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Goodbye Jesus

Apparently Evolution Caused These School Shootings


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Goodbye Jesus

I suppose when you're caught in grief of that depth, you gotta blame something. Even if what you blame doesn't really have anything to do with it.

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Father of one of the kids that was killed at Columbine speaks out on the recent school shootings on CBS and blames evolution and abortion.



Of course, it is all so clear :twitch: I know the guy lost a child, and that is horrible, but it is a private matter, keep it private! What bothers me is that he acts like since his son died in "the" school shooting, he is some sort of authority on the matter. I'm willing to venture that the number of school shottings he has had any affect (effect?) on, either directly or indirectly, is exactly zero. Moron, go away!
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This country is in a moral free-fall. For over two generations, the public school system has taught in a moral vacuum, expelling God from the school [...].


Man, was God mess with school security again? :lmao:


[...] replacing him with evolution, where the strong kill the weak, without moral consequences and life has no inherent value.


I would say this is less to do with evolution and more to do with the prison-like way our schools are run like.


But it's not really about the kids, it's about Gawd and his agenda, isn't it?

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My opinion for what it is worth is that most of the schools shootings that have occured are not because of morals, teaching evolution, abortion (don't think that was offered to my kids as a class). Morals begin at home. Most school shootings done by kids are done because these children were bullied. Bullied by the same Christian folks that are such fine upstanding citizens. Maybe the parents need to think about what they are exposing their kids to at church (we are better then anyone else, it's ok to kill for Jesus), what they say and what they do.


I do hold the school systems accountable in a lot of the cases because of their lack of taking action in cases of bullying. I've seen cases where children were bullied and the school system did nothing. The parent complained, the child complained and they were told to turn the other cheek. That does nothing because it doesn't stop it and only makes things worse for the person being bullied. People can only take so much before they may snap, some just snap quicker than others.


Gee now they are saying the Amish shooting was because the milk man was a child molester a couple of decades ago and had a grudge against God. So because of God he killed innocent children. Had he not believed in God those children may be alive today.

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Playing the Devil's Advocate, couldn't a similar ideal be said about creationism: that man is a horrid, sinful creature that deserves to rot in Hell because of the mistake two naked idiots made millions of years ago. So you better be part of the right religion or you're screwed.

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Never mind the fact that if Gawd were real he could have prevented each and every school shooting. Maybe we should have more schools dedicated to religious teachings like the one David Koresh set up. I am sure he preached against abortion and evolution.



My heart goes out to that man who is obviously grasping at staws. Why don't we blame school shootings on the real heart of the matter, a combination of depression and or mental illness that makes othewise normal people sometimes snap.


I would like to give some of the blame to the media for making huge celebrities out of these mass murderers thus causing a rash of copy cats. We always remember the names of the killers, but never the victims.

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Guest hickory

Never mind the fact that if Gawd were real he could have prevented each and every school shooting. Maybe we should have more schools dedicated to religious teachings like the one David Koresh set up. I am sure he preached against abortion and evolution.


How true. Especially in a school run by such a religious people.


And even more ironic is that while he was doing this, the shooter's wife was allegedly in a prayer meeting at their church praying for the safety of schools and the teachers and students.


Evidence for me that god isn't.

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Most school shootings done by kids are done because these children were bullied. Bullied by the same Christian folks that are such fine upstanding citizens. Maybe the parents need to think about what they are exposing their kids to at church (we are better then anyone else, it's ok to kill for Jesus), what they say and what they do.


If you took bullying, elitism, and the persecution complex out of xtianity, then it wouldn't be xtianity.


But nobody would ever blame Jehovah and xtianity, because there is an easy out: They weren't truely acting in the faith, they were led by Satan. That way, nobody ever has to take responsibility for anything.


My thoughts always go back to that one girl (forgot her name) who was supposedly praying at the time of her death and everybody was weepy eyed about what a good, innocent, Christian girl she was, keeping hold to her faith to the end.


Yeah, thanks God. What a fat lot of help you were. But nobody will blame Jehovah for napping on the job, no, his "unknowable plan" was to martyr this poor girl and somehow that makes it alllll better.

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I don't understand.


America is a country that is over whelmingly Christian.

Christians control local school boards, senate, congress, the presidency even the supreme court

The US level of education is low (particularly in science) compared to other developed nations. A large majority believe evolution never happened.


So how come the moral decline everyone talks about????


Surely your problem is an excess of Christianity!

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I feel for the bereaved parents, but it is far more likely that the home environment of the assailants informed the slayings than the atmosphere of the school.

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Guest Thoth-Amon

Yup evolution did it, so schools should just ignore the fossil record and teach unprovable myths instead. Good idea.

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