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You May Have Demons!


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One of a few reasons which brought me to question the Bible is this:




If you have cancer, you may need to forgive some people before those demons come out. If you have certain other diseases, you may need to change your eating habits before the demons come out.


DELIVERANCE is not a one time shot. It is a daily walk. You can't walk in DELIVERANCE daily until you are first walking with JESUS daily.


Get some help from others or do SELF DELIVERANCE. By the way, the demons are on the INSIDE of you in your mind, will, emotions, body, personality, and all the nooks and crannies.


Your Spirit (where the Holy Spirit resides) cannot be inhabited by demons. However, they indeed do surround your Spirit so you can not be the total instrument God wants you to be.




Yep!! These people think EVERYTHING is demon related. They even think if you put a note on your door saying "NO DEMONS ALLOWED IN JESUS NAME" you'lre doing yourself a huge favor. They are anti-Christmas, anti-easter, anti-video games, anti-music, anti-EVERYTHING because they believe that demons are EVERYWHERE... This really confused me and actually had a major influence on my destruction of faith.

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Guest Durthorin

Well considering I was told once I was a demon by a Christain because I was "t


Well considering I was told once I was a demon by a Christain because I was "t


becase I was too nice.


(that was weird dropped part of the reply)

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Years back a ex gf and I use to hang around a guy that went to a local Victory Outreach. Well he told us we had demons inside us and he want to cast them out. So on one certain night we show up at his house where he has his wife and some other friends over. The women went into one room and the men went into another room with me. The men gathered around me holding hands and saying prayers (I guess the women were doing the same). They told me to close my eyes while they were praying so I did. After a while I could hear my gf in the other room making all kinds of weird noises (I guess the demons were coming out) :HaHa: I just kept my eyes closed and when they were all done he asked me if I felt any better. I told him I felt the same as when I walked in so his response was that I must have a strong demon inside me and he would need more people and have to do more research on this. He wanted me to come back at another time


My gf came out all happy and demon free(she was still psycho)


Anyway I never went back but looking back it was kind of ridiculous and funny at the same time


Some people I know that I have told this story to before tell me I still have a little demon (referring to my little head of course) :wicked:

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Guest Durthorin

As a Pagan my belief in demons is a tilted head and a "sure" I don't really believe in exteranl embodiment of evil. What i do believe in is energy, we create manifitations of that energy .. positive or negative and some times they sort of wander. A. We're responable for them B. They tend to do more harm to their creators than anyone else. You want to spend a crap load of time directing hate and venom and someone well .. odds are your creating a real nasty pool of it within yourself that tends to make you someone no one wants to be around.


Brighid Bless, Dur

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Don't demons negate all the b/s that Xian's peddle about freewill? What if I don't believe in god via christ-on-stick b/c I am demon-ridden? The demon is obviously stronger than I, being that it is supernatural, so what does why is my freewill a liablity? They can't be prayed out by me, nor by a real bona fide Xian, so it's not my fault. Jesus isn't mighty enough to cast them out, so god isn't much help.


So yeah demons...I dig 'em.

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What a sad little world some people live in.


And the gawdammed organ music on that site. :loser:

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How does one go about distinguishing:


"Demons" causing bad things to happen to hinder your progress and destroy your faith




"Angels" causing a bad thing to happen to "help you develop spiritually"?

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That website reminded me of the chruch lady playing the midi-orgin in Edward Sicisors Hands. Creepy little site they've got there.


What I'm wondering is if those who really, really believe that stuff are just untreated schizophrenics? I really believe that most religious messiahs in history actually suffered with that. Schizophrenics can be very convincing in their delusion, escpecially when talking so convincingly about things that frighten people. The afterlife, demons, hell, the wrath of God, etc.


All you need is some very convincing person who really sees this stuff as completely real to gain a following of believers, and you have the beginning of cult, and with enough political opportunity, a religion. Now look back at the great founders of major religions from that point of view. Kind of puts things into a new perspective. :scratch:

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When you are Born Again as a Christian/Believer/True Worshipper, JESUS/Holy Spirit comes to abide in your SPIRIT. Demons CANNOT get INTO your Spirit.

So JESUS/Holy Spirit is like a demon, but only of the teflon kind?


You are a tri-une being - BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT. Your SOUL is your MIND, WILL and EMOTIONS.

So I am triune being? Which I guess means that each division leads somewhat pretty independent lives. So my body can live without my soul and the others shop at different stores as well. Lovely!


First is your BODY.

Ah, see, the first independent part is the body.


Christians can have a sickness/disease just like the unSaved. That's caused by demons (if not caused by other factors).

Wait a minute, I thought Christians were already saved. Can you have an unsaved Christian? ha ha. And just how do they know if this disease sickness is caused by other things. I smell an escape clause here.


Second is your SOUL. Do you have a bad temper? That's a demon. Is there mental illness in your family background? That is a demon. Do you have trouble serving God? That's a demon. Do you have problems with bad thoughts? That is a demon.

Pretty broad here. Trouble serving god? Reason must be a demon too.


And despite whatever difficultly one might have " serving God," wouldn't they have been already saved in order to be serving god n the first place?


Third is your SPIRIT. Demons cannot get into your SPIRIT, but, the demons surround your SPIRIT like a glass jar surrounds its contents, and you have trouble serving the Lord JESUS the way the bible tells you to do or that you want. The contents of the jar cannot get out until you remove the lid (demons). Deliverance can get rid of the demons.

Remove the lid to let the demons out? But wait, I thought you said that demons surrounded our SPIRIT. But do we need to remove the lid to let JESUS/Holy Spirit in? And if I do that, what's to stop demons from also getting in? Oh wait, they already are? Hmm. But if I am told that is it my will alone to allow JESUS/Holy spirit in to cast out the demons – at least block them, then why do I need JESUS/Holy spirit at all?


Whew...being a triune being is difficult. I guess I need to be saved three times now.

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This is amusing. My estranged mother-in-law told me a while back that I am "oppressed by demons". Not long after, my estranged-sort-of-ex-husband told me the same thing, because it wasn't possible for someone to be the way I am naturally, so demons MUST be oppressing me.


And this is supposed to HELP?!

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Demons make great entertainment. I love all those movies about 'em, with the slick makeup and glitzy special effects. Pinhead (from the Hellraiser series) is one of the best.

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Pinhead, "Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell!"

Great line.

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This is amusing. My estranged mother-in-law told me a while back that I am "oppressed by demons". Not long after, my estranged-sort-of-ex-husband told me the same thing, because it wasn't possible for someone to be the way I am naturally, so demons MUST be oppressing me.


And this is supposed to HELP?!



Some help! The only demons are in their fuckin minds!


One of a few reasons which brought me to question the Bible is this:




If you have cancer, you may need to forgive some people before those demons come out. If you have certain other diseases, you may need to change your eating habits before the demons come out.


DELIVERANCE is not a one time shot. It is a daily walk. You can't walk in DELIVERANCE daily until you are first walking with JESUS daily.


Get some help from others or do SELF DELIVERANCE. By the way, the demons are on the INSIDE of you in your mind, will, emotions, body, personality, and all the nooks and crannies.


Your Spirit (where the Holy Spirit resides) cannot be inhabited by demons. However, they indeed do surround your Spirit so you can not be the total instrument God wants you to be.




Yep!! These people think EVERYTHING is demon related. They even think if you put a note on your door saying "NO DEMONS ALLOWED IN JESUS NAME" you'lre doing yourself a huge favor. They are anti-Christmas, anti-easter, anti-video games, anti-music, anti-EVERYTHING because they believe that demons are EVERYWHERE... This really confused me and actually had a major influence on my destruction of faith.


The instrument god wants me to be is between my legs!lol

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What a fatastic way to explain it!! :lmao: I've been struggling with trying to explain the pagan concept of 'spirits' for a while, now. Thanks!


As a Pagan my belief in demons is a tilted head and a "sure" I don't really believe in exteranl embodiment of evil. What i do believe in is energy, we create manifitations of that energy .. positive or negative and some times they sort of wander. A. We're responable for them B. They tend to do more harm to their creators than anyone else. You want to spend a crap load of time directing hate and venom and someone well .. odds are your creating a real nasty pool of it within yourself that tends to make you someone no one wants to be around.


Brighid Bless, Dur


Whoops, the above was supposed to have this quote!

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Pinhead, "Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell!"

Great line.


Hellraiser rocks! They're at, what?, 7 movies or something close and still original! :grin: I love Pinhead! :wub:

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