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Goodbye Jesus

Getting Sucked Back Into Christianity And Not Sure What To Do...


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...I would recommend reconsidering using that product, TF, and probably wouldn't advise anyone else using it, especially "down there": http://www.quackwatc...s/silverad.html


Yes, the one rule to follow about medical advice on the internet is this: don't follow medical advice on the internet, unless that advice is "go to a doctor to get medical advice."


I agree, but I'm not the internet, and I'm not giving medical advice. I have seen it work though....and I don't like SB. eviltongue.gif


I'm not sure what SB is, TF. I certainly didn't write that post as a personal attack on you. I have had to learn myself about checking into everything, and that colloidal silver doesn't exactly sound safe. I view skepticism not as a personal attack, but as an opportunity to learn and grow personally. I was once very credulous, and knowing that I have that propensity, I just check out stuff I have never heard of before.


I appreciate that, BP. And I like you. SB stands for Stephen Barrett, the quackwatch guy. I agree with regulations and taking care to test treatments in order to make sure that they are safe. I just think that Dr. Barrett is out to attack any health practice outside of the realm of Western medicine (drugs and surgery). Silver nitrate is commonly used to treat infants' eyes at birth. Silver has many advantages over traditional antibiotics. I only chose to speak up about this particular use of silver because I am convinced that it is safe, I've seen it work on limited occasions, and I hope that someone might benefit from the information. It's just my two cents. :)

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Goodbye Jesus

I appreciate that, BP. And I like you. SB stands for Stephen Barrett, the quackwatch guy. I agree with regulations and taking care to test treatments in order to make sure that they are safe. I just think that Dr. Barrett is out to attack any health practice outside of the realm of Western medicine (drugs and surgery). Silver nitrate is commonly used to treat infants' eyes at birth. Silver has many advantages over traditional antibiotics. I only chose to speak up about this particular use of silver because I am convinced that it is safe, I've seen it work on limited occasions, and I hope that someone might benefit from the information. It's just my two cents. smile.png


The thing is, though, that 4 out of 5 people will contract HPV during the course of their life. Most people will not show symptoms, and the body usually clears the virus itself after 1 to 2 years. So it's not exactly a major problem in that way. The thing is, though, that HPV is a leading cause of cervical cancer in women, and as most people show no symptoms, often the first a woman will know about it is when abnormal cells have been detected in a pap smear, followed up by colposcopy. By then, the only viable treatment option is surgical- for instance, lasering out the lining of the uterus and allowing the cells to grow back healthily. Often that is all that is required, as cervical cancer goes through three stages of cell abnormality before developing.

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I appreciate that, BP. And I like you. SB stands for Stephen Barrett, the quackwatch guy. I agree with regulations and taking care to test treatments in order to make sure that they are safe. I just think that Dr. Barrett is out to attack any health practice outside of the realm of Western medicine (drugs and surgery). Silver nitrate is commonly used to treat infants' eyes at birth. Silver has many advantages over traditional antibiotics. I only chose to speak up about this particular use of silver because I am convinced that it is safe, I've seen it work on limited occasions, and I hope that someone might benefit from the information. It's just my two cents. smile.png


The thing is, though, that 4 out of 5 people will contract HPV during the course of their life. Most people will not show symptoms, and the body usually clears the virus itself after 1 to 2 years. So it's not exactly a major problem in that way. The thing is, though, that HPV is a leading cause of cervical cancer in women, and as most people show no symptoms, often the first a woman will know about it is when abnormal cells have been detected in a pap smear, followed up by colposcopy. By then, the only viable treatment option is surgical- for instance, lasering out the lining of the uterus and allowing the cells to grow back healthily. Often that is all that is required, as cervical cancer goes through three stages of cell abnormality before developing.


That's great if laser surgery can take care of it. I guess I haven't watched for new treatments. I didn't think that there was a known cure for the virus.

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At the moment, there isn't a cure that I know of. I have the kind that can cause cancer but the cells were benign not malignant. I've simply got get checked every 6 mos for the next couple of years.

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I appreciate that, BP. And I like you. SB stands for Stephen Barrett, the quackwatch guy. I agree with regulations and taking care to test treatments in order to make sure that they are safe. I just think that Dr. Barrett is out to attack any health practice outside of the realm of Western medicine (drugs and surgery). Silver nitrate is commonly used to treat infants' eyes at birth. Silver has many advantages over traditional antibiotics. I only chose to speak up about this particular use of silver because I am convinced that it is safe, I've seen it work on limited occasions, and I hope that someone might benefit from the information. It's just my two cents. smile.png


The thing is, though, that 4 out of 5 people will contract HPV during the course of their life. Most people will not show symptoms, and the body usually clears the virus itself after 1 to 2 years. So it's not exactly a major problem in that way. The thing is, though, that HPV is a leading cause of cervical cancer in women, and as most people show no symptoms, often the first a woman will know about it is when abnormal cells have been detected in a pap smear, followed up by colposcopy. By then, the only viable treatment option is surgical- for instance, lasering out the lining of the uterus and allowing the cells to grow back healthily. Often that is all that is required, as cervical cancer goes through three stages of cell abnormality before developing.


That's great if laser surgery can take care of it. I guess I haven't watched for new treatments. I didn't think that there was a known cure for the virus.


There's not a cure for the virus because the body naturally rids itself of it after a year or two. However, symptoms, such as actual warts on a guy's penis, can be treated easily by a doctor. That being said, though, for women, it has a residual effect of causing cervical cancer. Not every woman who gets HPV will develop the abnormal cells, and abnormal cells are not necessarily an indication of having HPV, either. When a woman is in her early twenties, she can return low-level abnormal test results that will just be retested a year later and the cells will be gone.


Basically, the time-frame you are looking at is about 10 years to work through the various stages and get to cancer, which amounts to quite a few missed pap smears. The worst offenders for missing pap smears are women aged forty and over who are uncomfortable with having the test done.

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You don't need a "good" Christian man. Most of them are completely lame. You need a guileless and extraordinary heathen.


Don't put so much pressure on yourself, you are smart and insightful. You don't have to figure out everything right now, enjoy the journey. Have faith in yourself and your ability to make choices that respect your values, not your parents. That's integrity.

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This isn't exactly advice, but when I have felt the way you described or when I am overwhelmed trying to figure out who I am or what I want or what I believe, this song in particular has been helpful. I see it as there is no "right way" to live or be. Its up to you. Trust yourself. Do the best you can. Be who YOU want to be. And dont let anyone else make you feel bad about it.


And this song just always makes me happy.

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Zephie, hon - You must always try to remember that you were once newborn baby with a clean, white 'slate' in your brain. Your brain knew nothing except how to work and grow your body.. There was a time, you knew nothing about anything. Even under one year old, you looked at your little hand - but you did not know it was your hand. This is the innocence of a child.


Then the whole world came along in the next few years and 'programned' you. You were 'trained up' like a dog. The world told you what to believe.You got rewarded for being what they told you was 'good' (In their opinion) and they told you that you were 'bad' when you did something that they 'believed' was bad. Please don't ever forget that hon.

The beliefs all over this planet include all of society's rules, its traditions, its laws, its religions, its different cultures and ways to be and act, its governments, schools, social events, and holidays. Always remember that if you had been born across the other side of the world - you would not be concerened about christianity today.


You now have the task of discovering what is good and bad for YOU. What does Zephie believe now?


You wipe the slate clean (in your brain) and 're-program' yourself!! Follow your gut and your intelligence. Let something that you are wondering about make sense to you. If it dosen't, keep looking until you are comfortable.


Hug to you today!!

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No, those do not mean you are an Xian. You just have religious nostalgia, I think. Stop moving back home if it makes X start talking to you again. BTW, where did the part about sex with X come from?

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It comes from some of the worship song lyrics. You know... "Come Lord Jesus Come" and what not.

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Hey sweetie :) May I make an observation? It seems to me like you're very easily led and manipulated by others. All your life you've been trained to be submissive, and now you're back in a place where your submissive tendencies are rising to the fore. In your OP here, you have to "justify" your feelings and decisions even though nobody asked you to do so. You constantly question your own insights and instincts. Even though you've gotten nothing but grief from Christianity, just being around your parents--who apparently are just immersed in the religion--is making you second-guess your own wisdom. You are being Love Bombed and made to doubt yourself via psychological manipulation--are you seeing this as clearly as I am?


May one respectfully suggest you find some other living accommodation and seek counseling to help you find your feet? Is the free rent worth having Jesus' schlong shoved in your face every single day? If you can't do that, then resolve to educate yourself better about the religion's shortcomings. Even in the middle of fundie country here, I don't feel in the least tempted by the religion because I know nothing in the Bible really happened and there is no evidence whatsoever that there is an all-powerful, all-loving, all-knowing God in this world. It doesn't really matter how touchy-feeling Christianity wants to get with my ass. Knowing there's no evidence for its founder's very existence stops me from going any further with the cult.


And I second the idea about Christian men. They know all too well how to *act* loving and sweet when really they're controlling, abusive monsters. And the religion's insistence on them being your master will have you immersed in slavery before you know it. I have never met one in person I'd trust further than I could throw him. What you really want is a nice ex-C with traditional values like yours but a much firmer grip on why the religion's totally false. I'm in a very traditional-looking marriage with my heathen and couldn't be happier. I don't know why you've felt it necessary to set up the false dilemma of "Christian man who'll want a closed marriage" or "non-Christian man who'll want to fuck anything with a pulse." Lots of non-Christian men feel the same way. Go find one. Hitching yourself to a Christian just sounds like an invitation to fall back into the same horrible destructive life you had before. Why would you ever want to go back to that?

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Jesus' schlong shoved in your face




when i saw this I almost spit on my phone, I had to do that awkward noise when you're trying to hold in a fucking big ass laugh (like when you're in church and someone tells a dirty joke). My wife's 3 feet away, thought she was gonna ask what was so funny and I'd have to tell her it was a joke about her savior's junk slapping some poor girl in the face.





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Aw, thank you :) Sowing discord through the use of vulgarity is just one of the many convenient services I offer.


The mental image of you having to stifle your laughter before someone nearby placidly inquires, "What is it, dear?" is going to keep me smiling all evening.

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Similar situation with me, I was basically agnostic until I met a fundie girl on youtube (we stopped speaking) yet I'm addicted to Christian videos on yt (especially dealing with endtimes,conspiracy, etc) and sort of find myself getting sucked back in.

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I've resolved not to let "jesus's schlong" be put in my face. I explained to my mom that I only get one day off in a week to rest. I'll use that verse about the sabbath being for man not the other way around to make my point with her. They've said it's my choice...well...we shall see how long that lasts. They've come home to a spotless house every Sunday for a few weeks because I've been skipping church.


You're right I am easily led and manipulated. I've been trained to submit and turn over my rights as a person. I gotta break free from that. I'll move out as soon as I can but until then I'm not going to church. I've explained my position and they seem to understand that all I want to do on Sunday is rest; I think that's acceptable. I'm making friends at work, at belly dance class, and online so I'm good.


I realized that the few days this week that I tried really hard to go back were hell. They were full of confusion and borderline hysteria. So friggin stressful. I can't do the "progressive" thing either. I love people too much to worship a god that is full of hate and then tell them he loves them. That's wrong. I just can't go back. So I'm not.

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Aw, thank you :) Sowing discord through the use of vulgarity is just one of the many convenient services I offer.


The mental image of you having to stifle your laughter before someone nearby placidly inquires, "What is it, dear?" is going to keep me smiling all evening.


If this is the ONLY way I can make you smile awwwwwww night long, I guess I'll take it.



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Zephie: woohoo.gif



McD: ;)

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I still thank whatever genius invented mini-skirts.

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I cannot count the number of times I felt like going back to church for several years following my deconversion. It was TOUGH! Leaving a cult leaves one an emotional wreck of doubts and anxiety but that's because we have spent so much time making ourselves believe what is improbable and forced ignorance upon ourselves to disclaim all objections to our faith.


You will have these feelings for a long time. Just don't let yourself become overwhelmed by them. If you want to go back to church, then go. It will be a real eye opener every time you visit from time to time. The longer you stay away, the more surprised you will be when you watch the pew-sitting bobble heads nodding their little heads up and down or start yammering in tongues. It's a carnival show with all the trimmings. Don't forget to pay for the performance before leaving.

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Those things sure don't make you a Christian. Personally, I'm not into open relationships, I didn't move in with hubby nor have sex (with him...) until the day before our marriage, I can't say I care about porn either way, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, nor swear. And it's not because of some mythical god, it's because I've decided those things don't work for me.


There are indeed good intelligent men out there who may or may not be Christian - IMO, more often than not, lukewarm Christians at best (some Christian men who are real bible beaters do so because the Bible says they're head of the household and can tell you what to do).


I married a Christian man - but he knew I was not from day 1, and he was OK with it.... honestly, not great with it, but with time and talking, it worked out.



Think of it this way though - pretending to believe in a lie won't make a real belief. And the "what if I'm wrong" argument applies to Islam, Mormonism, Scientology, Hinduism, and the urgent need to sacrifice a dove and two goats to Odin.


The sacrificing the goats thing....though...you mean I have to give that up too?


***this atheism shit is just. no. fun...**

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Paine, I can't imagine you going pagan. You'd get about as far as libations and go "WTF, you mean pour perfectly good wine on the GROUND?!?" and that'd be it.

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It comes from some of the worship song lyrics. You know... "Come Lord Jesus Come" and what not.


Oh, good god. How do you get that out of it?


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You know come....cum...there's really just a spelling difference. And songs like "Let it Rain" could always refer to golden showers....I've a dirty mind at the moment.

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I cannot count the number of times I felt like going back to church for several years following my deconversion. It was TOUGH! Leaving a cult leaves one an emotional wreck of doubts and anxiety but that's because we have spent so much time making ourselves believe what is improbable and forced ignorance upon ourselves to disclaim all objections to our faith.


You will have these feelings for a long time. Just don't let yourself become overwhelmed by them. If you want to go back to church, then go. It will be a real eye opener every time you visit from time to time. The longer you stay away, the more surprised you will be when you watch the pew-sitting bobble heads nodding their little heads up and down or start yammering in tongues. It's a carnival show with all the trimmings. Don't forget to pay for the performance before leaving.


I just wanted to say this is exactly what I needed to hear. I'm having doubts, for no other reason than fear of...a lot of things. It's nice to know it's part of the process, and that I'm not just being weak. Thank you for posting this!

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I still thank whatever genius invented mini-skirts.

That was actually a woman in 1964 who came out with the mini-skirt. Her name was Mary Quant.

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