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Goodbye Jesus

Hebrews 11:1

Brother Jeff

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This is my version of Hebrews 11:1, given the behavior of many Christians and the fact that not a shred of evidence that holds up under scrutiny exists to support the claims of Christianity.


"Now Faith is Wishful Thinking, the emotional and irrational 'evidence' that supports our religious fantasy world and makes us arrogantly, obnoxiously, judgmentally, and dogmatically insist that our religious bullshit is somehow magically TRUE because we desperately wish for it to be so in spite of the fact that there is no actual evidence or any facts that point to a basis in reality for the alleged 'TRUTH' of our Wishful Thinking."

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Goodbye Jesus

Jeff, Have you examined all the evidence?

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Yes I have, Scott. I am very familiar with Christianity and with Christian arguments and apologetics. The fact is that Christian beliefs have no demonstrable basis in reality. Let me elaborate on that statement so that you understand what I mean by it. There is no evidence that a god of any kind actually exists. There is no evidence that the Bible is the "word" of a god. There is no evidence that Jesus rose from the dead or that he was the son of a god or that he was a god. There is no evidence that a supernatural realm of any kind actually exists, which would include heaven and hell. There is no evidence that a devil or demons actually exist. In fact, there is no evidence, apart from the pages of the Bible, that any of its claims have any basis in reality.


I say all of that based upon 20 years or so of research and thought. I am confident that if you avail yourself of the same information that I have (which is available here and on my site as well) and that if you think through the fact that your beliefs have no demonstrable basis in reality, you will come to much the same conclusions that I have.

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Yes I have, Scott. I am very familiar with Christianity and with Christian arguments and apologetics. The fact is that Christian beliefs have no demonstrable basis in reality. Let me elaborate on that statement so that you understand what I mean by it. There is no evidence that a god of any kind actually exists. There is no evidence that the Bible is the "word" of a god. There is no evidence that Jesus rose from the dead or that he was the son of a god or that he was a god. There is no evidence that a supernatural realm of any kind actually exists, which would include heaven and hell. There is no evidence that a devil or demons actually exist. In fact, there is no evidence, apart from the pages of the Bible, that any of its claims have any basis in reality.


I say all of that based upon 20 years or so of research and thought. I am confident that if you avail yourself of the same information that I have (which is available here and on my site as well) and that if you think through the fact that your beliefs have no demonstrable basis in reality, you will come to much the same conclusions that I have.


I don't think I would come to the same conclusions. There are people out there who studied the Bible, trying to prove it wrong, and became a Christian in the process. Anyhow, if that's your conclusion, you're entitled to it. Just like I am, just like we all are.

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There is no evidence that a supernatural realm of any kind actually exists, which would include heaven and hell.


In fact the bible specifically tells us where heaven and Hell is. Man himself has proven that Heaven was not where the bible says it was. And it's very unlikely that the bible is right about where hell is too.


I don't think I would come to the same conclusions. There are people out there who studied the Bible, trying to prove it wrong, and became a Christian in the process.


And also many who studied it to prove it right and left the faith in the process.

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I don't think I would come to the same conclusions. There are people out there who studied the Bible, trying to prove it wrong, and became a Christian in the process. Anyhow, if that's your conclusion, you're entitled to it. Just like I am, just like we all are.


Gee Scott, you're more reasonable than the god you serve. You are willing to live and let live while your god deems Jeff's position worthy of hell. God could learn a thing or two from you.

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There are people out there who studied the Bible, trying to prove it wrong, and became a Christian in the process.

I know that and it truly baffles me, given the fact that it is so easy to prove that the Bible is wrong - and wrong about many things. People who believe the Bible do so without a shred of evidence to back up their beliefs. Doesn't it bother you at all that your beliefs have no demonstrable basis in reality, especially if they are really "The Truth" from God?

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