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Kenyan Evangelists Oppose Leakey's Fossil Exhibition


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American-style anti-reason and anti-science takes shape in the form of Kenyan fundementalism.


Kenyan evangelical Christians have hopped on the anti-evolution bandwagon, and are demanding that all reference to the theory be dropped from an exhibition of hominid fossils in Nairobi's National Museum.


The museum houses Louis and Richard Leakey's collection of hominid fossils, one of the most extensive in the world. The collection includes the famous Turkana boy, an almost complete fossilised skeleton of a young hominid who lived approximately 1.6m years ago, and is arguably one of the best illustrations of the origins of our species.


However, Bishop Boniface Adoyo, chairman of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya, says that the exhibition does not represent scientific evidence of human evolution. He says evolution is still a theory, and that the fossils cannot be called as evidence to support it.


Adoyo said he would be satisfied if the exhibition merely renamed itself and worded its material to avoid giving the impression that the fossils were in any way connected with humanity.


"When you use evolution as God's tool in creating man in his image, you have to reckon with the fact at what stage in the evolution process does man attain to that image?" he told Wired.com.


"The conclusion is either God's image is evolving or God Himself is evolving or every creature has God's image. God could be anything and I'm afraid I cannot put my faith in a 'changing God' or an 'anything God'.”


He would rather the fossils be presented as a history of other creatures, Wired.com reports.


The museum says that it hasn't had any complaints from local churches, and fully intends to present the fossils as evidence for evolution when the exhibition reopens in 2007. It is currently closed for renovation.




Does not support ToE? What's he talking about? He makes a fiat while offering no scientific reasoning for why these fossils can not serve as evidence, other than using some ridiculous Biblical assertion about "gods image." I wonder if he realizes that he stating that his god is inert and so much for miracles then or an active god. Oh so much for Jesus too.


Furthermore, it's HIS conclusion, not sciences conclusion and not a conclusion of ToE. This dumb-ass and his irrelevant straw-man does take it to a new level, but its silly and stupid.

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"The conclusion is either God's image is evolving or God Himself is evolving or every creature has God's image. God could be anything and I'm afraid I cannot put my faith in a 'changing God' or an 'anything God'.”
Has this guy ever read The Bible? God doesn't change, my ass.


There is no reason to expect an actual reason for why they don't demonstrate evolution, you just have to take it on faith :rolleyes:

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Isn't that what Christians do though? They make statements with nothing to back them up and everyone is expected to just take their word for it. When you ask them for proof or any evidence to back up their claims, they become offended.

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Guest skeptic griggsy

Isn't that what Christians do though? They make statements with nothing to back them up and everyone is expected to just take their word for it. When you ask them for proof or any evidence to back up their claims, they become offended.

They ,like this Jewess in South Africa, think that our reasoned philosophical arguments do not carry weight. I think they just have a psychological problem in they do not want to change their minds with our arguments and therefore, quibble they see things differently without challenging our arguments. :lmao::dumbo:


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Hey they maybe in Kenya but they're still Christians...


The read from the same book of bull and never vary from the script.

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I think its quite alarming that american-style fundie-ism is becoming the trend in not only Kenya, but from what I've heard Canada as well.

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