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Goodbye Jesus

The Black Deafness

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My Hopes For The Future



What is hope, but the ability to achieve something for yourself? So here is my hopes for the future.


*A full bodied novel and a poetic anthology within 2015.

*Hopefully being able to travel to Sweden or Denmark for a year.

*Being able to endure this government and live through to a more tolerable government in NZ.

*Be able to graduate university within two years regardless of outcome. My sanity deserves it.

As much as I love education, I don't want to be a professor, even if I behave like one in IRL.

*Make a better life for myself. This year is for leaving behind all the bullshit I went through in my life, I'm seriously determined to do this.

Nobody wants to feel like they're worthless and angry all the time. I don't either.

*Lay out a foundation of living independently. Even in a recession and with disabilities, my mind hankers for that. I don't want to be forced into it, like Ms Bennett proposes. I will go when I'm ready, and not a moment before that.

*Having more variety of food and drinks. It sucks having to think about having to eat more food all the time.


I do not like how my life was from 16 to today. I'm serious as hell as to achieve something better for myself. I do not want to feel guilty about what must be done. I'd love to really smile again. :)

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I have taken much the same route as you as far as prioritizing a few things. I am much happier for it! Go aftrr it all with confidence!

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