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Goodbye Jesus

Oops, That's It. Nothing Left Now.


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How does it feel? How does it feel to know that even your last fall-back for faith is a well-documented physiological and psychological phenomenon? Here: take a look. In the face of the savage onslaught of the finest philosophy, in the face of the advancement of science, in the face of your precious ancient sources systematically ridiculed: At least you had the feeling of God moving on you right? WRONG.

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Upon reading this and the transcript it would seem that the brain produces religious behavior in people. Moderate belief may be the default with fundyism and atheism more like opposit ends of the curve. Perhaps Pat Roberson and I share the same sort of brain damage?


It would be an interesting study to see if any circumstances of possible brain damage/change preceeded our loss of religion. Maybe I ate a fish with too much mercury in it.

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Maybe I ate a fish with too much mercury in it.
Did it look like this one?





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I want my mommy

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Upon reading this and the transcript it would seem that the brain produces religious behavior in people. Moderate belief may be the default with fundyism and atheism more like opposit ends of the curve. Perhaps Pat Roberson and I share the same sort of brain damage?


It would be an interesting study to see if any circumstances of possible brain damage/change preceeded our loss of religion. Maybe I ate a fish with too much mercury in it.



While it is not direclty related, the case of Phineas Gage who lost a chunk of his frontal lobe speakes to your post. A guy named Antonio Damasio (1994) wrote 'Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain' and he goes over how things like moral behavoir are rooted in the brain (I can't say much more b/c I am only on chapter 3 of the book right now).



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Something I have noticed is that my religious and spiritual friends are more likely to notice the effect of Reiki or other healing that I do for them. I've tried to do Reiki on my athiest friends and they don't feel a thing, literally. I'd love to see the difference on a brain scan, because I am pretty sure there would be one.


Is it possible that there are spirit entities in the room where they were doing the artificial field studies and that the field increased their capability to sense their presence? I'd be very interested to see those studies done on people well trained in magick to see what they say. I do know that magnetic fields sometimes are very bothersome to me, like all of my nerves are on edge.

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I put magnets on my head one time. :mellow:


And I spent the next three days chewing my mother in-law's toenails while mumbling the theme to Gilligan's Island.


That shit'll fuck you up. :Hmm:

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Hmmm....Interesting. I actually have always been curious of the different episodes of Biblical characters, and there impact to the world. I actually believe that this is probualy the case, yet I also believe that in some cases it might be God.


Most would say, Why would God need to do anything to give someone a vision, or direction of somesort? My POV is that God told people to do this and that physically in the OT to aid, prevent, cure certain elements. Jesus as well, even at His word, healed people. The thing I look at is that when someone is healed on the physical realm, we can see it and even in todays technology know that it is healed.


Thats the way I look at this. God does communicate to people, yet this is a detectable thing appartently, as well as discernable. For example, maybe the atheist person did have a vision from God of him being dead, since death is something that most people dont even want to talk about or think on. Its scary to most, even those who are strong minded in whatever sect of belief they are apart of.


Maybe the christian lady did have a vision from God, yet interpreted it wrong. She visioned that she was Jesus. Maybe she lives her life thinking she is holyer than thou or even maybe He wants her to be a certain way in character. Maybe God is trying to piece something together for her, in divine realization. Its really about the way its interpreted. For instance, if someone had a vision that they were Jesus, and they said that they are Jesus now in this world, or something to that nature. I would say that person needs some direction, genuinely.

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