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Goodbye Jesus

Hell If It Exist Is Not Eternal!


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i came a cross this site - www.what-the-hell-is-hell.com nd it concluded that hell is nt eternal. Its says that eternal torment comes from anchient pagan religions which i believe constaintine embeded into xtianity. It stated that no where in the Hebrew scriptures does its speak of a place of eternal torment. - If hell was eternal,why wasnt adam,cain or the israelites warned of it,bt only death. the wages of sin is death never eternal damnation. quite an interesting site.


Jst thought id pst it if there r ppl stil worried abt eternal hell.

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I've read to both before. I don't fear hell or believe in it anymore but as a christian the website showed me that so much of the bible is mistranslated and doesn't make much sense. After reading that information I lost faith in Americans trying to teach me scripture on only felt the people of the original language, Jewish scholars could teach me. Further study of the bible started to lead me to believe that much of it is BS. Later i ended up here.

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