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Goodbye Jesus

The Best President We've Ever Had!

AgnosticBob AtheistPants

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I was dismayed to hear my son parroting these words the last time I saw him:


“George Bush is the best president we’ve ever had!”


My poor 7 year old son and 4 year old daughter are stuck in a home with some of the most psychotic, right-wing fundamentalist nutbags ever to live. I’m flabbergasted that they[EDIT: My fundy ex and her fundy family] can even think Bush is a GOOD president, never mind the “best we’ve ever had”!


What kind of mind does it take to think that a man who uses the deaths of thousands of American citizens to improve his approval rating is the BEST PRESIDENT WE’VE EVER HAD??? What kind of mind does it take to think that a man who sends our own youth to die in the middle east on a WHIM is the BEST PRESIDENT WE’VE EVER HAD??? What kind of a mind does it take to think that a man who believes in “creationism in disguise” is the BEST PRESIDENT WE’VE EVER HAD??? What kind of mind does it take to think that a man who turns the greatest U.S. budget surplus in history into one of the worst deficits in history is the BEST PRESIDENT WE’VE EVER HAD???


How in the world am I going to erase years of fundamentalist programming from them when I only get them for a weekend a month and so far only about 4 full weeks a year? Hopefully that will change when the court convenes on November 30, 2006, but I have my doubts sometimes about that even happening.


I really hate my ex.

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Eh, honestly now... at that age, you'd have believed almost anything too if there'd been an adult telling you about that. :banghead:

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Relax, they're kids. They really don't understand politics. Don't overreact and let them parrot around. They are bound to become more liberal (aka realistic) once they hit puberty.

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Relax, they're kids. They really don't understand politics. Don't overreact and let them parrot around. They are bound to become more liberal (aka realistic) once they hit puberty.


Oh, I'm not complaining about my kids. I'm complaining about the nutjob that's raising them. SHE and her family are the ones that I'm ranting about in this rant. (I.E. the "they" in the sentence "I’m flabbergasted that they can even think Bush is a GOOD president..." is in reference to my fundy freak ex-wife and her kin) I'm just worried about the damage she's going to do to my children feeding them that load of horseshit (among others). I know they are too young to understand, but they are too young to understand a lot of things that they are going to have forced down their throats from now until they move out on their own. Is it ever too early to worry about the forces that are influencing your children's development?

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Well, Bob, the nutjob ex and family may exactly that, but there's nothing you can do about them. And the kids? Hell, look among the testimonies here and see how many grew up in fundie churches and left, despite the imprinting of all that crap during childhood. The odds are, they'll be okay.

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How about a little counter-indoctrination? Take this idea or something similar-


Atheist stories for children: http://members.aol.com/valinda555/csp01001.html


and explain how only certain kinds of religious people could think that one of the worst presidents is the greatest- and only if they share the same "imaginary super-human."

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Pyschology 101, teach them to question. Nows the time too. The whole reason the religious nuts target children is because they know that this is when it starts. They just didn't read their science books so they didn't understand that some children are naturally skptical (aka natural born Atheists).


So next time your child comes up to you and says "George Bush is the greatest president we've ever had!," say, "Oh? What about the first president, George Washington?" Or how about Lincon. There are a few presidents who's history could help put doubt in your childs head about Bush and how good he really is.


Knowledge is power. Use what your nut-job ex teaches them against her by counter-acting it with some facts.


Just a though.

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Bush is really just a puppet of Isreal and his "70% Jewish cabinet" he is not a lone player....Do some research...

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Eh, honestly now... at that age, you'd have believed almost anything too if there'd been an adult telling you about that. :banghead:


When I was a kid my dad bitched about democrats so much that I ran around the playground asking my fellow students who they wanted to win the coming election, Clinton or Bush!? I asked almost all my classmates the question and the majority was what I wanted to hear ... Bush.


My religion at the time? Same as my dad, Catholic. Not like I need to say this but I, just like all kids just wanted to be part of something, part of something my family thought important. It was hard to break free from all my dad's crap but I did and here I am.

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I wouldn't worry too much; I was raised as a devout Republican. I'm from the South, and even down here the schools do a good job of teaching children critical thinking and deductive reasoning.


Edit: In second grade, we were being taught about "electing". We were told to vote for the Elephant or for the Donkey. I found our choices odd then, but when I got a little older and realized the symbolism, I found it quite funny. As I recall, the class -- almost entirely children raised in right-wing fundy homes -- voted overwhelmingly for the elephant. It's just parroting.

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Eh, honestly now... at that age, you'd have believed almost anything too if there'd been an adult telling you about that. :banghead:



I am with Tocis, on this one. It will take a long time for you to get rid of, this kind of thinking that could do us all in, but youth is splendid thing. The brain can begin to think real, honest, rationalized stuff when it matures. So go easy on the youngster, but don't go easy on the ex, she deserves to get her mind fixed on that one. good luck to you in the courts

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Pyschology 101, teach them to question. Nows the time too. The whole reason the religious nuts target children is because they know that this is when it starts. They just didn't read their science books so they didn't understand that some children are naturally skptical (aka natural born Atheists).


So next time your child comes up to you and says "George Bush is the greatest president we've ever had!," say, "Oh? What about the first president, George Washington?" Or how about Lincon. There are a few presidents who's history could help put doubt in your childs head about Bush and how good he really is.


Knowledge is power. Use what your nut-job ex teaches them against her by counter-acting it with some facts.


Just a though.

That's damn good advice. Kids don't really know how to stonewall you with bullshit, so if you give them questions they can't answer immediately, they have no recourse but to think about it. I think that's what worked on me when I was little.

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That's damn good advice. Kids don't really know how to stonewall you with bullshit, so if you give them questions they can't answer immediately, they have no recourse but to think about it. I think that's what worked on me when I was little.


Thank you :HaHa: I use this mythod on my kids all the time. I'm pretty sure its why they are so hard to handle.

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Oh god, I hope you can get sole custody of them bob!


Until that happens I would go with what AthiestMommy said.

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Hell when I was 14 I still thought Ronald Reagan was the savior of the United States. Boy have I ever changed.

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I wouldn't worry too much; I was raised as a devout Republican. I'm from the South, and even down here the schools do a good job of teaching children critical thinking and deductive reasoning.


Edit: In second grade, we were being taught about "electing". We were told to vote for the Elephant or for the Donkey. I found our choices odd then, but when I got a little older and realized the symbolism, I found it quite funny. As I recall, the class -- almost entirely children raised in right-wing fundy homes -- voted overwhelmingly for the elephant. It's just parroting.


Yeah, they are in the south. The DEEP south. Northeast Alabama, home of the pentecostal charismatic fundamentalist nutbags. Church of God hell right here on earth. I don't know what church she is taking them to now. Probably one of the "non-denominational" offshoots. Non-denominational my ass. Just a way to try to make themselves think that all Christians are one and united in their theology.


I know he's only parrotting what he learns in the household. I just sincerely hope I can get enough time with the both of them to teach them that even moms and dads can be wrong. FSM knows she isn't teaching him that. She is right no matter what.


Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Will definitely try some of them out, especially yours AM. :grin:

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Will definitely try some of them out, especially yours AM. :grin:


You're welcome, glad I could help and good luck :grin:

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Yeah, they are in the south. The DEEP south. Northeast Alabama, home of the pentecostal charismatic fundamentalist nutbags. Church of God hell right here on earth. I don't know what church she is taking them to now. Probably one of the "non-denominational" offshoots. Non-denominational my ass. Just a way to try to make themselves think that all Christians are one and united in their theology.


Well. It's amazing how much can be accomplished in a small amount of time. Focus on quality of information, not quantity. And I affirm the concepts of getting them to question everything & look for all the facts starting as young as possible.


Best wishes eh!

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