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Age And Relationship


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Along the lines of a previous post. I am 48 and a girl at work is 26. She is obviously attracted to me and we constantly flirt. I feel like taking a chance. Any opinions? Thanks

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Go for it.

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Only if you post pics;)

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Eh, who cares? Give it a try.

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I read that other thread and was wondering the same thing... I'm 46 and separated... if/when I'm allowed to date again I was wondering just how young is young and what I could expect as responses from various age groups.

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Do what you want, but becareful. If you two get really serious and start living together make sure there is non of that horse shit about "I'm much older so I know better than you when it comes to making descisions." And don't get your hopes to high, and I'm not trying to be mean when I say this but you are 48. That is basically twice her age, so if she suddenly realizes that when she turns 46 you may be in the nursing home and decides to break it off that can be a real bummer. So before you go jumping into the hotseat, get these things cleared out. She could also just be interested in sex. And you have to be extra careful not to be an basturd because if things turn south, that'll leave the younger party feeling like they may have "wasted their youth" if you've been going out for ~ 10-15 years.

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I suppose a relationship with a wide age span can work; it all depends on the personalities involved. Just like in a relationship between two people of the same age.


One thing I've always noticed is that it is more common (acceptable?) for the man to be the older one instead of the woman. Why is this? I mean, most people wouldn't raise their eyebrows if the guy is 10-15 years older, but what if the woman was older by that much? I've seen in the singles listings for the newspaper that men almost always request women that are the same age or younger than they are. If they do accept an older woman, it's only by a few years, as in a 42-year-old-guy seeking a lady 30-45. You even see it in the movies, where an older leading man is paired with a younger woman. Is this a left-over from the past, when a man sought out a younger woman to ensure she would bear more of his children? (I admit I'm making an assumption here.) I don't know if there is any advantage for the woman in this situation, as it usually left her a widow at an early age. (This is not against you, garrisonjj! Just a comment on tradition.) :)

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Along the lines of a previous post. I am 48 and a girl at work is 26. She is obviously attracted to me and we constantly flirt. I feel like taking a chance. Any opinions? Thanks
There's nothing wrong with taking a chance as long as the feeling is mutual.


However, at your age, if you're going to jump in feet first, don't forget your floaties. And make sure that your head stays above the water.


Damn! That sounded so freakin' good and I have no freakin' clue what it means. :twitch:



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That's alright as long as you don't get in trouble.

Or teach a class of foul mouthed boys in the fourth grade :HaHa:

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Go for it.

I think I'm jealous. lol

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Go ahead and try it if you feel so compelled and are sure it's not just a middle-age crisis you're going through; it really ain't no one's business but yours and hers, certainly not mine. However, since you asked for opinions, mine is a resounding "YUCK!"

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go ahead, do what you do, make it work for you. in terms you may be able to decipher clearly, nothing is wrong with taking a chance on this 26 year old dame. age does matter, so you must be careful if, and when you decide to go for this female. good luck with your pursuit.

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