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Nv: Wiccan Sign Allowed On Soldier's Plaque


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NV: Wiccan sign allowed on soldier's plaque

Source: Yahoo! News


"The widow of a soldier killed in Afghanistan won state approval

Wednesday to place a Wiccan religious symbol on his memorial plaque,

something the U.S.Department of Veterans Affairs had refused. ... Sgt.

Patrick Stewart, 34, was killed in Afghanistan last September when a

rocket-propelled grenade struck his helicopter. Four others also died.

Stewart was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart.

He was a follower of the Wiccan religion, which the U.S. Department of

Veterans Affairs does not recognize and therefore prohibits on

veterans' headstones in national cemeteries. But state officials said

they had received a legal opinion from the Nevada attorney general's

office that concluded federal officials have no authority over state

veterans' cemeteries. They now plan to have a contractor construct a

plaque with the Wiccan pentacle -- a circle around a five-pointed star

-- to be added to the Veterans' Memorial Wall in Fernley." (09/14/06)



Link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060914/ap_on_.../wiccan_soldier

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'bout time.


He was a follower of the Wiccan religion, which the U.S. Department of

Veterans Affairs does not recognize and therefore prohibits on

veterans' headstones in national cemeteries.

This whole issue of "recognizing" religions...where does that come from? Does the government decide which religions are legitimate and allowable? How does it choose what passes as religion and what doesn't?

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Yes, good move by the state.


This whole issue of "recognizing" religions...where does that come from? Does the government decide which religions are legitimate and allowable? How does it choose what passes as religion and what doesn't?


We know where that comes from - those lovely Middle Ages, where if you didn't have the sanction of the highest body in the land (ie, Big Momma Church), you weren't recognized as a worthy True Believer™. That in turn comes from the judgementalism of the Wholly Babble and has inspired every Xian sect to name all others "Anathema" or "Infidel" or whatever.


Needing such approval and recognition is a sad remainder of the intolerant and prejudiced legacy of Xianity.

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Let's just say that getting that opinion to be rendered has literally taken the work of hundreds, if not thousands, of Pagans all across America, all for one measly pentacle to be inscribed. The fight is probably going to continue because there are quite a few Wiccans and Pagans in the military and the next one to be killed may not have Stewart's option. The VA really ought to be more accepting of religions. The only test that ought to be applied should be whether the person honestly believes in the religion.

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