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yunea's Blog

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I promised some folk in the chatroom earlier this week that my first blog entry would be about Kirby, the pink creature that's in my avatar. I'm going to tell you right away that this blog entry won't be about much else, I'm just testing how this works.


So it's Kirby on a warpstar from the 8-bit NES game "Kirby's Adventure". My friend had it when I was a kid, I'd sit on the floor next to him and watch him play it from beginning to end.


Years and years later I set up a NES emulator on my PC, downloaded the game, and played it from beginning to end. It was surprisingly fun and brought back many good memories.



Egh. That's enough. I'll make a more meaningful one next time. The threads on the board are giving me plenty of food for thought and I do feel it's more fair that I flood my own space here instead of the threads.


Thank you for being there, ExC community.

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The beautiful thing about blogs is that they don't have to be long pieces of perfectly crafted prose. Just relating everyday experiences makes great material. This post, for instance, takes me back to my friend Angel's house. She was the only one on our block who had the Nintendo system when it first came out. Her parents bought shit tons of games, and I remember how wowed I was when I held Zelda's golden cartridge for the first time. :D

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That's quite a fine blog entry. smile.png

I learned something from it, and felt entertained, too.

Please keep blogging.



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Guest Furball


Hello to you too yunea. I do hope you star blogging, i am a fan of your posts as well, so i hope you do blog in here. -me

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