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Goodbye Jesus

Want To Offer My Thanks To The Assembled


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and to Dave for the best place on 'net for my time and enjoyment.


For the religious and sectarian minded, this weekend is uber important, basis for their hope for a better next life.


What I would desire for those reading that we all work on trying to improve the little section of the world we exist in and do the practical things we can for those we can.


With no worries about pleasing the imaginary, working on doing the things in front of us, the *earthly* I believe we can make a difference.


Thank you regulars, the folks who post and make Ex-Christian a vibrant and useful place. Without you and your time ExC would be just more black and white words on a little used net board.


Community of users, readers and regulars had grown greatly over the years, and in that time hundreds have come and passed over the pages, adding their part.


With People ExC is a vibrant place and resource for theWorld we live in.



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My thanks to you, nivek, for being a "super moderator" :notworthy: and all that entails...


And mucho thanks to Dave for making it all possible :grin:

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thanks dave this sites the coolest.

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Thanks a millllllllllllllllllllions, all of ya staff!

I love this site.

I have one request, though.

More crazy Christians...

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Thanks a millllllllllllllllllllions, all of ya staff!

I love this site.

I have one request, though.

More crazy Christians...


I second that! Thanks to the staff here who makes this an enjoyable place. There is just something about this board that makes me want to come back to it every day. I've tried other boards on differing subjects but there was always a few people who got on my nerves. Here the people who get on my nerves, get on your nerves too.


I think that there is something about being an Ex-Christian that makes us band together and understand what we have gone through in our lives. We have all been burned in some way and we have an understanding and a compassion for others. I think that thread that said it best is that we are intellectually honest.


The great thing about this board is my views are shared by pretty much everyone here. Yes, we disagree about bullshit stuff, but when it comes to what really matters in life were all on the same page. That's not an easy thing to find in R/L, but I feel fortunate to have found like minded cyber friends here at Dave's place.



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I third that. I like coming here because it is so refreshing to be able to be myself, without having to worry about someone judging me (at least, not the regulars).


And it is very refreshing to be able to confront the people who get on my nerves without having to worry about being banned for non-political correctness like I would on other boards.


The people here are what make this place cool, and I hope it stays that way.

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that is one thing i love about this forum!!!!!!









I third that. I like coming here because it is so refreshing to be able to be myself, without having to worry about someone judging me (at least, not the regulars).


And it is very refreshing to be able to confront the people who get on my nerves without having to worry about being banned for non-political correctness like I would on other boards.


The people here are what make this place cool, and I hope it stays that way.

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Cheers to y'all! This is truly a good place to come back to. :beer:

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Yep, X-C is the place to be! What's really cool (besides the great people) are the 'de-conversions' we've seen. I've seen several since I started coming here, and it gives me a little hope each time.


May the Cute Bunny™ snuggle you all soon!

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This site has some of the friendliest, nicest people in cyberspace. I feel really safe coming here and have healed alot as a result. Thanks so much! :HappyCry:

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What I would desire for those reading that we all work on trying to improve the little section of the world we exist in and do the practical things we can for those we can.


With no worries about pleasing the imaginary, working on doing the things in front of us, the *earthly* I believe we can make a difference.


I just had a thought along these lines. I admit it sounds a bit nuts, but sometimes, the best ideas are the crazy ones.


What if we freethinkers started up an organization that did charitable work, but didn't promote any one philosophy over another? It could serve similar functions that the church does, such as community service and suport groups, but without religion getting in the way. No discrimination against anyone, and no religious evangelizing or proselytizing allowed of any kind. Everyone should be accepted who is willing to do their fair share of work.


Yeah, I know that there are organizations that fulfill some of those functions, but the church was supposed to do all of them. IMHO, religions are failing because of dogma and discrimination.


What is needed in the world are community centers. Not churches or other religious centers, not just a general gathering place, but a real community center.

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Thank you too, Nivek (and remaining mods, and webmaster). I am honored to be a part of this community. :thanks:


I find it particularly refreshing to be able to post things like "the Bible is bullshit" and not get banned. ;)


Jesus juice for all! :68:

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All of you are the best. Brilliant minds, wonderful people. Thanks to you all.


Nivek, thanks for all you do. When you mow down some jackass fundie for fucking up yet again, I just get all happy.


And immeasurable gratitude to Dave. This site, and all who are on it, have helped me more than I can express.

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I think the Peace Corps is non religious people helping the world, humanitarin efforts.



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I joined this online community and felt at home here from the get go.


It occurs to me now that I don't even know the people with whom I interact, or the people who make it possible.


Thank you all, for so much.



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I think the Peace Corps is non religious people helping the world, humanitarin efforts.




Yeah, but they are not helping local communities in the U.S. much, nor are they acting like a support group as the church does. See, that's what I mean, something that doesn't have such a narrowly focused mission and is more community-oriented.


So far, the positive church functions I've been able to identify:


1. Community service

2. Support groups

3. Charity

4. Social club


Negative aspects of churches:


1. Dogma and doctrine

2. Fairy-tale beliefs, even in the liberal churches

3. Brainwashing

4. Discrimination and prejudice towards certain groups of people

5. The potential for abuse is high due to various aspects of doctrine

6. Those who don't believe in the fairy-tale and aren't willing to cherry-pick aren't welcomed and are usually treated rudely and with outright hostility in many cases


I can think of more, but I'd take up all the server space.


The new kind of organization that I'm thinking of would have the positive aspects but without the negatives. Does that make more sense?

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Yes, many thanks to Dave and Nivek and others who make this board possible. It's a much needed refuge for me as I attempt to lose my religion.


Amethyst, secular community centers do exist in some areas, but I agree that churches have the monopoly. In my experience, well-run YMCAs do a good job of the positives you listed with little to none of the negatives despite the "C" in its name. I grew up at great YMCA, and I never heard about God once. A few atheists I know are strong supporters of the Y getting off the ground in my current community. And, I know "Real Christians" are outraged with many Ys that allow "any two adults, including same-sex couples, and their dependents to join for the price of a family membership" CRAZY!

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Yes, many thanks to Dave and Nivek and others who make this board possible. It's a much needed refuge for me as I attempt to lose my religion.


Amethyst, secular community centers do exist in some areas, but I agree that churches have the monopoly. In my experience, well-run YMCAs do a good job of the positives you listed with little to none of the negatives despite the "C" in its name. I grew up at great YMCA, and I never heard about God once. A few atheists I know are strong supporters of the Y getting off the ground in my current community. And, I know "Real Christians" are outraged with many Ys that allow "any two adults, including same-sex couples, and their dependents to join for the price of a family membership" CRAZY!


Okay. But a community center really shouldn't have a fee because it would discourage the poor and/or homeless from coming in. It's only a community center for those who can afford to pay. Plus, isn't the Y just a glorified gym?

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A free community center is ideal, although funding and volunteers are always an issue.


Regarding the Y, here's some info from their website:

-Nation's largest provider of child care programs

- Ys are for all people of all faiths, races, ages, abilities and incomes. YMCAs' financial assistance policies ensure that no one is turned away for reasons of inability to pay.

- List of programs: http://www.ymca.net/programs/ (lots of offerings beyond fitness)

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A free community center is ideal, although funding and volunteers are always an issue.


Regarding the Y, here's some info from their website:

-Nation's largest provider of child care programs

- Ys are for all people of all faiths, races, ages, abilities and incomes. YMCAs' financial assistance policies ensure that no one is turned away for reasons of inability to pay.

- List of programs: http://www.ymca.net/programs/ (lots of offerings beyond fitness)




Okay, I went to the website. It looks like they have a lot to offer familes, especially with kids, but not much for the single person other than exercise activities or volunteering. I'd be willing to try the volunteering if I didn't have a day job, but most volunteer opportunities are during the workday.


See, one of the things a church does is provide a social life and that's something a lot of Ex-Cer's have said they miss. It can be hard to find social clubs that really are all-encompassing, especially if you live in Fundyville, USA.


Basically what I think we need is the anti-church, and I don't mean in it in a negative way. But something to replace the churches and do all the functions they do, without the exclusion or the fairy tales.


And yes, I know the Unitarian churches are good at including people, but they have a lot of religious trappings too, even if the religion is watered-down. Not everyone likes that.

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I know exactly what you mean ... I feel the void, too. But people come together for a reason no matter where you live; they don't just come together. Church-goers come together for god, country club-goers come together for golf/tennis/social events, students come together for class, etc. I guess our best bet is to find clubs relating to our hobbies and interests. I dunno!!!


Oh, and about the UU churches, wow, do they ever have a lot of religious trappings! I went to a service last week, and I had to leave early. In fact, I ran out the door. It felt like the tolerant, open, no-religion religion. But it definitely was religious. I feel like even if it's not Christian, spirituality lurks around every corner.

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In my experience, well-run YMCAs do a good job of the positives you listed with little to none of the negatives despite the "C" in its name. I grew up at great YMCA, and I never heard about God once. A few atheists I know are strong supporters of the Y getting off the ground in my current community. And, I know "Real Christians" are outraged with many Ys that allow "any two adults, including same-sex couples, and their dependents to join for the price of a family membership" CRAZY!


They keep the name for the sake of tradition and name recognition, but the YWCA is no longer a religious organization. I can't say for sure that the YMCA is the same, as I've never been to one, but I would assume so.


Plus, isn't the Y just a glorified gym?


Not at all. I used to volunteer at the one here. They have a gym, and a good portion of their funding comes from memberships, but they also have a battered women's shelter, a teen mothers home, and a childcare center. They do some really good stuff there.


Oh, and about the UU churches, wow, do they ever have a lot of religious trappings! I went to a service last week, and I had to leave early. In fact, I ran out the door. It felt like the tolerant, open, no-religion religion. But it definitely was religious. I feel like even if it's not Christian, spirituality lurks around every corner.


Of course it's religious. It's a church. Very different from most churches, but still a church. Did you really expect no religion at a church?

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Of course it's religious. It's a church. Very different from most churches, but still a church. Did you really expect no religion at a church?



I did expect it to be a lot different ... not so regimented. Maybe religious it the wrong word to use. I figured there'd be a lot less structure and order than what there was. What can I say? I was wrong.

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