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Goodbye Jesus

The Christian Flag...


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Goodbye Jesus

That's actually a bit scary. Very reminiscent of the Nazis.

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Umm.... I actually pledged to that flag in the Awana group I was in as a kid. I didn't go often, but when we did, we said that little ditty with much gusto. I liked Girl Scouts better... Awana sucked.


I just read that pledge... ours was a little different. The last line was "One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe."


There was a pledge to the Bible, too. I think it went something like I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. I will make a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. I will hide its word in my heart that I might not sin against God."


..... I can't believe I remember those. Childhood brainwashing sure sticks with you, doesn't it.

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Umm.... I actually pledged to that flag in the Awana group I was in as a kid. I didn't go often, but when we did, we said that little ditty with much gusto. I liked Girl Scouts better... Awana sucked.


I just read that pledge... ours was a little different. The last line was "One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe."


There was a pledge to the Bible, too. I think it went something like I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. I will make a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. I will hide its word in my heart that I might not sin against God."


..... I can't believe I remember those. Childhood brainwashing sure sticks with you, doesn't it.


I said those same pledges every school day until I graduated high school. I went to Christian schools.

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I remember this from my Protestant Fundygelical days. I also recall a bunch of "Xian Bikers" wearing those rags on the backs of their leather jackets. Nothing says "macho" like a bunch of Jebus-loving losers wasting their lives :loser:


Very Nazi-like, I must admit. Granted, this came about before Hitler first waved the Blutfahne, but it does display the same zombie-like blind loyalty Xian clergyfolk try to encourage in their sheep.


If there's any flag I'd like to see burnt, it's this one :jerkit:

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If there's any flag I'd like to see burnt, it's this one

Indeed...this is a bit scary, I just hope thats never the flag of a country some day, at least not in the religious context.


...is that smiley doin what I think its doin...NOW I understand why the smilies are alwyas so smiley!

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This has to be the gayest thing I've ever read...

"I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One brotherhood, uniting all mankind, in service and love."



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The largest portion of the flag is white so that priests don't have to worry about ruining it with "protein stains".



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Oh God, memories, memories. In Lutheran school, there was one in every classroom and we pledged allegiance to it every morning. To me, it was just another flag, like the country or state flags. It never occured to me to think of it as anything else, I guess because of course for the first half of my life it was all I ever knew. Now of course I disapprove of pledging allegiance to any colorful piece of cloth and treating like it was something ultra-sacred. There was also one in every church that sponsored our school. Of course, we were told Martin Luther designed it, just like he designed the Christmas tree, cross (as opposed to crucifix), pretzel, and automatic transmission.

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Yes, I predict seeing this flag waving proudly as the Christians ignite the gas chambers and various other torcher chamber devices...



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yup I remember reciting that pledge in chrisitna school (fortunatly I was only in for 1rst grade) and I also remember saying it in awana (agian only 1 year) but I will say that that is a flag I have not seen in a while (thankfully)

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And of course it is from my would be alma mater...Auburn University, Auburn, AL. I almost went here and my dad talked me into the Navy instead.




Not sure which would have been worse...

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I remember being taught to salute that flag and sing the chorus of "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb" as a kid. :lol:



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Umm.... I actually pledged to that flag in the Awana group I was in as a kid. I didn't go often, but when we did, we said that little ditty with much gusto. I liked Girl Scouts better... Awana sucked.


I just read that pledge... ours was a little different. The last line was "One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe."


There was a pledge to the Bible, too. I think it went something like I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. I will make a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. I will hide its word in my heart that I might not sin against God."


..... I can't believe I remember those. Childhood brainwashing sure sticks with you, doesn't it.


Oh yes, this I remember well. I went to Christian school, and we did these right after the pledge. :)

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I remember saying that pledge or one similar a few times. I went to an xian junior and senior high and we had that flag flying as well as the American flag. The Episcopal church I used to attend also had the flag to the side of the main stage.

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Interesting, I have never seen that flag until I found that article.

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"I don't know what it is, but they've brought a flag.’ ‘Damn! That's dashed cunning of them!"


Sorry, I couldn't resist. :HaHa:

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I finally got to see "Jesus Camp" this past Tuesday. :ugh:


There's a woman homeschooling her kids (no, REALLY?) and every morning they do the pledge to the christian flag and the pledge to the bible. Sickening.

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I am declairing December 25th National Burn the Christian Flag Day :grin:



Whos with me??

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Nice! Ill join in. :grin:

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If I had one, I'd join in. A great way to help kindle the ol' Yule log :)

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