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Most Christians Are Brain Damaged


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After reading this board and looking at the hypocrisy of christianity for many years, I have to the conclusion that most Christians are Brain Damaged.


Let me describe some of the characteristics of this brain damage:


Re-writing history.... my favorite. They will sit there and read history book after history book regarding the history of the United States and still will tell any person - christian or not -- that all the founding fathers of this country were christians and that this country was started with christian principles...


When you google Thomas Jefferson's Name, you get 58,300,000 entries for Tommy -- in less than .05 seconds.


When you google George Washington's Name, you get 77,100 entries for George, in less than .043 seconds.


When you google Benjamin Franklin's name, you get 35,000,000 entries for Ben, in less than .04 seconds.


When you google Thomas Paine's name, you get 7,670,000 entries for Tom, in less than .11 seconds.


Now, with Thomas Jefferson have 58 million entries, most of which are biographical and quotes from his life.... you will find quotes like: "Christianity is the most perverted thing ever shone to man..." A Christian reading this will still turn around and look at a non-christian and says "Thomas Jefferson was completely a Christian - he wrote the Declaration of Indepdence with Christian values!" That's re-writing historically written and undisputable fact. That's Brain Damage.


When you google Man's Evolution... (this is a fun one) 8,300,000 entries in less than .43 seconds. Any number of these articles show scientifically the evolution of man -- and none say anything about gardens and boy makes woman from rib... None of this nonsense. Period. Yet, Christians will tell you, "God made Adam and Eve.... All this in 6 days..." Brain Damage.


Now, on to better Brain Damage Examples. The malcontent with misinformation regarding their own gospel.


Christians don't actually read their own gospel. They say they do; however, disproportionally they do not actually know what the bible says. They know what their priest, minister, pastor -- whatever you want to call this Holy Man -- has said to them through sermons and coffee-chats. They don't read nor follow any part of what that book says, yet they hold it in such a high regard that anyone who throws it, spits on it, dissputes it or burns it is surely going to hell. That's Brain Damage.


The Golden Rule (in reality for Christians) is "Do unto others what you will claim is prosecution if done unto you..." That's Brain Damage.


Christians will argue until the cows come home with non-christians. They will blatantly and flatly refute and refuse to believe all written history and scientically proven facts. They will witness to beat the band... Not realizing that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Brain Damage


Christianity basically (and in direct contradiction to their own gospel) generates hate for everything except themselves. They literally HATE anything that is foreign, different, occult or unlike their clique. Hate comes from Fear. Fear of all these things is clearly...............BRAIN DAMAGE.


Feel free to add as I know there is more Brain Damage examples regarding most christians walking this planet.......

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Christians, in the past, taunt, ridicule and kill people they want to convert. That's Brain Damage.

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I love history. Reading and understanding it. My love of History is the entire reason I am not a Christian any longer. The facts of history do not support Christianity, case closed!


I bought my first computer in 2000. Being the history buff that I am, I began to research Christian history and American history on line, what I read was so different from what I had been told about history growing up going to Christian schools.


I began to read books requested through our towns lending library that had been suggested on line. Sometimes the books took my right leaning brain forever to get through, but I read them. It was not easy reconciling the truth from the fiction that I had always been taught. For a long time, I thought I was going to hell because I could no longer believe in Christianity and Jesus, that's how brainwashed I was.




Edit - one of the things I learned on this board is that Christianity is a Mind Virus. I beleive this.

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Mind Virus... I like that.

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No, I don't think Christians are literally brain damaged, but figuratively yes. I think they're fallible humans like all of us. I was Christian for 30 years, and by that definition was I brain damaged for 30 years, but miraculously healed to become an atheist? Or am I still brain damaged? No, brain damaged is not the right word, but I do think they have a form of self-induced delusion, and the brain is powerful enough to fool itself into believing things it really doesn't know being true or not. Many (but not all) Christians act as brain-damaged, that I can agree to. Extreme fundamentalist mentality that make them impermeable of truth or creative thinking.




I saw the comment of a mind virus... I agree to that. Or what they also call meme virus.

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Yes, brain washed is a good way of putting it.


I remember when I was a extreme fundy, we actually were priding ourselves in that our minds had been "brain washed", like in "he washed away our sins and bad thoughts." ... urgh... (running of to puke)

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I definitely agree with them being brainwashed, but being brainwashed and literally having damage to your brain are different things.

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Guest Pagan Chris

I definitely agree with them being brainwashed, but being brainwashed and literally having damage to your brain are different things.


Although, I was thinking about it, and maybe there is some sort of defficieny in the brain of someone who is easily brainwashed. I wonder if any studies have been done on this.



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I definitely agree with them being brainwashed, but being brainwashed and literally having damage to your brain are different things.


Although, I was thinking about it, and maybe there is some sort of defficieny in the brain of someone who is easily brainwashed. I wonder if any studies have been done on this.




There probably is a genetic tendency toward god belief in general. I seem to recall reading that somewhere. But that doesn't mean people who have been Christian are all stupid. Heck, we left the cult because we had more courage than those who are still in it.

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Guest Pagan Chris

I definitely agree with them being brainwashed, but being brainwashed and literally having damage to your brain are different things.


Although, I was thinking about it, and maybe there is some sort of defficieny in the brain of someone who is easily brainwashed. I wonder if any studies have been done on this.




There probably is a genetic tendency toward god belief in general. I seem to recall reading that somewhere. But that doesn't mean people who have been Christian are all stupid. Heck, we left the cult because we had more courage than those who are still in it.


Defficiency may not have been the best choice of words on my part, but as you mentioned it could be a genetic tendency, possibly a chemical imbalance, or maybe lifelong conditioning. I certainly don't think it is stupidity, but there seems to be something that makes some people easily impressionable.

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I definitely agree with them being brainwashed, but being brainwashed and literally having damage to your brain are different things.


Although, I was thinking about it, and maybe there is some sort of defficieny in the brain of someone who is easily brainwashed. I wonder if any studies have been done on this.



In a sense I think you're right. About 90% of humans have some form of need (built in deficiency) to believe in something. Very few are agnostic or atheists by mere inability to look for or care for the thoughts of meaning of life or supreme deities. I've met a few like that. One guy had never in his life cared for or though about God. I asked him if he wasn't curious, and he said "no". He had never been interested in it. So some people do exist that have no need or interest in religious matters. This only means that rest of us (most of us) have this disease.


However, considering that a majority of humanity have a religion of one kind or another, you can conclude that there is a built-in function in our brain to believe. I think this "belief" mechanism is wider than just religion, and also spans over to philosophy, science and many other subjects in life. For instance many scientists work to find answers and have ideas how they think things can be explained, before they actually prove them to be right or wrong. Without our ability to believe we wouldn't strive to get a better life, we wouldn't invent, we wouldn't get kids because we wouldn't believe there was any future for them.


The problem with religion is not when someone have a simple belief that there is something out there, but the problem is when the person starts building the wall between fiction and reality, and starts to deny the evidence around them against their particular interpretation of a deity. Like Christians that have decided that only their version of God/Jesus/Bible is the only truth, and have no solid evidence for it, but only faith. Some claiming that you can ask God for anything, but in reality 99.99% of the time you don't see anything happen, and when it does is mere chance and by accident. Building this wall can be dangerous since it divides people into groups of "believers like me" and "the others", and this social division easily creates conflicts, like we can see in history many times over. Only people with an open mind, and people with understanding of the statement "errera humanum est, ingoscere divinum" (it's human to falter, but divine to forgive), can build a semi-stable society. And I think that the original group or cult that started Christianity (Jesus only a legend to describe the philosophy) had this in mind and not a extreme faculty that forces beliefs on people.


Defficiency may not have been the best choice of words on my part, but as you mentioned it could be a genetic tendency, possibly a chemical imbalance, or maybe lifelong conditioning. I certainly don't think it is stupidity, but there seems to be something that makes some people easily impressionable.

I bet that if we would dig down into your ideas and opinions we would find things that you have decided to believe and accept as truths that not necessarely are true. I've actually seen it within myself, even after I deconverted. I have been fooled by "facts" or information in media or books that later I've discovered were untrue, but I held them for true until then. And I'm not talking about religion, but just regular matters in life.

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i put no because we were not brain damaged and we were all christians. everyone can be mislead and encouraged to follow a cult thats not brain damaged just mislead.

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I do agree with the brainwash to an extent; however, usually brainwashing occurs against one's will... Patty Hearst? Or perhaps the Family. Those kids couldn't leave.


These people, xians - for the most part, exclusing people like O_M and Amanda, are more out to buy these things without question. Without Drugs... (Such a pity if I were to fall prey to this, I would at least want some good drugs!) Without any thought whatsoever. It's like the Heaven's Gate people but on a grander scale...and without the poison.


While it could be construed as brainwashing.... I like Brain Damage better - why? Because I meant it as a joke... Haven't you ever heard that all kids have brain damage? Bill Cosby? Remember him?


Oh well... I was trying to get you guys to put in pithy remarks and everyone got so serious. What happened?


Brainwashing/Brain Damage... Actually, if you think about it, brainwashing causes brain damage.


(Paul Harvey voice) And that's the rest of the story....................Good day.

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To say that would be to imply two things:


1) That Christians are excused from believing what they believe because they are brain-damaged...something I do not agree with.


2) That you ex-Cers had brain damage/have brain damage...something I definitely do not agree with.

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To say that would be to imply two things:


1) That Christians are excused from believing what they believe because they are brain-damaged...something I do not agree with.

That is very true. I had not thought about that... Good point.


As for the people on this board, I said some xians not all xians. And people are ex-cs would fall under that slim category of the "not the some."


Besides, like I said in my prior post, it was a joke. It was not meant to be literal.

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I think until you can say without a doubt that you know most christians, you can't really answer that and claim any sort of honesty within yourself. And how is saying that any fairer than some of the horrible things christians say about everyone who doesn't believe what they do? To me they are exactly the same and so no, I won't say that.

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I'm going with the brain washed/meme vote. I have met xtians that appear to be brain damaged. Maybe too ate too much lead paint as a child? I have also met a lot of non-xtians that may have also imbided in too much lead paint as kid. :grin:


I have noticed the cross section of xtians I know, most are not life sciences or highly technical. There are a few, but in proportion to an average cross section of society. Most are business, accounting or other types of fields. No history majors that I know about. :shrug:

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whats a persons job got to do with intelligence?

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The Christians I like the most are the overtly hypocritical ones. They aren't necessarily out to find the truth about whether there is a God, there are more important things to think about. They don't pray every night, but every time they pull on the one arm bandit at the casino boat you hear OH GOD PLEASE!!!! C'MON JESUS, GIVE ME THREE CHERRIES!!! :notworthy: Not brain damaged. In fact, kinda fun.


Obviously Christians are not brain damaged simply because they believe. It would imply that they need help and special attention. Fuck that, they are 100% responsible for all that they damage.

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"brain damaged", as I understand the term, would mean physical, probably irrepairable, damage. In that sense, I vote "no". And that makes it all the more disgusting. If someone is born feeble-brained she can't help herself - she's that way, period (unless she tried to blow her brains out with some fast-moving piece of lead and failed).

The fundies, however, are willfully dumb. They have the choice, they could be different, but they consciously decide to be braindead bigots.


If there's one real "SIN" in the world then I guess it's that - being an idiot and a fuckface although you have the choice to be better.


(That goes for fanatics in general, to a somewhat varying degree)

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Thurisaz, since you've so thoroughly explained the difference between brain-damaged and willfully-dumb within your post, might you also be so kind as to explain what the term fuckface means? :scratch:




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Thurisaz, since you've so thoroughly explained the difference between brain-damaged and willfully-dumb within your post, might you also be so kind as to explain what the term fuckface means? :scratch:


My guess would be someone who is so annoying you want to fuck his or her face with a loaded shotgun. Give them a good load to swallow, if'n ye follow.


And I agree with the Thorn Rune - it doesn't take brain damage to accept Xianity, just falling for a bad product. Humans do it all the time. It does take ethics damage, however, to accept Xianity, for to do so invariably involves accepting some seriously fucked morality, like inifinite torture and hating oneself in order to masturbate the ego of a made-up cut-and-paste god. Then again, Xians are under the strong delusion that they have their fingers on the pulse of all morality, which in turn creates a fertile field for immorality :shrug:


Like Pandora said, Xians knowingly accept their cult and are responsible for doing so. They are usually sold a lie, of course, but their brains - believe it or not - are in working order. Otherwise, who'd ever leave it? :)

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I know this poll is an exercise in hyperbole, but if we're going

to indulge ourselves in a bit of hyperbole, I say that we go all

the way. Christians are not merely brain-damaged. I

would say that they are effectively brain-dead. So, I

abstained from voting; I didn't see this choice amongst the

options provided.




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