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Goodbye Jesus

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Max The Cat



Yesterday we noticed our cat was acting a bit funny, a little reluctant to move. This was further compounded this morning where we found him pretty much where we left him in the house. He wasn't moving much, and while eating he wasn't drinking. We took him to the vet, and we were given some antibiotics and basically told that his age combined with the fact that he has FIV means we might be having to face some hard decisions if he doesn't get better.


I sort of allowed myself to get into the mindset he was going to die and I just started crying as I thought about what I wanted to do if we had to put him down. I feel better now, and he does look better too. I dunno how it'll turn out, but having anything to care about is a ticking time bomb, just with cats it's one that goes off faster than others.

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Hugs. I know how it feels to face losing a furbaby.

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