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Goodbye Jesus

My College Roommate Is A Fundy


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My college roommate is a fundy and the first day he asked if I was a christian. I lied and said yes, my family goes to church once a week because I dont feel like getting preached at for the next year. But I do go to church with my family once a week just on tradition, I'm definitely an atheist. He's the sappy kind of chirstian, he said he quit listening to rap music because it was so nasty. :lmao: He's in the band and appears to be a band geek. I wouldnt be friends with him if he went to my high school and he's got an obsession with country and christian music while I'm the black and death metalhead who doesn't give a fuck about religiosu rules. I laugh at his phone conversations because he was talking to someone saying he needs to clean his mouth up. I dont insult people for their beliefs and I dont mind Christians by any means, I'd prefer one who didnt think about church 24/7 and doesnt care what I believe but he's sappy as hell. I dont talk to him much and I'm turning in my private room application the Tuesday when I come back from Labor Day. Christianity is very popular here, there's no freethinker college organizations and I havent met an open atheist yet. I really like being in college and the city life in the college town but I'm definitely moving to a place in a larger city where I can be an open atheist, have libertarian beliefs and meet people with my don't give a fuck about religion attitude.

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Goodbye Jesus

I would have rather said "I'm not very religious". I can understand you not saying you were an atheist. Saying that would mean more debates and resentment. But saying your not religious can get a little bit more respect and he might be careful to not talk about religion around you. But you went ahead and said you were a christian.


Get ready for random invites to bible studies and christian rock bands!!!

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First of all, I'm surry you are stuck with a fundy for the school year. It would have freaked him out to know that he's sharing the room with atheist anyway.


I'm not above lying. Your beliefs are your own business and you don't have to share them with anyone you don't want to. I can tell this is going to make for some interesting discussions here when you get irritated with his Christianity.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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I would have rather said "I'm not very religious". I can understand you not saying you were an atheist. Saying that would mean more debates and resentment. But saying your not religious can get a little bit more respect and he might be careful to not talk about religion around you. But you went ahead and said you were a christian.


Get ready for random invites to bible studies and christian rock bands!!!

He already went to some Interfaith cookout and stayed for 3 hours the other night, it was fun staying alone. I think I'll probably tell him I'm a Unitarian Universalist though I may unintentionally piss him off because thats unheard of here, just conservative christianity. I think he goes to church on wednesday nights because it was my birthday wednesday and I went out with my family he was gone till about 8. I'm not going to any religious things or joining any religious organizations. I put none on my college application as religion and the Baptist Collegiate Ministry wont quit sending me e-mails. :vent:

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My first roommate last year was an asshole Christian. Him and his friends threatned to beat me up and would not stop harassing me when they figured out I was an atheist.



My advice, don't be ashamed but do be careful.

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Don't they profile and question you pretty severely to make sure you get a roommate you have a lot in common with? That's what my mother always told me. Albeit she's never been to college dorms.


I don't get the term "freethinker". If it automatically means you're an atheist and accept certain atheistic beliefs and general skepticism practiced by a group (as most "freethinking" organizations I've seen do), then isn't that not "freethinking", as in "thinking free of outside influence"? To me a freethinking organization would in a way defeat the entire purpose of freethinking.

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I don't keep my unbelief a secret if I am asked at school.


Perhaps you might check into changing rooms. I don't know about your school, but my school has moving day each quarter, no questions asked. Watch out for that day.

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I don't get the term "freethinker". If it automatically means you're an atheist and accept certain atheistic beliefs and general skepticism practiced by a group (as most "freethinking" organizations I've seen do), then isn't that not "freethinking", as in "thinking free of outside influence"? To me a freethinking organization would in a way defeat the entire purpose of freethinking.

I didnt' know there were free thinking churches until I saw 30 days. I was confused by the idea. I remember about some new religion where people would meet up and not have a set belief but just have open discussions and debates. If that is what freethinkers do then I think it's fine. If not and there is a set thought process then I wouldn't stick my head in it. To me, this site is the best example of a true freethinking sight.

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I didnt' know there were free thinking churches until I saw 30 days. I was confused by the idea. I remember about some new religion where people would meet up and not have a set belief but just have open discussions and debates. If that is what freethinkers do then I think it's fine. If not and there is a set thought process then I wouldn't stick my head in it. To me, this site is the best example of a true freethinking sight.


My feelings as well, precisely. I tell people I'm a freethinker, but they often automatically assume I'm atheist, which would really be the total opposite of what you would expect the reaction to a freethinking person would be. There would be no assumptions, besides not following a popular coded pattern of belief.

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What area of the country do you live in? The college I go to is in a smaller town with the Ten Commandmnets sign hanging up where the welcome to here sign is. It's a very religious community but I figured there had to be some atheists somewhere here. I let him use my computer to print a paper and he went on my google site to search something for a projec and my search titled ex christian forum is there for all to see in the past search scrolls, I wonder if he saw it, doesnt bother me if I did. I am reading a book about Kabbalah right now but that wouldnt bother him too bad, my next book i get is gonna be about atheism most likely, the library here kicks ass, got a few non-theist books here.

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I can totally understand what it's like for you. When i first moved away to go to college i was roomed with a christian (i'd spent the summer before thinking anyone but a christian please!) and i found it so hard trying not to laugh when she played her christian rock music. Unfortunatley, she and her church buds preyed upon my vulnerability at the time and i ended up going along with it all and becoming a christian myself. At least you know inside where you stand, and maybe you can be the little ray of hope in your college town that leads the christians to sanity and freedom so they can let their hair down and enjoy college life to the max. I'd tell him the truth though - say you're confused where u stand in your faith or something like that and then as he tries to preach to you, come back at him with the reasons you don't believe. That way you'll be able to get into some good debates with him and he can maybe see that just because you like rock music and watch whatever movies you like doesn't make you a bad person.


I can't even imagine what it must be like living in a completely christian community though. scotland (where i'm from) and oz (where i live now) are both very open about religion - anything goes. i feel for ya!

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I don't get the term "freethinker". If it automatically means you're an atheist and accept certain atheistic beliefs and general skepticism practiced by a group (as most "freethinking" organizations I've seen do), then isn't that not "freethinking", as in "thinking free of outside influence"? To me a freethinking organization would in a way defeat the entire purpose of freethinking.


Freethought and freethinker have a definition see:


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Don't they profile and question you pretty severely to make sure you get a roommate you have a lot in common with?

In a word? No. They say they do, but they don't, really.


If they did, then I wouldn't have gotten stuck with a trio of violent, skunkweed-smoking, alcoholic whores who regularly stayed up 'til 3am smoking skunk and nasty-smelling cigarettes, and getting so drunk that they vomited all over themselves. Oh, yeah, and who threatened my life (one tried to push me off of the second-story landing) and property when they got their skunky asses busted for owning an dog (we weren't allowed to have pets under our lease).

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I would've also said that I wasn't religious and left it at that. If he preached at me (well, in my case it would have to be a she since most colleges don't allow co-ed roommates), I'd have asked the housing department if I could switch rooms or get a new roommate. If they said no, I'd still move out as soon as I could and find a place off campus. Life's too short to be miserable.

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