see a pro-choice commerical.) It's like those anti-cigerette comercials, self-rightous and guilt inducing. It makes me want to punch them.

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What I hate is those billboards with a fetus saying, "It's all right, Mommy, I forgive you; I know you were pressured."


Fetuses don't know English! They don't have a concept of pressure or forgiveness! Don't make fetusses your sock-puppets, you religious freakazoids!


I don't like the <Wehave to talk. --God> billboards, either.

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Guest I Love Dog

While I don't like abortion, but I just get sick of all these anti-abortion commercials that go into this massive guilt crap for example how women who have them will average about four abortions in their life. (For such talk about a "liberal media" you almost never see a pro-choice commerical.) It's like those anti-cigerette comercials, self-rightous and guilt inducing. It makes me want to punch them.


Well, thank goodness we don't have those commercials here in Australia! I don't think they'd be well-accepted at all.

I'm sure that most people here would be pro-choice. I can never see why people attach so much importance to humans in this regard when most people give scant regard to the way that humans treat animals. Humans, to me, aren't "special", we are just another animal on this planet, after all.


Millions of animals are detsroyed in the name of painful, medical and cosmetic testing and experiments each year and very few people care or even give it some thought. It's all done for the sake of humans, of course and animals don't matter when it comes to humans.

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I don't see too many anti-choice signs around my area. The most of what I see is a picture of a woman in worried concentration with the words, "Pregnant? Scarred?" I don't know if it is just a counseling service or an ad for abortion services.

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I have a real ethical issue with abortion, but not on religious grounds. I should probably do more research on the subject, but it just viscerally disturbs me to think of a potential living, thinking, human being killed without so much as a trial. I know others have different perspectives, but this issue just hits me right in the gut.

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I have a real ethical issue with abortion, but not on religious grounds. I should probably do more research on the subject, but it just viscerally disturbs me to think of a potential living, thinking, human being killed without so much as a trial. I know others have different perspectives, but this issue just hits me right in the gut.

I hope I'm not fueling a fire, but hypothetically, if a complete set of DNA (46 Chromosomes) can be turned into a human being, does that make it a "potential living, thinking, human"?


Cloning is not far off, and the opponents to cloning realize that it will make "soul implantation" a difficult thing to buy. Life is chemical.


Now, a human being is definable - having reached a point that there is a nervous system, circulatory system and supporting structures. A sperm is not a human. An Egg is not a human. A skin cell is not a human. An appendix is not a human, hair is not a human.


Neither is a zygote or a blastocyst.


It then becomes a matter of definition, but I think that Function of the nervous system is what distinguishes humans from non-human material that may nonetheless have Potential for becoming human.


Have I opened a can of worms?

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"Every sperm is sacred"

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Where I grew up we had the real crazies who were running around with posters of aborted fetuses in all the gore they could muster - and they were doing this on busy public streets, going up to cars stuck at a light and shoving the posters against the windows - happened to someone I know, and she had an SUV full of elementry school kids. People were threatening to sue, the pictures were beyond R-ratings...

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I'm reminded of how once when I was a teen in my parents' church, the Sunday school teacher was teaching us about the evils of abortion and gave us this tract that was written as a diary from the point of view of the fetus. Like it would have the fetus write down each stage of its development in the form of a diary entry but then at the end of the tract, it said "On day {whatever it was; I can't remember], my mother killed me. It was horrifying for them to use guilt tripping to feed off of people's emotions to support their agendas and I thought it was ridiculous for them to act like a fetus has thoughts to write in a diary.

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On a tangent: I must say that I find it very telling that anti-abortion protesters can't seem to find a better way to advertise their point of view than by parading around badly Photoshopped images of blood-soaked, mutilated fetuses. It's interesting that they'll often deliberately choose such a fundamentally violent image to reflect their stance. I know the claim is that it only reflects the violence of abortion, but I think it's a better reflection of some darker nature in such abortion opponents themselves.


At least the "Pregnant? Worried?" ads are gentler in terms of imagery, if not any more honest (taking it as read that all advertising is dishonest to some degree).



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I have a real ethical issue with abortion, but not on religious grounds. I should probably do more research on the subject, but it just viscerally disturbs me to think of a potential living, thinking, human being killed without so much as a trial. I know others have different perspectives, but this issue just hits me right in the gut.

I hope I'm not fueling a fire, but hypothetically, if a complete set of DNA (46 Chromosomes) can be turned into a human being, does that make it a "potential living, thinking, human"?


Cloning is not far off, and the opponents to cloning realize that it will make "soul implantation" a difficult thing to buy. Life is chemical.


Now, a human being is definable - having reached a point that there is a nervous system, circulatory system and supporting structures. A sperm is not a human. An Egg is not a human. A skin cell is not a human. An appendix is not a human, hair is not a human.


Neither is a zygote or a blastocyst.


It then becomes a matter of definition, but I think that Function of the nervous system is what distinguishes humans from non-human material that may nonetheless have Potential for becoming human.


Have I opened a can of worms?


Yeah, I know, but I can't really decide where the line is between 'a mass of cells' and a baby. Certainly once a fetus can survive outside the womb, but do we have the moral responsibility to even earlier stages of development. In short, where do we draw a line on this? Is it even possible?

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Yeah, I know, but I can't really decide where the line is between 'a mass of cells' and a baby. Certainly once a fetus can survive outside the womb, but do we have the moral responsibility to even earlier stages of development. In short, where do we draw a line on this? Is it even possible?

I don't know the answer to that. Like many things, we have to feel our way in the dark and make sense out of "facts."


Everything else is opinion. That isn't to say "not important", just that there will probably always be some on one side or the other.


OTOH, we finally drew the line with slavery, and that only took a few hundred thousand years.

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The most of what I see is a picture of a woman in worried concentration with the words, "Pregnant? Scarred?" I don't know if it is just a counseling service or an ad for abortion services.


I would be wary of those. They're very likely CPC's (crisis pregnancy centers) that exist sley to scare women out of having abortions through any means, especially misinformation (one reported CPC not long ago told women who came to them that you couldn't get pregnant from rape).

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The most of what I see is a picture of a woman in worried concentration with the words, "Pregnant? Scarred?" I don't know if it is just a counseling service or an ad for abortion services.

one reported CPC not long ago told women who came to them that you couldn't get pregnant from rape.


WTF? What the hell is wrong with these people.

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They want to control women as much as possible.

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They want to control women as much as possible.


And punish them. Why else would these same people throw a fit about free HIV testing for expectant moms because it "encourages women to be permiscous"? OR sing the praises of movies like Knocked-up?

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