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Uss Liberty


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Has anyone else heard of the USS Liberty incident that happened in 1967? In my years of growing up as a war nerd in the US of A, I never recall hearing of this incident. In my mind, were this to be true, it would rank right up there with the Kenedy assassination as a national scandal. For those of you that are skeptical that the US government or the British gorvernment would ever attack its own citizens as a pretext for war (Think 9/11 or the 7/7 London subway bombings), give this one due consideration.


Attack on the USS Liberty

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Has anyone else heard of the USS Liberty incident that happened in 1967? In my years of growing up as a war nerd in the US of A, I never recall hearing of this incident. In my mind, were this to be true, it would rank right up there with the Kenedy assassination as a national scandal. For those of you that are skeptical that the US government or the British gorvernment would ever attack its own citizens as a pretext for war (Think 9/11 or the 7/7 London subway bombings), give this one due consideration.


Attack on the USS Liberty

I know about it, but then I was a crypto tech in the Navy. I actually worked with a guy that was on that boat during the attack.
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Found this while looking for an article about the sinking of the USS Maine, which is widely considered to have been an accident, which was covered up in order to provide pretext to the Spanish/American conflict.


I can't vouch for this link, but it's interesting nontheless: http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/2002/How-T...-A-WarMay02.htm


Here's an interesting quote from the article:


Churchill’s memoirs of WWI state: "There are many kinds of maneuvres in war, some only of which take place on the battlefield.... The maneuvre which brings an ally into the field is as serviceable as that which wins a great battle."

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