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Goodbye Jesus

Sam Harris At Ideacity


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Yeah, that guy is the fucking man

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Wow that is a great speech.


I loved it.


I still need to digest parts of what he said but I definitely agree with Sam that something needs to be done about religion in society(that was the way I understood it).


bUSH with his religious BS is no better than the muslim extremists who kill for their religion.


Religion may very well be the end to our world if something is not done about it but people who think with an open mind are way outnumbered by the majority of others who are not logical in their thinking what so ever.


Anyway back to Sam. The part he said about people should look at people as humans and not as christians, muslims, jews and so on I thought was a good point.


Great VIDEO Asimov thanks for sharing that.



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He made alot of sense! I never thought about it before, about respecting other's religious beliefs..when we wouldn't even consider that along the lines of respecting their beliefs about history or science.


If someone told me they believed that the moon was made of green cheese and clouds were cotton balls that the Care Bears lived on, I would definately challenge that..but the belief that a man who died 2000 years ago will one day come on those same clouds and take a selected few out of the earth..we cannot challenge?


He definately made some excellent points..too bad more people haven't seen it.

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I think that he was right on when it came to religion being a part of political discourse. It realy should not be seen as an excuse to deny funding to potentialy life saving research and therapy.


I will laugh my ass off the next time someone tells me that abortion is wrong because of their religious belief I will tell them that instead of abortion, which is okay in the bible (When God tells the Jews to cut open womens bellies.) they should protest autopsies, which is forbiden in the bible.


Or that they should never eat shellfish.


Or that they should castrate themselves/ their husbands as is says in the bible(Hey, it's one way to get rid of them)

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they should protest autopsies, which is forbiden in the bible.


Actually, Orthodox Jews do. I remember when I was in Israel a few months back, there was this crazy story in the paper about some crazy Orthodox (and fundy) Jews actually DUG UP this little girl's grave to prevent the Israeli authorities from performing an autopsy (I can't remember why they wanted to do that). If I remember correctly, I don't even think her family was consulted about this. These jerk-offs just decided that they "knew best" and went forth with the whole shenanagin. Insane.

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Wow. Great clip, Asimov. Serious food for thought.

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Wow. Great clip, Asimov. Serious food for thought.



Hehehe....Sam Harris is an anti-religious polemic!! Woo!!


You can buy the DVD's for IdeaCity at their website. They're 45 bucks and they feature all 50 presenters.

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Yeah! the man is a great speaker and a good writer as well I loved his book it made so much sense to me. He is also writing small essays on this website - http://www.truthdig.com/ I really admire his calm demeanor and quiet humor.

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