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If There Is A God, What Would You Like For Him/her/it To Be Like?


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If you died and found yourself face-to-face with a supreme being, what would be the best possible way for that being to be?


I personally think it would be awesome if god were like the Laughing Buddha, the fat one we all know so well. :) It would be great to be in a heaven ruled by a happy, laughing god, without all the oh-so-serious (and maudlin, IMO) praising and all that.

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For me, it would be your icon, sithprincess: a 1940's era Betty Page. :wicked:



I'd worship her for eternity in heaven. :notworthy:

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I'd like to see a slightly older and wiser friend who causes me to question preconceptions, backs me up when I do something profoundly scary, and is an absolute hoot at parties.

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If there was a single god, a beautiful, androgynous being with wings. If god had a gender, it wouldn't be able to create both in humans. Besides that, a wise being who could help me to grow and develop. It'd need a sense of humor, and a vast knowledge of drink recipes.


If there were a pantheon then they could be gendered and the different aspects spread out among them. Different ones posessing different wisdoms and such.

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I'm a Lovecraftian, so ... God should be something so inexpressibly alien as to shatter my psyche and send the last shards of my consciousness fleeing towards the soothing balm of insanity.


Really, anything else would be boring. If I were to discover that the entity somehow responsible for the infinite scope of creation were really nothing more than the cranky old man that evangelicals describe, I would be sorely disappointed. I'd probably elect to go to hell at that point, and hope for a Paradise Lost version of Satan. Hell for the conversation, after all.

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It would be Samuel L. Jackson.


This is somehow disturbing... :toilet:




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If there was a single god, a beautiful, androgynous being with wings.


A bishonen. I would fall down and worship a bishonen. :3


In some beautiful setting with mountains, trees, and the sea.

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If there was a single god, a beautiful, androgynous being with wings.


A bishonen. I would fall down and worship a bishonen. :3


In some beautiful setting with mountains, trees, and the sea.

Semi-bishounen, but not really as it wouldn't be male. As for the setting, a gleaming skyscraper rooftop would by far be the best. Have a nice penthouse, and Howard Roark would need to design it.

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Honestly, I would like a theoretical god to be just like my late Dad: good sense of humor, enjoys a good time, loves people, likes to have a few highballs now & then, and would eliminate, poverty, disease, war, etc. if he had the power.


Why can't gods be like that? :shrug:

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Honestly, I would like a theoretical god to be just like my late Dad: good sense of humor, enjoys a good time, loves people, likes to have a few highballs now & then, and would eliminate, poverty, disease, war, etc. if he had the power.


Why can't gods be like that? :shrug:


Because they ALL fail?

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Honestly, I would like a theoretical god to be just like my late Dad: good sense of humor, enjoys a good time, loves people, likes to have a few highballs now & then, and would eliminate, poverty, disease, war, etc. if he had the power.


Why can't gods be like that? :shrug:


Because they ALL fail?



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I'd like God as an absent-minded professor who loved his subjects. When you died and suddenly appeared, he'd say "Ah, another one of the humans! Terribly sorry I forgot to check on your progress, but avail yourself of my hospitality!"


And then you'd spend eternity doing experiments with the professor, or just laying around and reading.

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If you died and found yourself face-to-face with a supreme being, what would be the best possible way for that being to be?


A warm, moist, std-free vagina that smells like marijuana, tastes like honey and is always ready to go.

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God, to me, would be beautiful pure effervescent white light...


It would be everything and all things...and most important it would be the epitome of wisdom and love...


And when we go into God we become everything that we ever wished, hoped for, and desire...


Something like that...


I don't believe that a perfect being would be anything like us...


Plus, I would hope God would have a sense of humor too...


Well, that is my vision of God anyway...

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When we die we all become anime characters and are ruled over by giant anthropomorphic robots. If you can't prove me wrong then I must be right :)

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I hope heaven is Thundera and I come back as a Thundercat!

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I would like a God who is the Light, who is the epitome of love and who enjoys the good things in life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like God as an absent-minded professor who loved his subjects. When you died and suddenly appeared, he'd say "Ah, another one of the humans! Terribly sorry I forgot to check on your progress, but avail yourself of my hospitality!"


And then you'd spend eternity doing experiments with the professor, or just laying around and reading.


yours is a lot better than the fundy god I was brough up to believe in. then again the one I was raised to believe in would make the ones that are so alien that you go mad just to imagine them seem real good.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest AriseNow

Two possibilities:


Since this universe is just probably a simulation of some sort, I think we would get a final vision of the "player" who is running the program and our "score" at life :loser:


Or, at the end, you find yourself in emptyness and a voice says: "Sooo you think you can do better?" and then you go on and get to be ignored for eternity by all those evil atheists and agnostics :Doh:

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I'd like God as an absent-minded professor who loved his subjects. When you died and suddenly appeared, he'd say "Ah, another one of the humans! Terribly sorry I forgot to check on your progress, but avail yourself of my hospitality!"


And then you'd spend eternity doing experiments with the professor, or just laying around and reading.


I'll vote for that. Rather like Slartybartfast from the BBC Hitchhikers series. Another reference to popular entertainment I like is the movie "What Dreams May Come". The idea that the afterlife we expereince is based on our own perceptions. Beautiful film.

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Hmmm... lately, I'm partial to Freyja, at least when I consider the topic of gods. A goddess of love, lust, joy, sex, battle, and magic - with her own hall in Asgard (Sessrumnir, on Folkvangr) no less.


Considering her... colorful... reputation in Teutonic lore, an eternity with Freyja sure wouldn't be boring... :wicked:


If there were any gods, or if I created my own somehow upon death to spend eternity with, it would be Freyja for sure.

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I'd like god as a woman. Preferably, an intelligent woman. Maybe Athena.

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