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Goodbye Jesus

God speaks to Christian?


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I was watching Jimmy (crocodile tears) Swaggart today for about five minutes. He was peddling a study Bible that the Lawd TOLD him to put together.


Now, I can understand prayer as talking to God, but I never understood how God speaks to you? Don't they put people in mental institutions for hearing voices?


What do you guys think of the Lawd speaking to Christians?

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Goodbye Jesus

It's just a mental state of delusion, where the subject believes he is hearing God's voice, while in fact it is his own makings from the subconscious, colored by his own wishes and desires.


-- wasn't that a nice way of putting it? :)

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It's just a mental state of delusion, where the subject believes he is hearing God's voice, while in fact it is his own makings from the subconscious, colored by his own wishes and desires.


-- wasn't that a nice way of putting it? :)


Or you just lie about it to get what you want from your flock. :wicked:

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