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Goodbye Jesus

Upon Death...god "needed" Them In Heaven...wtf!


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Even as a Christian when someone died, I never uttered those words. From where on this green earth did people come up with such an idiotic phrase for comforting those who have lost a loved one? A 36 wife of 15 years and mother of three dies of freakin' cancer and I cannot tell you how many people say, "God called his child home" or "God must've needed her in heaven more than she was needed on earth."


Those have to be the absolute COLDEST fuckin' words of comfort to come out of someone's mouth but yet it is said frequently...what the fuck are they thinking? What the hell would God need with a mom in heaven? Don't an 8, 11 and 14 year old need her more? Isn't it supposedly perfect up there already? What the hell could god possibly need in heaven?


I HATE THAT SHIT! I swear to humanity that if my husband or children ever died before me and someone said that bullshit to me, I'd punch them in their face.


Anyone else loathe those phrases as much as me? Why do people say that, why don't they freakin' think!

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Those have to be the absolute COLDEST fuckin' words of comfort to come out of someone's mouth but yet it is said frequently...what the fuck are they thinking? What the hell would God need with a mom in heaven?




Believe me, I understand where you're coming from. When I lost my son, I had the same things said to me. All it did was piss me off and I would go off on someone. That was pretty much when I broke off the love affair with God and Jesus. Why in the fuck would God need my baby more than I? It was sick then and it is sick now. I do know that people say things like that without thinking and that it must be very awkward for someone to imagine the pain of losing someone if they haven't been through it before. It still doesn't make it any more appropriate, though.

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Exactly - it's sick, cold, and stupid. How heartless could the Xian god be to "call his child home" knowing the anguish those left behind will face, not to mention when he does not show up to offer at least a few words of condolence?


And it highlights the holes in Xian myth; if the Xian god needs anything, the Xian god is therefore not all-powerful, for what omniscient being needs anything yet does not produce it for itself?


People don't think before they write this stuff down, do they? :Doh:

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I swear to humanity that if my husband or children ever died before me and someone said that bullshit to me, I'd punch them in their face.
If someone pulled that stunt on me, they'd be lucky if I *only* punched them in the face. :ugh:


I agree, this "called them to Heaven" crap is pure unadulterated idiocy. If someone's best emotional response is to spew some cheap memorized garbage, it's time to give 'em the Turing Test and see if anyone's home.

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When my roommate died in the fire he started, I had people tell me that, even though according to their religion, there was no way he was getting into heaven because a. he had committed suicide and b. he was agnostic. It was very annoying.

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It's how they get their endorphin fix. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Even as a Christian when someone died,


JEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZUSfuckinchrist! It makes me sick also. Wtf does god need and of us for? What about those 3 poor kids. Fuckin religion sucks.

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Those have to be the absolute COLDEST fuckin' words of comfort to come out of someone's mouth but yet it is said frequently...what the fuck are they thinking?


Nothing. They are desperate. Comfort, yes, it's about comfort... but only for themselves.


Faced with painful truth, with evidence that their "loving" gawd is a coldhearted sadist, they babble about "he called his child home" to rationalize reality to their own twisted minds, lest they realize that their cult's dogma is a load of crap. :Hmm:

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Even as a Christian when someone died,


JEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZUSfuckinchrist! It makes me sick also. Wtf does god need and of us for? What about those 3 poor kids. Fuckin religion sucks.



To stroke his ego, or so I've been told. Oh, wouldn't Freud have a time analyzing the God-thing, if it actually existed.

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Like telling someone who just had a tornado blast their house and kill their dog: "The Lord works in mysterious ways, but remember he helps those who help themselves, and btw, have you been to church lately." :repuke:

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I hate those words. I used to work death claims for a plan that covered 300,000 members and their families, we had three people who had to take the calls when someone died to initiate claims for life insurance. You wouldn't believe what people would say along religious lines when they would call in to report a death. I've heard it all. From it was God's will to they are in a better place.


Frankly you want to cure someone of their religious beliefs? Have them get a job handling life insurance claims. They'll see what a loving God they have. The pain and suffering of those left behind, the pain and suffering the dying went through, baby's dying of SIDS and children dying in car accidents, murder and suicide. Yeah that's a loving God alright.

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Frankly you want to cure someone of their religious beliefs? Have them get a job handling life insurance claims. They'll see what a loving God they have. The pain and suffering of those left behind, the pain and suffering the dying went through, baby's dying of SIDS and children dying in car accidents, murder and suicide. Yeah that's a loving God alright.


But it's okay, because God needs you in heaven...to be the next member of his Holy Hoofers Polo Team!


Oh, yeah.



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But it's okay, because God needs you in heaven...to be the next member of his Holy Hoofers Polo Team!


Oh, yeah.




LMFAO!!! :lmao:

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I hear that shit all the time it's really stupid when you think about it. Last time I heard it is when a baby around here was ran over by a school bus. "oh it was time for her to go home.' what the fuck she didn't get to even have a life.

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I cannot tell you how many people say, "God called his child home" or "God must've needed her in heaven more than she was needed on earth."



Just say, "God's fixing to call your ass home, too...Dipshit!"


I bet that would cure them of that approach.

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Nothing. They are desperate. Comfort, yes, it's about comfort... but only for themselves.


The holy people don't know what else to say. You'd think that pastors would spend sometime educating their flock. Buy hey, they're just as ignorant.

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  • 2 months later...

I truly detest the things Christians say when someone you love dies. In their minds, I think they believe they are trying to be comforting, but the effect is extremely hurtful and really pisses me off. And I am not the best when it comes to controlling my temper when I am already very upset. When my mother died, I had many people tell me "She's in a better place now" to which I replied "So being dead is better then being alive? How do you figure that?" This threw them off for a moment, then they'd say something like "well she's in heaven with Jesus, God has called her home". "No she isn't, you didn't know my Mom at all, she hated Christianity. Why the hell would she be in heaven?" They'd be like "oh". I find that highly offensive because these idiots know that I am not a Christian and that my mother wasn't a Christian either. They don't stop to think that their words are cold, mean, and the ultimate slap in the face. Even at the funeral my brothers couldn't help keeping their preaching to themselves, they used the service as a way to preach to everyone about what happens to unbelievers (like my Mom who's funeral it was) when they die and that it's not too late for godless heathens to repent (looking at me).


And that was the only funeral I've ever been to where I punched someone in the face.

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Even at the funeral my brothers couldn't help keeping their preaching to themselves, they used the service as a way to preach to everyone about what happens to unbelievers (like my Mom who's funeral it was) when they die and that it's not too late for godless heathens to repent (looking at me).

That's cold!


Years ago, when my father died, my then best friend told me he was in hell because he

drank beer and didn't attend church. I guess that's how pentecostals express sympathy? :shrug:


Then phrase I hate the most is when someone says, "the good lord giveths...." and then trails

off, not completing the sentence. I also hate "I'll pray for you". Instead of just letting you know

they are there for you, they feel like the have to insert a plug for their god.

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Just this week I ran into a co-worker whose sister died at the age of 50 less than a month ago. During our conversation about work she brought up her sister. She mentioned that the things that people are saying to her have done little if anything to comfort her. They don't comfort her because she misses her sister terribly and really is down about it all. She also stated that that she needed to get out of the "mood". Meaning missing her sister.


It's not her sister that needs comfort, it's her and telling her that her sister is alright does nothing to help with her being left to carry on without her. We talked for awhile and I told her that while people meant well with what they say to her I realize that it does little to comfort her. I did start off the conversation by saying that I have no words to make it all better, no words can. Our conversation was fairly in depth but the gist of it was that it was all about her and her feelings. She needed validation that what she is feeling is justified and that it doesn't just go away over night.

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Anyone else loathe those phrases as much as me?


I rarely ever hear them over here, but yeah, it's pure crap.


Why do people say that, why don't they freakin' think!


They have conditioned themselves, over a looooong time, to not think ever and just scan others' words for keywords, then choose a cookie-cutter preprogrammed bullshit response.


"Gawd needed her in heaven, badly!"


"Really? Why would an omnipotent entity need this specific human? Why would an omnibenevolent entity rip the mom out of a family?"


"Ooooh watch - a squirrel!"



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