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The God Delusion


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Looks like I found another book I'm going to have to buy.


Anyone read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins yet?

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I've got this book...haven't read all of it yet. I'm up to chapter three but what I've read so far is good. :3:

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Looks like I found another book I'm going to have to buy.


Anyone read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins yet?


Yeap, I had it on pre-order at Amazon.com and I got it in the mail sooner than I expected. I read it in about three days, it really is a good book and covers alot of interesting topics. I'd highly recommend it.

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Does he actually argue against the possibility of God, or just against the God of revealed religions?

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Knowing him, I'm guessing against God in general. He doesn't think well of deists. He said in an online interview that he believes we're "delusional".

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Guest Thoth-Amon

Looks like I found another book I'm going to have to buy.


Anyone read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins yet?

Looks interesting... I'll have to check it out from my work. I just finished Atheist Universe and found that to be pretty darn good, though some subjects were not explored in nearly enough detail and others shouldn't have been in there at all.

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