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Hello Everyone:


Today I got to thinking about all this site has done for me over the past several months. Several different threads and posts came to mind.


There were the threads and posts that simply made me laugh, or threads &/or posts which gave me something to think about and caused me to rethink. And the threads and posts which just simply seemed surreal - as in how can people really think this way?


Anyway - I thought I'd start a thread and ask for nominations for the greatests threads &/or posts in your own memory.


I look forward to all of your contributions - and your explanations of why they stand out in your mind.

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There was nothing special about the thread, other than the timing of it. It was really early in my deconversion process and really late at night.


Hansolo, Dogmaticallychallenged, and myself were just cutting up and messing around and being buds. Somewhere in there Amanda made her first appearance here. Started giving us bible verses, and we tore her up. Great fun. Eventually we found out that Amanda wasn't a fundy, but just a sweet kinda gnostic / new agey / spiritual / liberal / brainy lady.


It was over a year and a half ago, and it still sticks in my mind. I guess it was my first kind of a bonding experience with people who had the guts to tell god to stick it.

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Everything I write pretty much blows my mind *badoooo*


Asimov's posts regarding absolutes were pretty mindblowing and correct

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And the threads and posts which just simply seemed surreal - as in how can people really think this way?


All of my posts.


Everything I write pretty much blows my mind *badoooo*.




as I said, "surreal"


Asimov and Redross ... the more you write the more you show your ignorance. You're no different from a fundy - not at all. You'd argue with a fundy till the end of time about whether "god" exists (or not). But - other than that - you're a literalist (through and through).


It is surreal that someone could be so self-centered as to actually post on a forum - when asked for nominations of outstanding posts and threads - "all my posts". Seriously - are you for real. :shrug:


Neither of you have learned anything from anyone else on this board? :shrug:

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It is surreal that someone could be so self-centered as to actually post on a forum - when asked for nominations of outstanding posts and threads - "all my posts". Seriously - are you for real. :shrug:


Neither of you have learned anything from anyone else on this board? :shrug:

At this point I am convinced this is some sort of trolling game for the two of them. Clearly neither of then have any interest in encouraging those who struggle with their beliefs, and have some agenda of antagonizing, disrupting, derailing, and doing anything BUT HELPING.


This was a fine thread that was immediately soiled by the two of them as a tag team of trolls.


I move for the both of them to be banned from the ExChristian.net forums.



P.S. BTW OM, I wouldn't taint the name of surrealism by associating them with being surreal. Surrealsim actually has philosophical value. They however, are just plain old obnoxious, disrespectful, foul-mouthed children.

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At this point I am convinced this is some sort of trolling game for the two of them. Clearly neither of then have any interest in encouraging those who struggle with their beliefs, and have some agenda of antagonizing, disrupting, derailing, and doing anything BUT HELPING.


This was a fine thread that was immediately soiled by the two of them as a tag team of trolls.


I move for the both of them to be banned immediately from the ExChristian.net forums. Any seconds?

I object. They may be dicks but I respect them. Also I would expect such antics while in the lions den.


Also, Asimov has helped me (unknowingly) with my deconversion. I respect his debate style and have attempted to use it on numerous occasions with various christians.

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At this point I am convinced this is some sort of trolling game for the two of them. Clearly neither of then have any interest in encouraging those who struggle with their beliefs, and have some agenda of antagonizing, disrupting, derailing, and doing anything BUT HELPING.


This was a fine thread that was immediately soiled by the two of them as a tag team of trolls.

I object. They may be dicks but I respect them. Also I would expect such antics while in the lions den....


Taylor and Antlerman let's not get too involved in their childish antics. I can see the both of them right now - sitting around laughing at getting people all worked up. You're right, Antlerman, they're trolls (maybe not fundy trolls - but they're trolls just the same). Let's not feed the trolls.


I'm still interested in the original question.... in which I asked for nominations for the greatests threads &/or posts in your own memory.

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I object. They may be dicks but I respect them. Also I would expect such antics while in the lions den.


Also, Asimov has helped me (unknowingly) with my deconversion. I respect his debate style and have attempted to use it on numerous occasions with various christians.

If they are to remain, then I suggest they be kept solely within the Lion's Den with the other fundamentalists, and out of the Colleseum and the rest of the site where more serious discussions occur. This site is not about them and their testosterone-driven egos. It is about encouraging ExChristians. Too many threads have been derailed, and it is hurtful to this forum. I consider this behavior to be disruptive and self-severing on their part.


Like you, I do appreciate and value differences of opinion and ideas. But I appreciate it in the context of civilized discussion, and not foul-mouthed attacks against members of this community. I would welcome their continuation in these discussions, if in fact they genuinely were an exchange of ideas, and the foul-mouthed disrespect of members stopped. This however has already been addressed to them and it is continuing to be disregarded without respect for it. They are showing an utter disregard for the purpose of this site, and any respect of its members. It needs stop now.




P.S. My apologies to OM for this disruption to her thread. I will go on my hunt for my favorite threads now.... :grin:

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Anyway - I thought I'd start a thread and ask for nominations for the greatests threads &/or posts in your own memory.


I look forward to all of your contributions - and your explanations of why they stand out in your mind.

Personally one of my recent favorites was the post from Tyrone Williams called Reinforcing the Fairy Tale

I feel he is right we can not afford to remain silent. We need to start speaking out and letting people know we are here and what we are all about (Personally I believe most here are about truth and being realistic). We may not agree on all issues but I am sure most can find some common ground.

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Personally one of my recent favorites was the post from Tyrone Williams called Reinforcing the Fairy Tale


I feel he is right we can not afford to remain silent. We need to start speaking out and letting people know we are here and what we are all about (Personally I believe most here are about truth and being realistic). We may not agree on all issues but I am sure most can find some common ground.


We cannot afford to remain silent.


I agree completely. Can you post a link to this thread/post please?


For years I've been actively involved in interfaith dialog. People ask me why I invest so much energy in this and I tell them "we cannot afford to remain silent".


Silence is what has allowed the extremists to gain control. People have to start stepping up to the plate and standing firm when they disagree with extremism. That is the only way things will change.

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Asimov and Redross ... the more you write the more you show your ignorance. You're no different from a fundy - not at all. You'd argue with a fundy till the end of time about whether "god" exists (or not). But - other than that - you're a literalist (through and through).


It is surreal that someone could be so self-centered as to actually post on a forum - when asked for nominations of outstanding posts and threads - "all my posts". Seriously - are you for real. :shrug:


Neither of you have learned anything from anyone else on this board? :shrug:


God you guys are fucking uppity. It was a joke. You understand what that is right? Calling for banning, what utter bullshit is this? Someone gets their ass handed back to them in a discussion and they're sore about it for that long? Grow up.



Anyways, when Zach Moore, Crazy Tiger and Mr. Neil were on board, their posts regarding evolution were pretty amazing. Zach Moores debates are awesome and he knows his shit.


Bruce's debate with Ssel.

Pritishd (ScepticOfBible) has some pretty sweet posts on theology.

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God you guys are fucking uppity. It was a joke. You understand what that is right? Calling for banning, what utter bullshit is this? Someone gets their ass handed back to them in a discussion and they're sore about it for that long? Grow up.
No not uppity - just tired of both of you and your game playing. It became obvious to me - a long time ago - that (in your mind anyway) you have the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I'm tired of it, Asimov. I'm tired of you nitpicking words apart and not participating in the spirit of the threads on this board. I'm tired of your literalism, I'm just tired of you derailing threads for your own ego. So.... I called you on it. Joke, or not, it was stupid and childish and egotistical.


Anyways, when Zach Moore, Crazy Tiger and Mr. Neil were on board, their posts regarding evolution were pretty amazing. Zach Moores debates are awesome and he knows his shit.


Bruce's debate with Ssel.

Pritishd (ScepticOfBible) has some pretty sweet posts on theology.


Finally - a response from you that meets the spirit of the discussion.



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Joke, or not, it was stupid and childish and egotistical.


Well, I thought it was very clever, childish and egotistical, but we can agree to disagree.


Finally - a response from you that meets the spirit of the discussion.




Well it's true, there are some people who, in regards to certain subjects, I could never even dream to achieve their level of understanding and prowess.

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ROFLMA, the one that sprang immediately to mind was the fundy that popped in about a year or so ago and posted that the Virgin Mary could be seen on his foggy window....we had a FIELD DAY! It stands out because the poster was really, really, really upset that we couldn't see what he "saw", he came unfreakin' glued and we were making the wisest and most sarcastic comments with it possible, it was a complete blast. I will never, ever forget that.


BTW...Did Mr. Grinch change his name to "his" name because Tryone Williams who did that MAGNIFICENT thread regarding "Fairy-Tales" has a VERY familiar writing style. ;-)

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ROFLMA, the one that sprang immediately to mind was the fundy that popped in about a year or so ago and posted that the Virgin Mary could be seen on his foggy window....we had a FIELD DAY! It stands out because the poster was really, really, really upset that we couldn't see what he "saw", he came unfreakin' glued and we were making the wisest and most sarcastic comments with it possible, it was a complete blast. I will never, ever forget that.


BTW...Did Mr. Grinch change his name to "his" name because Tryone Williams who did that MAGNIFICENT thread regarding "Fairy-Tales" has a VERY familiar writing style. ;-)


:wub: Mr. Grinch (checkmate, Tyrone Williams...sp?) is by far one of my favorite writers on this site. Just about every post (or thread) of his gives a no nonsense upfront, brutally honest and to the point clarity that I admire greatly, he definitely has a gift to write, I in particular love to watch him debate it out with Christians, it is one of my favorite pastimes! :HaHa: .


My Two other favorites to read are Vigile_del_fuoco1 :wub: and chefranden :wub: for both of their wisdom, great knowledge and courage to ask difficult questions about the government. I have learned much from all 3 posters. I don't really have a particular thread per say, it's their over all contribution to the site. I just wanted to add my $ 0.02 :thanks:

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ROFLMA, the one that sprang immediately to mind was the fundy that popped in about a year or so ago and posted that the Virgin Mary could be seen on his foggy window




The VIRGIN MARY STEAM STAIN! OMG that was absolutely priceless..


He thought he'd just blow us all away. Poor dude didn't know what hit him.



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The VIRGIN MARY STEAM STAIN! OMG that was absolutely priceless..


He thought he'd just blow us all away. Poor dude didn't know what hit him.




WOW ... that sounds like a great thread. Can one of you provide a link?


I don't recall that thread at all. :grin:

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Here it is, OM. Only thing, I don't think the pic of the Virgin Mary steam stain is there any more.
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This is my personal favorite post from Mythra on Achan's little kids. I laughed so hard that day I cried. (It should be read in the context of the previous postings about the story): http://www.ex-christian.net/index.php?s=&a...st&p=199997

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I'm such a brown noser, but anything by Tyrone Williams...I love reading his blog!

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My ears were burning, so I figured I'd better check in and find out why. You guys keep it up and my swelled head won't be able to fit in here any longer! :wicked:


Yes, just for the record: Checkmate = Mr. Grinch = Tyrone Williams. All me. Thanks for the compliments.


Now, as for my favorite posts...I don't have any particular one that leaps to mind, but my favorite POSTER was always Madame M. I miss that woman terribly.


After her, came TexasFreethinker. I may have an excellent writing style, but those two always made me think and inspired me to improve upon my communication skills.

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Here it is, OM. Only thing, I don't think the pic of the Virgin Mary steam stain is there any more.


:lmao: Oh, Mythra...THANK YOU for the link, I didn't relook at it before but I'm glad I did. I was dying of laughter all over again.


Open_Minded, I was "Thankful" back in the early days and I'm kicking myself for asking for so many name changes and for having Dave remove my old posts...WTF was I thinking? I had a paranoid phase or something. Oh well. :shrug:

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Here it is, OM. Only thing, I don't think the pic of the Virgin Mary steam stain is there any more.




Thanks, Mythra - you're right. That thread is a hoot. Wish I'd been around to participate.


A few threads that stand out in my mind.


  • Get Your Prayers answered Now - started by Fwee. 25 pages and it still moves to the top of the Lion's Den occassionally.
  • And then there is the time ChristianForums went down for several days and we were flooded with fundies.
    Several of us got into a converstation about the implications of this. HanSolo started it by suggesting that ....
    CF being down for so long... maybe it's a sign from the Cute Bunny?
    Message to CF: "Repent you evil bunny haters! The Cute Bunny hates bigots, but he loves making love!"
    Or something... hehe
    It just went down hill from there. ;)

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