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I heard this on the radio this morning and had to laugh...


People ask me, "Pastor, tomorrow's Friday the 13th. Are you superstitious?" I say, "Absolutely not! I believe in the providence of Almighty God!"
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In other words "Yes, but I don't want to admit it!"

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In other words "Yes, but I don't want to admit it!"


More like "Yes, but I didn't think about that!"

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I used to avoid watching certain movies as on xtian radio shows they said that watching certain movies and TV shows would bring demons into your house and bad luck. I missed out on some good movies ( especially Miyazaki's anime movies), and now I'm trying to get myself aquanted with some of the "satanic" movies out there.

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I heard this on the radio this morning and had to laugh...


People ask me, "Pastor, tomorrow's Friday the 13th. Are you superstitious?" I say, "Absolutely not! I believe in the providence of Almighty God!"



The "providence of god" is all superstion pastor bastard!

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Reminds me of a time I bought a couple of items in a grocery store and by chance, the total just happened to come out to $6.66. The cashier got really spooked out and tried to get me to add a roll of lifesavers or some such item to my purchase. I'm normally one to ignore something like this rather than antagonize the Christian, but in this case, it was so sudden and tangible and she came on so strong that I just responded, "I'm not superstitious." Then her eyes got REALLY big as she exclaimed, "It's NOT superstition!" I stuck to my guns, paid my $6.66, and the cashier had horrified a look on her face like she was selling goods to the anti-christ himself!



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That's a great story, ShackledNoMore...


Anybody remember the Proctor and Gamble "moon and stars" trademark? It appeared on all their products...soaps, detergents, toothpastes since the late 1800's. Some ignut sect came up with the idea that "666" was hidden in that world famous logo (this was I believe back in the 1970's) and their was such a stir that P&G removed the logo from their products. It's become an urban legend.


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Reminds me of a time I bought a couple of items in a grocery store and by chance, the total just happened to come out to $6.66. The cashier got really spooked out and tried to get me to add a roll of lifesavers or some such item to my purchase. I'm normally one to ignore something like this rather than antagonize the Christian, but in this case, it was so sudden and tangible and she came on so strong that I just responded, "I'm not superstitious." Then her eyes got REALLY big as she exclaimed, "It's NOT superstition!" I stuck to my guns, paid my $6.66, and the cashier had horrified a look on her face like she was selling goods to the anti-christ himself!




Years ago, a friend of mine would buy "the meal of the beast" at the little coffee shop at the university we attended. I think it was a meatball sub with a drink and something else...with tax, exactly $6.66. Best bought with a demonic giggle.

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I buy LOTS of computers, sometimes as many as 500 - 700 at a time for my place of business. I noticed for awhile the trend in computer clock speeds went something like this: 133 Mhz, then 166 Mhz, 233 Mhz, then 266 Mhz, etc., etc.

One computer I purchased was a 667 Mhz machine - Hewlette Packard would not release one clocked at 666 Mhz.

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Stevie Wonder is the truth, enough said. That's hilarious though, how the pastor believes in superstition so much, he has no way of trying to warp his mind around the entire concept. As an outsider, I can honestly say that any religious belief that places something external as the head is supertitious outright.

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One computer I purchased was a 667 Mhz machine - Hewlett Packard would not release one clocked at 666 Mhz.


That was an Intel idea, wasn't specific to HP machines. Intels excuse was that the actual speed was 666.5 or some such, so they were rounding up. Of course they'd never rounded before, just making sure the fanatics didn't freak out when they read the specs.


There used to be a couple of buildings where the owners refused to have a 13th floor. One just went 12, 14, the other had 12a, 12b, 14... stupid thing is that if no one ever told you to be worried about 13 (or Friday the 13th) there is no way you'd ever come to that conclusion yourself.

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