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Glimpses of the Devil : A Psychiatrist's Personal Accounts of Possession, Exorcism, and Redemption


By: M.Scott Peck


Now, does anyone else or just me get a bit frustrated and insecure when they see educated people joining the faith. M.Scott Peck, a respected phsycologist and author of many books, a previous free-thinker converted to christianity, partly responsible to the experiences in the book above. Its a double wammy.


1. A free-thinker, whos pervious work seemed to show bias against faiths, yet now joins the cult

2. A highly educated person joining the cult


Does anyone have any information to put my insecurities to rest. Ive read some of his stuff, but some of it just wont work into my mind. I dont know what im looking for??.......... I guess I just dont like it when the book is his 'documented' experiences of two exrocisms he performed. Any imput would be appreciated.


In saying that I guess things I cant explain that involve the god of the bible totally freak me out. I dont mind if I cant explain the non- existance of god or why some things are. I just dont like not being able to explain things that could show any hint of existence of the god from the bible, him being a monster..

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Matt, I'm having a difficult time discerning what it is that you're asking for in this post. It seems clear enough though that the fact that this apparently educated person would become a person of faith bothers you. Maybe it even bothers you a lot.


It seems to me that you are handing over control of yourself to a total stranger. Why should what this guy believes or doesn't believe affect you so much? You believe what you believe and he believes what he believes, right? What's the big deal? I don't understand why you let it affect you so much.


Maybe you are not sure what you believe? I am really having a difficult time understanding what it you are looking to gain from this post.

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Hey Legion. Yes I dont really know what I beleive, but I do know I do not believe in the god of the bible. It affects my fear brainwashing as this isnt your typical person who is depressed, then in their misery becomes a Christian. He came to a conclusion from the to 'exorscisms' that the god of the bible was real, and is now educating future 'Christian Psychiatrist's. Its things that I myself cannot explain that seems to point to the existence of bible god, that sets off the former Christian fear that I have trouble getting over. I guess I want this guy to be bogus.......as stupid as it sounds.

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Hey Matt. You strike me as a very honest person, perhaps even brave. You don't need me to tell you that YOU HAVE AUTHORITY over your life. That's what seems to be at issue here... authority. I think that many of us spend a great deal of time asking ourselves questions about authority.


What is authority? How do I acquire authority? What is the proper use of authority? Who else has authority and who or what do they have authority over? How do we maintain our authority? Does that authority figure over there really have authority or are they bogus?


They are all good questions in my opinion, and I'm entitled to my opinion because I have authority just as you do Matt. Is my authority limited? You betcha. I don't let that bother me much because I think with legitimate authority also comes responsibility. I can't tell you all the answers to these questions precisely because my own authority is limited. But you have the authority to pick up where I leave off.


I have known some very intelligent Christians. I've even once knew a clinical pysychologist and a psychiatrist who were both Christians. Was their authority limited? You betcha. Please don't let questions about someone else's authority affect your own authority. I think that we all have an authority that cannot be stolen, HOWEVER we can (sometimes without even knowing it) give that authority away.


Peace Matt. I hope that you uncover the mystery of authority. When you figure it out, please tell me what you discover. I'm interested in knowing more about it myself.

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