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Goodbye Jesus

Scary Thinking


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Recently on another website Zandore and myself (and others) have been having a “running gun battle” with a group of fundies over Chrisitianitys heritage of evil. I had brought up the Albigensian Crusade as a point of the sheer malice of Christians towards brother religionists. Then I noticed this exchange between a non-Christian and a fundie on another thread. This really shows the Christian thinking, and shows that there is not much difference between Christian thinking and that of the most rabid Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist. The question posted by the non-Christian was:


“Now this is just hypothetical but if your god asked you to kill lets say 3 certain people even though these 3 people had not done really anything wrong if he asked you to kill them because it would bring eternal happiness to everyone or that it would save everyones souls and give them a place with god WOULD you do it.”


And the answer from the Christian was:


“Hypothetical, yes.


I don't like your example, but I'd have to say being that I obey what God commands, then yes, I would do what he told me to do.”


The Church had the people of the former Roman Empire believing that it was the conduit from God himself and if they told them to destroy someone, they would….BECAUSE GOD TOLD THEM TO!!! This is understandable, to a point, with ill educated/uneducated peoples such as a lived during the Middle Ages, but it is scary isn’t it, that such thinking still exists in the 21st century. Strangely the other Christians on that forum didn’t see anything wrong with the thinking displayed! - Heimdall :yellow:

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And again the question raises its ugly head:


Moderate/liberal christians, whatcha doing to stop the fundie cancer among your fold?! :vent:

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And again the question raises its ugly head:


Moderate/liberal christians, whatcha doing to stop the fundie cancer among your fold?! :vent:


I'm sure they've prayed over it... :rolleyes:

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