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I am doing some search on Isaiah 53, and guess what, this apologetic website Isaiah53.com has devoted a full page of comments on ex-christian.net




ex-c founders, you all can be proud!


I am working on a thread about Isaiah 53, ‘later folks.

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What I found funny is the massive number of people who have posted on the forums - NOT!!


It looks like the author is the only one that has done so.


Perhaps we should all pay their forum a visit, and send our thanks for reminding us what a wonderful site Ex-C is!



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The author of that site finds us "disturbing" because we contradict "the authority of the bible".


YES! Looks like we're reaching some people.

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I am doing some search on Isaiah 53, and guess what, this apologetic website Isaiah53.com has devoted a full page of comments on ex-christian.net




ex-c founders, you all can be proud! 


I am working on a thread about Isaiah 53, ‘later folks.


From the website:

The problem is that the author doesn't seem to want to lead the reader anywhere, except away from christianity.


It seems, that this guy does not like freedom. :eek:

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Guest Slayer-2004
The author of the introductory material, and presumably all of the site's extra-biblical content, tries to convey some reverence for scripture. The problem is that the author doesn't seem to want to lead the reader anywhere, except away from christianity. I see this as a problem in the first order, because it contradicts the authority of The Bible.


Blah blah blah



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The problem is that the author doesn't seem to want to lead the reader anywhere, except away from christianity. I see this as a problem in the first order, because it contradicts the authority of The Bible.


Muahahaha ah ha ha! It’s a problem because it contradicts the Bible! How can that be a problem because the Bible is so full of contradictions, so whatever you say will be a contradiction even when you intend to be in line!



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The author of that site finds us "disturbing" because we contradict "the authority of the bible".


Which "authority"? :fdevil:

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The problem is that the author doesn't seem to want to lead the reader anywhere, except away from christianity.


Why do I need to be led anywhere? Why can't I discover places for myself?

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(This article is a work in progress and will be continued. For the impatient, and as a guide for myself, I offer a list of subjects to be covered. Please keep in mind that subject titles may reflect charges leveled against the faith by Exchristians.)
(italics mine)


I had to smile when I saw this. Like a manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, the author evidently needs to warn those Christians with delicate spiritual innards that the possible side effects of reading the very titles of his up-coming diatribe against us might cause them harm. :lmao:

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What  I found funny is the massive number of people who have posted on the forums - NOT!!


It looks like the author is the only one that has done so.


Perhaps we should all pay their forum a visit, and send our thanks for reminding us what a wonderful site Ex-C is!


:loser:   :loser:   :loser:



what a hum-dinger. a whole website page devoted to us. why, because we flatly argue the bible is garbage,and people who hold large sums of stock in it are ego trippers.

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Hey, I'm curious. I don't even see an address or hyper link leading to ExC's webpage. Why is the author intentionally hiding his sources that supposedly back up his ascertion that ExC's purpose is to turn Christians away from the Bible? In Journalism school, if I wrote an article without direct quotes and didn't cite at least three sources from which I obtained my information, I got a big fat F.


It was drummed into our heads from day 1;

no quotes + no named sources = no credibility


For crying out loud, he even refers to ExC as having one author! He was apparently too lazy (or too scared) to read the hundreds of threads started by as many people with hundreds more, even Christians, replying. Anybody who bothers to check his claims, even a Christian with half a brain, should see through his bull crap.


But of course, he's just mad because some of us dare refuse to respect the Bible's "authoritah". :Wendywhatever:

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The sad little site with no membership or posts doesn't like us :twitch:


And once again a christian idiot uses the bible to backup the bible :loser:


Maybe a bunch of Ex-C's should join his forum and give him some real scripture to think about instead of the same old regurgitated ones they all use.



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HAHAHA!!! This will be interesting. Why are crazies so fascinating?

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Guest Tiffany
this apologetic website Isaiah53.com has devoted a full page of comments on ex-christian.net




You can't buy publicity like that! :grin:

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How about posting as someone who is living in a possesed house and desparately needs prayer to remove the evil spirits.

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The sad little site with no membership or posts doesn't like us  :twitch:


And once again a christian idiot uses the bible to backup the bible  :loser:


Maybe a bunch of Ex-C's should join his forum and give him some real scripture to think about instead of the same old regurgitated ones they all use.



Nah, let's just leave it as the pathetic tribute to idiocy it is. After all, if we start making some replies now, it will lend an air of legitimacy to it. Something this poor sap hasn't had for the year and a half his forums have been active.

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Hey, I'm his first member!

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How lame. I love this site, but collectively, we do not demonstrate the highest caliber of arguments. That's ok though, because that isn't the focus of this site. That this guy singled us out as his greatest adversary, as opposed to say internet infidels, is quite an honor I think.


A round of booze, brownies, and porn for everyone!

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Congratulations Chef,


Are you going to start a thread over there? He doesn't look like the debating type to me. Benign whinger maybe....


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Congratulations Chef,


Are you going to start a thread over there? He doesn't look like the debating type to me. Benign whinger maybe....


If I get time I'll try to counter some of his articles if he actually writes them.

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