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Do You Know Anything About Reiki?

Lorena Rodriguez

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I've been bothered with lower back pain for a few weeks, but last Friday, I hurt myself so bad, that I had to walk on all my fours for a few days. I've been going to the chiropractor everyday and also did accupuncture.


A friend is insisting that I try Reiki. What the heck is that? I read a little about it and found it somewhat strange. For example, they say that you can't learn by yourself, "Somebody has to give you the gift." It gives me the impresion that it has something to do with mediumship.


What's up with Reiki?

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I've been bothered with lower back pain for a few weeks, but last Friday, I hurt myself so bad, that I had to walk on all my fours for a few days. I've been going to the chiropractor everyday and also did accupuncture.


A friend is insisting that I try Reiki. What the heck is that? I read a little about it and found it somewhat strange. For example, they say that you can't learn by yourself, "Somebody has to give you the gift." It gives me the impresion that it has something to do with mediumship.


What's up with Reiki?


1. What have you been doing to possibly cause LBP?

2. What exercises have you been doing to correct the issue?

3. What stretches have you been doing to correct the issue?

4. Is it stress induced, muscle imbalance, postural, or acute injury?

5. What does your chiro say?

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It is nothing more than psuedo-science/new age horseshit.




Reiki practitioners claim harness and transmit "universal life energy" by placing their hands in specific positions on or near the body; or they can visualize special symbols that supposedly enable them to send "healing energy," even from far away [1]. One form of reiki, The Radiance Technique, is claimed to be useful for mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual balancing. Some practitioners claim that Reiki can increase the healing energy of food [1]. The existence of "universal life energy" has not been demonstrated.


if you hurt your back, you need to go see a real doctor and physical therapist in that order. Chiropractics are also quacks.



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*ahem* *cough*


I'm one of those who does Reiki. I was skeptical at first but a friend of mine who has her mastership treated me a couple of times and the energy was unmistakable. So I got my first attunement from her.


Mostly I use it to heal minor traumas on my family, including my Greyhounds.


I have noticed that some people do not seem to absorb the energy, for these people it might well seem ridiculous. I have no idea why this occurs. Some people are skeptical and still receive the energy well, others are pious sorts and cannot. I have no idea. There are also some people who are overly sensitive-- they too should not have Reiki.

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New age horseshit.

But probably an ok placebo effect.


But then again, I automatically disbelieve in things you have to believe will work for them to work. If that makes me pious, then so be it.

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I've seen a man verifiably generate enough energy, with no apparent external source to heat his palms to over 200 degrees, just below the melting point in preparation for the procedure. I doubt a lot of things, but I don't quite believe this is impossible.

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*ahem* *cough*


I'm one of those who does Reiki. I was skeptical at first but a friend of mine who has her mastership treated me a couple of times and the energy was unmistakable. So I got my first attunement from her.


Mostly I use it to heal minor traumas on my family, including my Greyhounds.


I have noticed that some people do not seem to absorb the energy, for these people it might well seem ridiculous. I have no idea why this occurs. Some people are skeptical and still receive the energy well, others are pious sorts and cannot. I have no idea. There are also some people who are overly sensitive-- they too should not have Reiki.


Coming from a person who said that an Indian spirit was trying to reincarnate in a baby of yours...

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if you hurt your back, you need to go see a real doctor and physical therapist in that order. Chiropractics are also quacks.




Thanks, Bruce.


The doctor said, "You were born with these ... problems on you lumbar spine. There is NOTHING we can do for you. No surgery or anything. You are just going to have to take pain killers everytime it hurts."


The chiropractor's adjustments really do help. But so far, noboby has been able to tell me how I can stop this from happening again. All they keep saying, while looking at the x-ray is, "You were born that way."




[quote name='Lorena


1. What have you been doing to possibly cause LBP?

2. What exercises have you been doing to correct the issue?

3. What stretches have you been doing to correct the issue?

4. Is it stress induced, muscle imbalance, postural, or acute injury?

5. What does your chiro say?


As per the x-ray, the connection between my hip and my leg is wobbly. I also have a faulty lumbar disk (spina bifida). I never knew this. I knew I had chronic groin pain, but I didn't know it was related to my back.


In the last few weeks, I had been doing yoga and pilates. I believe that one of the stretches separated my hip somehow.


The chiro says that a person like me can go for a long time experiencing no problems, and all of a sudden, bum. He says the injury is acute and that it will take a while to heal.


I am thinking of going to a physiotherapist. As, you know, in our province, MSP no longer pays for that stuff, so it is becoming very expensive.

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I am thinking of going to a physiotherapist. As, you know, in our province, MSP no longer pays for that stuff, so it is becoming very expensive.


Can you do exercises to strengthen the muscles in and around that area? That would provide stability and prevent that from happening more frequently.


Hernias are genetic, that doesn't mean you can't help prevent them with exercise.

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The doctor said, "You were born with these ... problems on you lumbar spine. There is NOTHING we can do for you. No surgery or anything. You are just going to have to take pain killers everytime it hurts."


The chiropractor's adjustments really do help. But so far, noboby has been able to tell me how I can stop this from happening again. All they keep saying, while looking at the x-ray is, "You were born that way."


How's your financial situation? :scratch:


Most doctors don't want to touch anything complicated like lower back unless you're well insured or otherwise financially well off.

Sad, but true.

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How's your financial situation? :scratch:


Above average


Most doctors don't want to touch anything complicated like lower back unless you're well insured or otherwise financially well off.

Sad, but true.


This is Canada. Health care is free here, so we all get the same shitty health care.



Better to be doing stretching exercises. Or go see a Physical Therapist. But not a Chiropractor. He'll crack your neck and you'll be sorry. :ugh:


Yes, chiropractors have cracked my neck about 40 times. I've never been sorry.




Can you do exercises to strengthen the muscles in and around that area? That would provide stability and prevent that from happening more frequently.


Hernias are genetic, that doesn't mean you can't help prevent them with exercise.


I thought I was doing that when I reinjured myself on Friday. This is so painful that I won't risk it again. I am going to have to pay for someone to help me.


What's shitty is that I do stuff all day, then later when I am doing nothing, bum my back gets hurt for no apparent reason. Then I am unable to tell what it is that I did to hurt myself.


My last few days have been horrible. I am so thankful I am not a christian anymore, because if I still were, I would be thinking:


(1) The lord is trying to teach me something

(2) I need to look for unconfessed sin in my life

(3) This is my thorn in the flesh

(4) I just have to pray harder.

(5) Why is god doing this to me?


Then I would really be screwed up. Now as a non-christian, I can concentrate on finding practical ways to help myself. Isn't that great?

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Back in 1999 I actually took training in Reiki, up to Level II traditional (which allegedly gives me the ability to do distance-healing). I think that the effects are primarily placebo-like, because the mechanism by which it supposedly works doesn't quite make sense to me.


Discarding all the magical hoo-hah symbols passed down the Reiki lineage, one is left with possible low-level electromagnetic interaction between the practitioner and the patient.


At the anecdotal level, I have used it to relieve the pain of gastrointestinal reflux in my own body, have quieted a distraught animal or two, and have relieved traumatic pain by immediately applying Reiki to a finger I slammed in the car door. All of which are potentially psychologically caused effects.

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